Blacks need to know when enough is enough

Filed in National by on August 1, 2009

First Glenn Beck with Obama is a racist that hates white people (including his mom and her parents I guess) Now Coulter telling us how minorities, blacks and women should act. Don’t worry,she’ll be on Hannity. What she said wasn’t the opinion of a network. So, it’s all good.

COULTER: In fact, I have been — at least in the initial crankiness by Professor Gates, I’ve been somewhat of a defender of his, in as much as I’m someone who travels a lot. I get a lot of — I get cranky, too, especially after a long trip from China.

What can’t be defended, I think, is the next 48 hours, the next week,

when he could calm down and think, oh boy, I over-reacted. Wish I hadn’t done that. But I think that is a problem. Both aggrieved minorities and aggrieved females are told to take every slight, interpret everything as it’s because your black. It’s because you’re a woman. I don’t think that’s good for blacks or females.

I don’t think it’s good for the rest of the country.

And there is one thing I’d like to say about the studies on racial profiling, and even the Bush administration coming out with them. The Bush administration itself suppressed a study that disproved eight billion racial profiling studies about the New Jersey State Troopers. There was a scientific study setting up cameras of people speeding. It turns out New Jersey State Troopers, by scientific evidence that was — the Bush administration kept rejecting and rejecting — were stopping, if anything, not enough blacks.


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hiding in the open

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  1. The President is not a racist and neither are 99.9% of Americans.
    Mike Protack

  2. cassandra_m says:

    The usual suspects defend Coulter’s idiocy as not being serious, but funny.

    I would like to know what was supposed to be funny about that clip DV posted.

  3. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Any students of slavery history?

    Enough is enough when there is a flat playing flied on every level in U.S.A. society. Equality transparency and real justice for all. Oh, yes, and the fulfillment of the 40 (prime) acres and a mule or today’s monetary equivalent.