Afternoon Open Thread

Filed in National by on August 3, 2009

The tea partiers are putting their heckling strategy to work. Will harassment and thuggish behavior really help their cause? As a commenter at TPM asked – are these the same people who thought it was o.k. to arrest Henry Louis Gates for disorderly conduct in his own house?

The birthers have found a shiny new object to play with. It’s a forged Kenyan birth certificate for Obama. Isn’t it funny how Hawai’ian birth certificate examination experts will accept a Kenyan birth certificate at face value. The thorough debunking is found at this link.

Michelle Malkin thinks people are living large on unemployment insurance. Dope.

Joe Sestak will make his challenge to Arlen Specter official tomorrow. This is one race I’m really looking forward to. Hint to Joe: don’t use the phrase “Joe-mentum” again. Both Joe Sestak and Arlen Specter are scheduled to appear at Netroots Nation next week in Pittsburgh.

Ford has shown its first monthly sales increase in two years (as well as year-over-year sales increase) because of the popularity of the “Cash for Clunkers” incentive.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. anoni says:

    The Washington Examiner ^ | 8/03/09 | David Freddoso
    Twenty-eight percent of Republicans believe President Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States, and 30 percent are “not sure,” according to this poll. But before liberals begin to smirk, here’s a poll from 2007, in which 35 percent of Democrats said that President Bush knew in advance about the 9/11 attacks, and 26 percent were not sure. So if 58 percent of Republicans are living in a delusional fantasy world because they are out of power, then 61 percent of Democrats were doing the same thing until just recently (perhaps they still are). It’s a clean, apples-to-apples…

  2. Nice try, anoni. Name one bill that was sponsored in Congress by a truther.

  3. anoni says:

    “Will harassment and thuggish behavior”

    aren’t you the guys who cheered Code Pink everytime they disrupted a congressional hearing???

    oh yeah… it’s patriotic discent and demonstration when the left does it, but when the majority speaks up, that’s just “thuggish”.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    Besides which, Bush has a PDB that announced that al-Queda was looking to attack us. I don’t think that there is a government briefing or notice about Obama’s birth certificate.

    So am I the only one who thinks that anoni is awfully threatened by something to spend so much time over here trying to get some acknowledgment of his multiple lies?

  5. anoni says:

    Cynthia McKinney – Wikip

    On October 26, 2004, she was among 100 prominent Americans and 40 family members of those who were killed on 9/11 who signed the 9/11 Truth Movement statement, calling for new investigations of what they perceived as unexplained aspects of the 9/11 events.[6] McKinney was re-elected to the House in November 2004, following her successor’s run for Senate. In Congress, she advocated unsealing records pertaining to the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., and an investigation into the murder of Tupac Shakur and continued to criticize the Bush Administration over the 9/11 attacks. She supported anti-war legislation and introduced articles of impeachment against President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

  6. sillylazypoorperson says:

    anoni is one funny honkey. laz time i was at the sto a majoritee wuzn’t 20% of a bunch of lozers (99% of wich iz angry old white folkz) dat appeer to not likz a black dude

    not sho what majoritee dis cracka is talkn bout

  7. cassandra_m says:

    Signing statements and calling for investigations DOES NOT EQUAL introducing legislation.

    But you point out an interesting difference between Dems and repubs — eventually our lunatic fringe gets marginalized. You give yours radio shows, you elect them to Congress and you implement litmus tests for the rest to make sure they are just as lunatic.

  8. I don’t like Code Pink much either. Freedom of speech doesn’t just exist for dissenters. Shouting down and drowning out is infringing on other’s people’s free speech rights. I don’t think they’ve dragged out any teaparties, have they? McKinney got kicked out of Congress.

    Yes, Cassandra, my understanding of that poll result is that they lumped people who said the Bush ignored the threat (truth, August PDB) with people that actually thought Bush knew about the attack or help plan the attack.

  9. anoni says:

    Video: Edwards promises Truther he’ll look into collapse of WTC 7

    Here you go — the pride of the nutroots, politely declining to tell a 9/11 conspiracy theorist to go to hell. How can he? His base is filthy with them.
    Chilling takeaway: the applause at the end.

  10. sillylazypoorperson says:

    Twenty-eight percent of Republicans believe President Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States, and 30 percent are “not sure,” according to this poll.

    dang, I unly understant half dat crap you cutnpasted over hear and I still think it sez republicans is one dumb bunch of sheeple. If u iz so smart how come u cutnpaste that trash?

    hate has a way of blindin this nuklehead dats fo sho

  11. sillylazypoorperson says:

    anoni? any dem dudz go en kill cops like dat pollack didz?

  12. anon says:

    “Nice try, anoni. Name one bill that was sponsored in Congress by a truther.”

    Hey unstable, how many Senators were on the 9/11 investigation committee?

  13. I am not sure Sestak will win and will Labor support him. Trumka seems to be supporting Specter.

    As for the harassment strategy I disagree with that format. You may get some folks to join you but you do not move your ideas any further, assuming you have any.

    Mike Protack

  14. anon says:

    I was thinking it’s a real bad day for republicans. Ford posted its first profit in nearly two years this month. Why? Cash for Clunkers, a huge success both in car sales and getting gas guzzlers off the road.

    USA Today has a story on how the stimulus money is being spent and saved the states asses (even Texas!!!!) from disaster, including massive cuts in education and health care.

    The stock market had its best July in 20 years.

    More cops on the streets. Thank you dems.

    Existing home sales show grow for third straight month. WHY? The dems package to give cash to those buying a home. I know two people that just got their checks in the mail. Both are spending their money on home improvement. Gee. I wonder if that will help the economy. Thank you Barrack.

    So, MP and others can try and find something wrong, but slowly and surely, the dems ideas and swift action are working. We saw what happened with the ‘turn the other way and pray it gets better’ republican philosophy. It got us into this mess. Thank God for new ideas and new results.

  15. Good point, anon. The whole Congress was truther, as was the Bush administration!

    We told the Republicans that they needed a better strategy other than hoping for failure. The continuing economic weakness has started hurting the president’s poll numbers a bit but the Republicans’ poll numbers are tanking more. People don’t like obstructionists!

  16. cassandra_m says:

    Politifact has done an extensive debunking of one of the emails flying about lying about what is in HR 3200.

    There’s going to be more of this debunking coming up this month — I wonder if we shouldn’t put up a page of links to them?

  17. Rich Boucher says:

    Michelle Malkin is quite possibly an even crazier neo-con bitch than Ann Coulter. And she really needs to shut her cross-eyed, 4’11” mouth about social policy, what with her being on record as having endorsed (via an entire BOOK, no less!) f**king INTERNMENT CAMPS.

    To Ms. Malkin: A-Cup tits, or even a little bit of brains, or GTFO!

  18. callerRick says:

    Maybe they’ve learned from the Black Panthers, who ‘guarded’ polling places in Philadelphia with nightsticks, and who went unpunished by the BO DOJ, even though a long-time civil rights activist (a Democrat, I forget his name) called it the most blatant case of voter intimidation he’d ever seen, which included many years he spent working in the deep South.

    More Socialist-Democrat hypocricy.

  19. MJ says:

    What does it take for a court sanction an attorney who continues to waste the court’s time and resources with frivolous filings? Taitz needs to pack her shit and head back to Russia.

  20. xstryker says:

    Maybe they’ve learned from the Black Panthers, who ‘guarded’ polling places in Philadelphia with nightsticks, and who went unpunished by the BO DOJ, even though a long-time civil rights activist (a Democrat, I forget his name) called it the most blatant case of voter intimidation he’d ever seen, which included many years he spent working in the deep South.

    Number 1: Those were members of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP), which was denounced by the original Black Panthers (the Huey P. Newton Foundation) and sued by them over the name.
    Number 2: Only one man, Samir Shabazz, had a nightstick. The DOJ obtained an injunction against Shabazz, but dropped the suit against the NBPP itself after the NBPP suspended the Philly chapter over the incident.
    Number 3: The NBPP is indeed listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League – but not by the US Government (which could have done so at any point during the Bush Administration, but didn’t).
    One possible reason why the NBPP is not recognized as a hate group by the US government is the fact that it has never conducted a campaign of organized violence, unlike the KKK or the Aryan nations. Nevertheless, it is an openly racist group that engages in violent rhetoric.
    Because it is not identified as a hate group by the government, its members have the same right to apply to serve as poll watchers as anyone else.
    Brandishing a nightstick outside a polling place is clearly a violation of the Voting Rights Act, and so police carted off Samir Shabazz after a Republican poll watcher rightly complained.
    The DOJ most likely dropped charges against the NBPP due to a lack of any evidence that Samir’s action were ordered by any party member.

    I, personally, would like the NBPP banned from polling places, but I’m not certain one man with a nightstick is legal grounds. Sadly, we will likely have to wait for their violent rhetoric to turn into action – as it did with Dr. Tiller’s Operation Rescue-influenced murder – before serious action is taken (or more hopefully, until they are caught in the act of making violent plans).

  21. I don’t condone violence and intimidation by any group.

    I’ve never heard of a Socialist-Democrat. Is that the new radio handler term?

  22. anoni says:


  23. tuctensumma says:

    This looks cool so far, what’s up people?
    If there’s anyone else here, let me know.
    Oh, and yes I’m a real person LOL.
