Enough of the Mob

Filed in National by on August 5, 2009

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. The DNC Gets a Pair : Delaware Liberal | August 6, 2009
  1. Dang, you made me delete my post. For the record, I had it ready to go before anon’s comment.

    It’s a great ad. The DNC is fighting fire with a flamethrower. More like this, please. I don’t understand why the DNC has behind on the response, especially after the playbook was reported on by Keith and Rachel.

  2. One point I don’t agree with the ad: “They’re Back”.

    From reading this blog on a daily basis, I know that “They Never Left”.

  3. So true, nemski, but in the media-world they don’t exist unless it’s reported on. They treated the Castle-Crazy Eileen confrontation like it was unusual and a one-time thing.

  4. BTW, you can find out about health care events in your area at this this link: http://www.healthcareforamericanow.org/

    Also, Firedoglake is keeping track of events here: http://campaignsilo.firedoglake.com/2009/08/05/fdl-action-whip-it-day-42/

  5. PBaumbach says:

    Are you confused and uncertain about what will happen when health care reform passes? There is so much information and misinformation it is hard for us all to discern the truth. So we are bringing to you a real expert who can explain the bill and how it will help us here in Delaware. Kathleen Stoll and Families USA are nationally known for their work to educate the public and government about what works in health care today.

    There’s a forum in Newark this Monday at 6:30pm. A flyer is at http://udel.edu/~rtfield/Training.pdf

  6. Von Cracker says:

    How about that idiot teabagger yelling at so-and-so equating “government-run health care” (his words) with Obama’s 6-month search for a dog. “If it took him THAT long to find a dog…blah, blah…” lol

    And the funny part was that this guy was serious!

    Best and brightest of the right, i guess.

  7. That was quite brilliant. I am not surprised that it slipped by you. Let me break it down. The President of the United States being concerned about the allergies of one of his beloved children stood against any forced time tables to find a dog. As important as it was to keep his promise, he needed to do no harm first. Time frames were not as important as getting it right.

    When it comes to the health of my family he says ram it through and read it later. Do you see a problem?

  8. cassandra m says:

    Only if you think that they are ramming this through. Kennedy was having hearing on health care reform more than a year (edit — a year and a half ago) ago.

    So here you are again with the lying.

  9. Chavez would be proud of the DNC. Peaceful people expressing themselves by cheering their fellow citizen is now likened to some mob rampaging through the city. You guys thought Joe McCarthy had no shame at least he was exposing Commies were dedicated to destroying America. You guys are blasting private citizens who merely ask for answers from the elected officials as some sort of illegal mob. The DNC is worse than he ever could be painted as being.

  10. PI says:

    The call to action at the end of the ad could backfire. When people actually do call, the GOP will do their level best to distance themselves from the wack-o’s.

  11. Where was the bill that resulted from those hearings? You know very well that even members did not have a bill until recently. To call your name calling disingenuous would be polite. So you are being disingenuous when you pretend that this was not being rammed through.

  12. cassandra m says:

    It took them quite some time to pull together the bill that emerged from the HELP committee. A thing you would know if you were following the process and not just following what Glenn Beck tells you.

    If you are not working from the facts, then you are lying to people. Full Stop.

    And I’d like you to explain how people in a crown calling for Chris Dodd to kill himself to cure his cancer counts at “peaceful” expression. And until you can explain that, you need to stop making that claim.

  13. Yes, and hanging Rep. Kravotil in effigy – is that also peaceful protest? There’s a difference between protest and rioting. Not allowing others to speak is not just protesting.

  14. anoni says:

    SEIU Campaign on Economic Stimulus vs. Tea Parties and Town Halls

    SEIU’s “Change That Works” Campaign help fix the nation’s broken healthcare system and guarantee workers can freely decide whether to join in a union. As part of the campaign: Outreach efforts and other activities are planned in 35 states SEIU members have committed to more than 1,000 members and staff working full-time in the field and dedicated 30% of the union’s resources to the campaign. Already approximately $10 million has been set aside to build and mobilize public support in key states. SEIU has hired or assigned full-time state campaign directors for each of the 35 states. SEIU has created a “war-room”…

    1000 paid aggitators and a $10 million dollar budget! Who’s “Astro Turf” in this fight?

  15. Scott P says:

    anoni, obviously you don’t understand the difference between campaigning and astroturfing. The difference is in the projection of who is doing the campaigning. An “AstroTurf” campaign is one based on deception. These townhall thugs, as with the tea partiers before them, are trying to make it seem like they are spontaneous, random citizens in a justifiable outrage. In fact, they are field operatives for major rightwing lobbying groups led by the likes of Dick Armey and Newt Gingrich. The difference with SEIU — they did not try to hide who they are or what they are doing.

  16. cassandra_m says:

    Scott, anoni is one of our local wingnut trolls, who isn’t much sure of anything unless his radio handlers tell him specifically. Which would tell you why he’s a wingnut troll.

  17. And in 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . anoni will respond with “Acorn!”

  18. I really need to update the Republican Excuse-Making Guide again.

  19. MJ says:

    All I can say after watching this is YES!!!! It’s about damn time we slapped these fools upside their heads and shoulders.

  20. mike w. says:

    I guess “dissent is patriotic” no longer applies now that Bush is out of office…

  21. edisonkitty says:

    Dissent is still patriotic. It’s just that being a jerk at public gatherings in such a way that no one else can get a word in edgewise is a darned disrespectful way to go about it.

  22. anon says:

    I don’t even mind them being jerks or disrespectful; they have the right. I just want the media to cover it as such. And to not let us forget it is centrally organized.

  23. truthatlast says:

    The health care debate should focus on people losing their homes because they can’t afford health care, whether they are insured or not. The debate should focus on people who cannot afford medication or medical procedures, whether they are insured or not. At every town hall meeting, people with real problems should be featured to speak. In addition, the debate should focus on how much more health care costs in the US compared to other industrialized countries and the burdens these costs place on workers, governments and businesses. In other words, we need a rational, problem centered debate rooted in the pain and inefficiencies of the current mess we call the health care system.

  24. Suzanne says:

    One of the nutcase callers into WGMD today said screaming Eileen should write a book. First Joe the Plumber and now Crazy Eileen…

  25. Art Downs says:

    SEIU is one of the more corrupt unions and takes advantage of a relatively unsophisticated membership.