Right Wing Townhall Harassment Strategy

Filed in National by on August 1, 2009

So I guess given the persistent ratcheting up up the paranoid, hateful and just plain fact-challenged rhetoric of the wingnuts this can’t be a surprise — one of the teabagging organizers is providing detailed directions on how to disrupt townhalls held by Democratic congresspeople this August:

The lobbyist-run groups Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks, which orchestrated the anti-Obama tea parties earlier this year, are now pursuing an aggressive strategy to create an image of mass public opposition to health care and clean energy reform. A leaked memo from Bob MacGuffie, a volunteer with the FreedomWorks website Tea Party Patriots, details how members should be infiltrating town halls and harassing Democratic members of Congress.

Their marching orders? Look here:

– Artificially Inflate Your Numbers: “Spread out in the hall and try to be in the front half. The objective is to put the Rep on the defensive with your questions and follow-up. The Rep should be made to feel that a majority, and if not, a significant portion of at least the audience, opposes the socialist agenda of Washington.”

– Be Disruptive Early And Often: “You need to rock-the-boat early in the Rep’s presentation, Watch for an opportunity to yell out and challenge the Rep’s statements early.”

– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate: “The goal is to rattle him, get him off his prepared script and agenda. If he says something outrageous, stand up and shout out and sit right back down. Look for these opportunities before he even takes questions.”

Lee Atwater before he repented would have been really proud of this. Joe McCarthy would have been delighted to see his own tactics refined so well. Don’t even pretend anymore to anything resembling an intelligent debate or basic respect. Just get out to these townhalls, be really disruptive, get as much media attention as possible and hope that the bullying actually intimidates both Congresspeople and attendees. And all of this from the Party of Victimization — who apparently aren’t so victimized that they don’t mind bullying other people. Change the conversation to your own personal bad behavior so that those interested in talking with their Congressperson never get a real chance to do so.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (54)

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  1. We’ll have to see how well this works now that people are onto it. I hope the audience at the townhall will shut these people down because they really want to hear about the issues. What will happen, if they are successful is that Congresspeople will stop having townhalls, and that is a real tragedy.

  2. farsider says:

    God bless them, everyone.

  3. pandora says:

    The way to deal with this is to engage them at the meeting. Ask them a question concerning their positions and why they feel the way they do – expose them for the no-nothing fools they are. A you-tube dream.

  4. And these people bitched and moaned that some of us liberals had the gall to protest a war which we all now know to have been based on complete bullshit? These assholes are pathetic and they cheapen the meaning of protest.

  5. farsider says:

    And you have the gall to bitch and moan while some have chosen to protest the unwarranted and unconstitutional intrusion by the government into the private lives and business of it’s citizens with bullshit justifications.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    See what I mean the paranoid, hate-filled and fact-challenged? And farsider shows up here just like clockwork to give us a firsthand look.

    No one cares about a protest. We do care about specifically disrupting and threatening a legal gathering. Just because you people can’t find any better way to communicate other than your silly tantrums.

  7. farsider says:

    I am neither paranoid, hate-filled nor fact challenged. I believe we have the greatest country in the world and am willing to help stop Obama from chaning it.

  8. ” I believe we have the greatest country in the world and am willing to help stop Obama from chaning it.”

    Is this Crazy Eileen?

  9. cassandra_m says:


    Waiting on birth certificate in a baggie now….

  10. You are worried about nothing. If someone disrupts a meeting or asks silly questions their cause is damaged. If a U S Comgressman/Woman can’t handle themselves in such a situation they should not be in office.

    Freedom of Speech doesn’t mean it has to be intelligent speech but it should be protected nevertheless.

    Mike Protack

  11. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Those opposed to Sin. Craper’s funders and voting record might want to test this agenda IF he holds a ‘townhall’.

  12. These right wing nut jobs want to ensure their democratic rights by disrupting the democratic debate process…isn’t this rich?!?

    Lee Atwater on his last days, called those who he lied and spread damaging rumors about. He needed to clean his soul to clear his conscience. One of the people he made sure he called and apologized to was Willie Horton, of the Dukakis Presidential Campaign.

    When Lee appeared on Frontline as his means to apologize to the nation through the mass media he is quoted as saying, “I was wrong to follow the meanness of Conservatism. I should have been trying to help people instead of take advantage of them. I don’t hate anyone anymore. For the first time in my life I don’t hate somebody. I have nothing but good feelings toward people.”

    Maybe those of the fanatic right wing should learn the lesson that Lee Atwater finally learned in the end. Much like the Mid-1800’s ship captain who wrote the religious hymn, “Amazing Grace.” After spending most of his adult life shipping African people to the New World to become slaves, it was in his later years that he was so driven by regret and self loathing that it was hard for him to even live with himself on a daily basis.

    One only has to look at who the fanatical right wing of the Republican Party and what they are promoting as their means to their ends to see how sick and demented their minds really are.

    Great Posting and keep up the good work.

  13. Rich Boucher says:

    “I am neither paranoid, hate-filled nor fact challenged. I believe we have the greatest country in the world and am willing to help stop Obama from chaning it.”

    – Delaware Blogosphere Celebretard “farsider”, on the topic of batshit crazy morons disrupting town hall meetings conducted by Democratic Congresspeople.

    “Freedom of Speech doesn’t mean it has to be intelligent speech but it should be protected nevertheless.”

    – Local Delaware bonehead and Baba Booey (Fa, Fa, FOOEY) lookalike Mike Protack, on the issue of freedom of speech.

    Protack and Farsider,

    Sit down. Shut up. I TOLD you not to be stupid, you morons. Be silent, and let folks with more intelligence than you have a say.

    Shhhhhhhhh. Be quiet; smart people are talking.

  14. anon2 says:

    There is only one way to deal with the NUTS. You must show your drivers license at the door. They are bussing these low life morons in to make sure there is no real debate on any issue. They will do anything to disrupt a meeting.

    They will be screaming about Obamas birth certificate, socialized health care all meant to disrupt and keep real voters from asking questions. Need to know when the next Carper Town Hall is, please post should anyone find out.

  15. anon2, we’re the last to ever find out when Carper and Castle have town halls. Hmm . . . I wonder why.

  16. N Waff says:

    : Sounds like a great idea.
    : Conseratives going to townhalls and making their voices heard.
    : Power to the people.

  17. Their purpose isn’t to make their voices heard, their purpose is to deny everyone else a chance to speak.

  18. "Bussed In" says:

    no right wing conspiracy – sorry.

  19. then people are even dumber than we first thought

  20. Tom S says:

    but Cindy Sheehan was not

  21. Ya gotta love those talkin' points says:

    …Was not what?..

  22. gwil says:

    You left wing commi basterds are idiots. Brain washed and misinformed to the point you don’t know whether to wined your ass or scratch your watch.

    I think we all agree there needs to be health care reform, but why in the world would you want the govt to control it. Look at Social Security and Medicare. What a joke! Stand up; grow a pair for goodness sakes. You claim to be Americans….ACT LIKE ONE!!!! Stand up and demand your govt assist the people in drawing up reform….NOT A TAKE-OVER PROPOSAL!!!!

    Of the 46 million uninsured, 11.4 million individuals are in families making less than the poverty level and are eligible for public assistance but have chosen not to enroll. Another 18 million are in their 20s. This younger group tends to be healthier, and thus some of these individuals may choose to forgo spending money on insurance in favor of other things. Roughly 9 million are in families making over $75,000 a year. The scope of the problem is how to insure the group of 8 million individuals who make less than $50,000 a year but more than their state’s threshold to qualify for assistance through Medicaid or similar programs.
    Eight million people may need help, not 46 million.

    It is your right, NO YOUR DUTY to question the government in every possible meaning of the word. That includes public town hall meetings. IF you have a problem hearing your representative, then call him on the phone; write a letter, send an email. I am quite sure that his/her response and comments are scripted so you don’t have to worry about having anything left out.

    Secondly, the govt was not created to bail your dumb asses out of situations you let yourself get into. You make bad business decisions and let your company get into financial ruin, you figure out a way to fix it. Don’t go crying to MOMMY to save your dumb ass while you let these wreckless CEO’s get away with Billions and the employees are the ones hurt. Time to pop the titty out of your mouth and grow up. You have essentially turned our govt into an investment firm with no rules or regulations. Great Job!!!

    Finally, please tell the president to quite flying around the world apologizing to all these countries that feel we have wronged them. Do you know how much money the U.S. sends to other countries in foreign aid??? Multiple Billions of $$$$$$$$$$$. Give me a break. He is making us all look like a bunch of PUSSYS!!!!

    For goodness sakes, get you heads out of your asses.

  23. liberalgeek says:

    Ladies and Gentlemen – gwil is here for your entertainment. please feel free to point and laugh. This is a freakshow after all.

    See what why we need more funding for education?

  24. farsider says:

    Lets see round one would have to go to gwil, having made points rather than taunting and failed stabs at humor.

    In fact, if you cannot understand his points or address them, liberageek I would have to agree you require a more advanced level of education.

  25. liberalgeek says:

    No, see this is the analysis of gwil in two steps:

    Step 1:

    Starting out a statement with

    You left wing commi basterds are idiots. Brain washed and misinformed to the point you don’t know whether to wined your ass or scratch your watch.

    pretty much ensures that you are not interested in doing anything useful with the rest of your statement. Set aside the atrocious spelling and grammar and ask yourself if someone walked into a room of people that he had never met and said the same thing, would anyone take them seriously? Thought so.

    Step 2:

    There is no step 2.

  26. gwil says:

    WOW liberalgeek!!

    That response was even wittier than your first. Especially the spelling and grammar comments. You really know how to hit a guy where it hurts.

    Way to flash your liberal brilliance.

  27. Suzanne says:

    farsider and gwil are so convinced of their opinions and are so willing to “stand up and speak out” that they feel the need to come here and post without using their real names.

    Wow, you two must really be proud of your viewpoints.

  28. gwil says:

    Why would knowing my real name make any difference to my views and or your lack there of. I am not looking for a date. I have listed below a couple of the more popular dating sites for you.

    http://www.eharmony.com (Singles looking for Love)

    http://www.ashleymadison.com (Married looking to cheat on your spouse) Probably developed by liberalgeek.

    Good luck to you.

    btw…If we are all going my real names here, liberalgeek’s parents must have really loved him.

  29. Delaware Dem says:

    I agree, Suzanne. Knowing a commenter’s real identity is immaterial. Combat the argument, demean them, belittle them and the commenter. But you don’t need to know the real identity. That is called outting.

  30. Delaware Dem says:

    And Gwil, go fuck yourself with a metal pole for your attacks on LiberalGeek, you insipid knuckledragger.

  31. Rich Boucher says:

    “commi basterds”.

    Thanks for the laugh, local neo-con/RETARD gwil!

    Looks like I’m going to have to hit you,
    just like I’ve hit Baba Protack, with a CLUE-BY-FOUR.

    *wallops you in the nads with said clue-by-four*

    Brains, or GTFO, gwil.

  32. gwil says:

    So maybe “commi basterds” doesn’t apply to you. Pretty evident by your reply the idiot shoe fits pretty well.

    Will you please put the drink down go to a meeting and respond when you have cleaned your act up.

  33. Rich Boucher says:

    Someone who said on here “He is making us all look like a bunch of PUSSYS!!!!” is going to tell me I look like an idiot.

    That’s so rich I could put it in my hot chocolate.
    Jesus, gwil, thick as the ever-loving brick, aren’t you?

    Now, run along, son. Like I told you.

  34. Calling someone a word for female genitalia is a compliment.

  35. 4NMATR says:

    Too funny… and I’m ashamed that most on this forum are too obtuse to really see what is going… and what HAS been going on.

    1. Suzanne, what is your lastname, ssn, address and home phone number? You get the point?

    2. Most think in gwil’s post is accurate, rather confusing… or maybe someone has a problem with his post’s grammatics. The only exception might be all of you are not pussies. However, most of you probably are. This includes but is not limited to Rich (likely AKA Dick).

    3. Knuckle dragger goes right along with “The ‘N’ Word”. I am for equality for all races (white, black, off white, yellow, purple and green). I do have a problem with purple and green though. They’re likely not from ’round this world if they are in that part of the spectrum. Albeit, a liberal likely would make some sort of exception.

    4. I wouldn’t say commi… but most others on this post are likely advocates of socialism. Maybe not advocates of socialism, but you’re supporting legislation leading to socialism.

    5. ACORN has generated a socialistic wave of:
    a. forcing the government to sign legistlation to press our banks to fund loans to people who they knew would not repay. One of the last “bills” Clinton signed off on involving NINJA loans (1999)… some sort of “Reform” Act… can’t remember the name though.

    b. allowing ACORN to submit voter registration for people who do not exist. Guess who was at the front of ACORN… our current president. Google it if you like. He also accepted campain contributions of @ 800K from ACORN during his primaries.

    c. ACORN (Barack) pressured the goverment into forcing Fanny Mae and Freddie Mack to fund securities to banks to people who could not afford them. I was “The American Dream (to own a home)” act.

    5. Bush was a “puppet” to a Dem senate and house. How in the hell could any president accomplish anything under those circumstances?

    6. Posting on this forum is like trying to teach a bunch of blind folks how to play with Lego’s.

  36. 4NMATR says:

    Delaware Dem…

    I have suggestion for you as well. Go play “hide and go fuck yourself” for as long as it takes Rich to acquire some sort of satisfaction and then holla’ back in the morning… dumbass.

  37. Rich Boucher says:

    4NMATR said, “…but is not limited to Rich (likely AKA Dick)…”

    Likely? What? You think it’s somehow
    in doubt as to who I am?! My picture is on my posts here, numbnuts.
    Even if I closed my eyes, I still couldn’t
    fap to how much FAIL you are.

    Intelligence, or GTFO.

    dipshitsrus.net/index/contributors/4nmatr/failtards/epic/SUP, bitch.

  38. Delaware Dem says:

    I think “Socialistic wave” is my new favorite phrase.

  39. Delaware Dem says:

    You conservatives really have gone where no man has gone before. Off the deep end.

  40. gwil says:

    Liberal Idiots,
    Thank you so much for all of your intelligent responses and insight. You have surely given us a glimpse of why this country is on a runaway freight train…..Last stop, Socialism and in the near future Communism.

    We know your picture is on your post which brings up another question. We can all see that liberalgeek enjoys sniffing his fingers, but what in world are you doing? I know, you must be the teacher. Makes since now.

    Delaware Dem,
    I think it is in the best interest of your party, NO the country that you throw your computer away and never talk to anyone again. Your insightful comments and take on others stands are too painful to stomach. Although, your 9 year old vocabulary and use of curse words is very impressive. Better yet, lets see if there are any openings with the govt nuclear research labs on the effects of radiation and primates.

    Unstable Isotope,
    No matter what your mom or your gym teacher taught you, being call a woman’s genitalia is not a compliment.

  41. Von Cracker says:

    And there goes another episode of The Self-importance of Being Gwil.

    wudda tosser.

  42. liberalgeek says:

    gwil – your ignorance is annoying. You have obviously come here to “tag” us like some sort of electronic graffiti artist with no artistry at all. That’s fine. But we don’t suffer fools lightly, and you are most certainly a fool.

    Your inability to think lead you to make utterances that could just as easily be on a bumper sticker. Commies, socialists, liberals, oh my! You want to engage in a discussion, great. If you want to show up and act like a thug and your stay will be short and brutal.

  43. farsider says:

    Short and brutal like the beatdown given and ‘N’ word insults dealt by SEIU thugs in St Louis ?


  44. anoni says:

    http://hotair.com/archives/2009/08/08/video-carnahan-attempts-to-explain-right-wing-assault-comment/ ^

    After his town-hall meeting, Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-MO) decried the “assault” on his constituent meetings by right-wing activists. Jamie Allman, a St., Louis talk-show host, attended Carnahan’s press conference the next day and asked Carnahan to explain why the only people arrested for assault at his town-hall meeting were ObamaCare supporters — specifically, union thugs who assaulted opponents of the health-care reform plan. Suddenly, Carnahan got a lot more universal in his accusations: It “got out of control on both sides”? Did anyone from the opposition start cracking heads at that rally?

  45. Von Cracker says:

    ah, taking the effect and making it the cause, I see, anoni?

    the bullies can’t take what they dish.

    nice try!

  46. anoni says:

    I get it, VC thinks the police are part of the VRWC and that’s why the aarrested the Union thugs… er I mean brave heros of the revolution.

  47. Von Cracker says:

    It’s a shame you can’t fit Bill Clinton’s penis into your equivalency somewhere there, but I guess unions will do for this time.

  48. Von Cracker says:

    un-moderate me, por favor.

  49. anoni says:

    I am sick and tired of people who say that if you
    debate and you disagree with this administration
    somehow you’re not patriotic!! We should stand up
    and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate
    and disagree with any administration!

  50. Von Cracker says:

    who’s saying otherwise, tough guy?

    but let us continue to watch your flailing around in a pool of self-identified victimhood.

    it’s entertaining, in a court jester sort of way.

  51. DB says:

    The worker bees are getting damned tired of caring for you queens

  52. 4NMATR says:

    Anoni, farsider, et. al.,

    I ponder as to whether or not the acronym of VC for Von Dicknose should not be interpreted as VD (not sure how the C came about?). I feel certain this is the more appropriate of the two acronyms. Can’t say much more for Dick (himself), Dem Rep, nor Suzanne “the wannabe identity thief”.

    Gwil, you and I have suggested very specific facts. Facts about how liberals are driving this country into the toilet. All the lib’s can do is comment about grammar, spelling, and take small cracks.

    There has yet to be a Lib acknowledge why anything being presented toward legislation with our new government is something good for our country? Most can only say much about nothing about anything? So I ask, what is it that might be better with our government than was before? How and why will it be better? And at whose expense?

    As for VD’s obsession with Clinton’s penis… not sure what that’s all about? Likely some sort of posture because VD does not have anything else to say about things that really matter toward our God given sovereignties as individuals. If he needs more information about Clinton’s penis, I can think of AT LEAST one person who can provide all the info needed. She has a blue dress with the DNA to prove it.

    And WTF good is a “Town Hall” if you’re not going to allow debate over critical decision making. Especially when those decisions involve our livelihood?

  53. Von Cracker says:

    Reads like I’m arguing with Palin. (hint: that’s not a complement)

    suck on it.

  54. zach says:

    bout time you liberial racisits get a taste of your own medicine!!!