Filed in National by on August 4, 2009

How much is Clinton getting paid to go over to North Korea?

additional q:

Is it me or is the new Republican meme, “We can’t sustain at this level without raising taxes”?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    First, what does “QFW” mean? I suppose Q is for Question. Question For Week? Poor grammar.

    Second, he is being paid nothing.

  2. question for wednesday douche

    source that says he getting paid nothing?

  3. Talk about a scary option. The North Koreans will release women to Bill Clinton, yikes.


    Mike Protack

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Donviti…. it is Tuesday.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    Hahaha, Mike Protack, after many long years, finally made a funny joke that is actually joke and not just his policy positions.

  6. donviti says:


    Question for Whoever douche!

  7. I always considered it Question For Work.

    Hmm, so now Protack (Airline Captain, not Pilot) has corrected DD and made him laugh in genuine humor, all in less than 12 hours. DD is slipping and fast.

    Oh, and technically speaking, DV, they are right that it is unsustainable, at that level without raising taxes. The unspoken, inferred part of that line is to take it to a lower level via cuts. So, the drawn out equation is to keep it at this level and raise taxes, or cut it down to a lower level and don’t raise taxes.

  8. mike w. says:

    โ€œWe canโ€™t sustain at this level without raising taxesโ€?

    That’s not a Republican meme, it’s basic common sense.

  9. cassandra m says:

    It’s a meme until the oh so worried repubs actually propose the new taxes they think we need.

  10. Dorian Gray says:

    BTW, I believe “Question for Whoever” is also grammatically incorrect. Someone will surely correct me but after the preposition ‘for’ I think you need to use the subjective “whomever”. Anybody? ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Actually, DG, I think you are grammatically CORRECT!

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    Mike W endorses raising taxes. News at 11.

  13. anon2 says:

    Maybe Obama should have sent the porn mustached one to get the women? Protack are you a good pilot? I ask this because your judgement on most any topic is so lame and uneducated it would be hard to imagine your logic in the air should go unquestioned.

  14. Perry says:

    For whomever. The object of a preposition is put into the objective case of the pronoun. Thank you, Ms Mattera, for teaching sentence diagramming to me in 1949, and Ms Finney, for reinforcing it for four years in Latin. (I am ancient, back in time with the dinosaurs.)

  15. mike w. says:

    “Mike W endorses raising taxes. News at 11”

    Oh hell no. I endorse cutting spending & the size of government. It simply amazes me that Obama would make a promise not to raise ANY taxes on anyone making under $250K and then proceed to go on a rampant spending spree that makes Bush look like a fiscal Conservative. (of course anyone with common sense should know that his promise was BS and totally at odds with all the shit he wanted to spend money on.)

    This unprecedented spending puts him in a position where we must either raise taxes or cut spending. We know he and the Dems aren’t going to cut spending, since they want MORE stimulus and seem to have a penchant for throwing around trillions without a care in the world.

  16. Tom S says:

    We all know why Billy C went…without Hillary…