If you haven’t seen this yet, please do

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009

This video pretty much lays out what the rest of the US is against.  If I can find it, there is a video of Rachel completely shredding a guy associated with all this, I believe it is Tim Phillips who she speaks about in this clip.


HAHHHHH I found it.  Oh man, this is classic and you will be seeing this around I’m sure!!!


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hiding in the open

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  1. As alaways left wingnut Maddow is all wrong. Her 100 viewers might agree but she is dead wrong.

    The public option is indeed government run health care and if you read any of the bill you would see that fact. Every aspect of insurance is set by the government and takes patients away from their own health care. Read the bill.

    A key element of Obama’s failed plan is to cost shift money out of Medicare to the public plan. Read the bill.

    Living wills are not the issue but the extension of care to others in the public plan has to be funded by reduction or suspension of services to the elderly. Read the bill, it is all there.

    The public option and Obama’s plan are DOA.

    Mike Protack

  2. Rachel is awesome! This same guy got taken apart by CNN’s Rick Sanchez, of all people.

  3. anon2 says:

    Protack and Jenson discussing health care! Protack is such a liar and a hypocrite. When he ran for “guvner” he had his own universal health care plan, which he insisted while running was similiar to single payer! Jenson wants to stretch the truth into making people believe that “someone” is paying the teabagger, lunatics to show up at these town halls. Who has said that? Protacks mother was on medicaid? Mike that is a single payer program you idiot! Living wills have been around for years…and we all need one unless we want the right wing fringe interfering in our families business about our “end of life care”.

    Protack claims “his” universal plan was a PRIVATE option, not a PUBLIC option! Right Protack lets keep the for profit greedy corporate whores stealing our health care dollars and throwing people off their roles when they get sick. Is Protack the spokesperson for the GOP in Delaware~ lets hope he is!

    In Dover….tomorrow…Freedom Rights et al the corporate whores in Dover tomorrow? Hey Mike is the CRI gonna be there too? You cant make this shit up.

  4. anon2 says:

    Hey mebbe, Crazy Eileen will show up! Claiming they will have 1000 people on the mall tomorrow? How fast can you spell delusional? This could be a great youtube moment bloggers.

  5. Rich Boucher says:

    “Did you set up a 527 called The Faith and Family Alliance in Virginia?” – Rachel Maddow’s clear, unambiguous question.

    “Initially – we – I was helpful in doing that” – Tim Phillips’ dodgy “half-answer” to a simple fucking question.

    Talk about sleazy. This guy Phillips doesn’t stop sweating during the entire interview.

    Thank you for this, Mr. Don.

  6. I like the part when he says Rachel is “attacking mob violence” and she says she’s against mob violence. LOL. He’s admitting to inciting mob violence! She sure did get him tied up knots didn’t she? And she did it without shouting over him or being rude.