Arlen Specter Thinks He Will Win The Democratic Primary

Filed in Delaware by on August 5, 2009

Arlen Specter defends his vote for McCain/Palin. I’d like to hear him defend quitter Palin.

Specter is facing a real Democrat in the primary, Joe Sestak.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. anon says:

    Maybe he’ll be able to bring moderation to the Democrat party.

  2. Dana says:

    Wonder if President Obama and Senator Casey will go to bat for Senator Specter, as President Bush and Senator Santorum did in 2004. If they do, I think that they’ll find that Senator Specter’s loyalty is to Arlen Specter, period.

    I was the smart one: I voted for Pat Toomey in the 2004 senatorial primary, and Jim Clymer in the general election; Mr Specter has demonstrated the wisdom of those votes.

  3. chuck says:

    Agreed. I’ll be donating to Sestak.

    8:34, it’s the DemocratIC Party. Get it right.

  4. anon says:

    Hey chuck,

    I’m making fun of Specter. Get a life.

    Besides, Democratic is a weird way to spell SocialisT.

  5. Okay, just call them DemocratIC socialists then everyone is happy. Missing Joe won’t win the primary. I am all for him pulling Specter to the left. Senator Toomey has a nice ring to it.

  6. It’s the Democratic Party, but we know the Repulican Party is full of petty, impotent, angry people who apparently don’t know grammar very well.

  7. Rebecca says:

    I think this primary is very telling about how far this country has moved off-center and swung over to the right. We’ve got the faux Democrat, Spector, running against a retired admiral, Sestak, who is, let’s face it, not exactly a progressive dream. This is a Democratic primary??

    Folks, my greatest fear is that our party is going to be inundated with refugee Republicans. As they flee their nutso party they are headed our way and we must be very, very vigilant that they don’t drag us along with their agenda.

    More than ever Delaware Liberal and all the rest of us progressives need to stand loud and proud to remind our fellow Democrats of our core principals. Blue Dog Democrats indeed. Rat-fink traitors is a more appropriate descriptor.

    Oh my, I’m feeling feisty this morning. ;o)


  8. Sestak is not known outside of his district, Sestak has served 2 1/2 years in the House, Rendell is supporting Specter,Sestak is behind 55-25%.

    The nutso party is the Dems. It is funny to watch the Dems blame the GOP for stopping health care reform and other issues. The Dems have huge majorities and can’t get anything done except spend money and ruin the economy.

    The incompetence and craziness of the Dems has helped put the GOP back on their feet.

    Mike Protack

  9. Yes, Rebecca, I agree. There needs to be a non-crazy opposition party for the Democrats. What moderate Republican in his/her right mind would want to run for office right now?

  10. Scott P says:

    Rebecca and UI, I have floated out a couple times another possibility — a third party. This would be a combo of the non-wingnut, rational (yes there are still a few) Rebuplicans teamed with the Blue Dog, ConservaDem type Democrats. Do I think it will happen, no. But I can imagine it. This new party would take the place of the GOP, which despite Mr. Protack’s delusions, is quickly becoming a marginalized, southern white party. As Gallup shows, there are only 4 solidly GOP states left.

  11. Rebecca says:

    Scott P,

    We don’t have a parlimentary system in the U.S. and third parties never work, except as electoral spoilers. What might occur, and has historically, is that the current Republican Party becomes extinct and another party replaces them. There would be some poetic justice to that after what they enabled George The Terrible to do to our country.

  12. Scott P says:

    Rebecca — That’s where I was going with that – replacing the GOP like they basically did to the Whigs. I agree that political irrelevance (even more so than they have now) would be a fitting punishment for inflicting Presidents Bush and Cheney on us.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    Ha! Dems have too much moderation in their party as it is!

    Specter’s in deep trouble, if CW holds up. I believe the PA primaries are closed, so mostly it will be hard core Dems and liberals voting in the primary. Yeah, a few Rush-driven nutjobs will register D to vote for Specter then reverse back to vote for Toomey but that amount won’t be much.

    Also, PA has a sore loser clause. So Arlen would not be allowed to run as a Indy if he loses the primary.

    Wilson Goode could run against Toomey and win, well maybe not but you get the point.