Townhalls Gone Wild! — The Commerical

Filed in National by on August 6, 2009

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. anon2 says:

    Dick Morris has a new email out distributed by the right wing Newsmax! “We must defeat Obama Care”! John Conyers stated at the Poets Luncheon today “Obama will be a one term president if he doesnt make some bold moves on the public option. Conyers is of course a progressive and author of HR 676 the single payer bill before Congress. Progressives will not support any plan that comes from the Congress/Senate without a Public Option, single payer. The progressives have enough votes to stop the blue dawgs.

  2. anoni says:

    good news, plenty of jobs for you moonbats:

    (north beach / telegraph hill)

    Date: 2009-08-05, 3:01PM PDT

    Reply to: see below

    YOUR CHANCE TO CURE THE HEALTHCARE CRISIS! THE PROBLEM: Rising Healthcare Premiums Healthcare costs in the US have doubled in the last 10 years, and they are projected to double again in the next 8 years, unless we pass reform through Congress this summer. Families and businesses are scraping to afford coverage, and many are being dropped by their provider after they get sick. THE SOLUTION: A Public Health Insurance Option President Obama’s public option would allow millions of Americans to afford the coverage they seek. The option would create a more competitive market and drive down the cost of health insurance for everyone. Big insurance companies know this, and they are working adamantly to stop us. So we’re going out and building a grassroots campaign that’ll bring the power back to the people—not corporate CEOs. THE STRATEGY: People Power Over the past 30 years CALPIRG has stood up to powerful interest groups. Corporate insurance companies have far too much influence over Congress, so CALPIRG is pushing back to reduce rising healthcare costs. The Fund for the Public Interest has organized grassroots campaigns for more than 25 years. We have defended human rights, protected the environment, and fought for the average consumer. Our partnership with CALPIRG is an exciting campaign that aims to bring the power back to the people, and away from the wallets of corporate CEOs. We need people like you to become involved with healthcare reform—and make some money in the process. Joining this campaign will allow you to work with some of the most motivated people in the region. Together, we can make change happen. Earn $4,000-$6,000 this summer! To apply for a job this summer, visit our website: or call Natasha at 415-622-0064.

  3. anoni says:

    From Craig’s List:

    Stop Complaining. Start Organizing! $400-600 Per Week (Minneapolis)
    Date: 2009-08-03, 11:59AM CDT
    Reply to: see below

    President Obama’s top priority for Congress is health care reform. Insurance companies are spending over a million dollars a day lobbying against the reform, while feeding myths and fears to America. It will take the same grassroots energy that got Obama elected to see the change we voted for. Our work isn’t over.

    Build support for health care reform with U.S. PIRG. Mobilize activists to cut the cost of health care, expand coverage, and stop sick from getting dropped by insurance companies. Go out in your community and make change happen. Make friends and money along the way.

    Earn $400-$600 per week. To apply for a job, call Chris at 612-331-1434.

    The Fund for the Public Interest has been working for over 25 years with organizations such as Sierra Club, Environment America, Human Rights Campaign, Progressive Future and U.S. PIRG to win concrete victories for the public interest. We are the nation’s premier nonprofit for raising money, building membership and winning grassroots campaigns.

    * Location: Minneapolis
    * Compensation: $400-$600 Per Week
    * This is at a non-profit organization.
    * Principals only. Recruiters, please don’t contact this job poster.
    * Phone calls about this job are ok.
    * Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

    PostingID: 1303502752

  4. Of course, these PAID POSITIONS aren’t astroturf — but citizens organizing to oppose the policies of the Obama Regime are astroturf.