JMY’s Music for the Masses-Healthcare Reform Edition

Filed in National by on August 8, 2009

A medley dedicated to the dream of universal healthcare for all:

Jill Sobule covers the master: 


Anyone need a Doctor? 


Definitely NSFW but a classic treatise on aging and doctors: 


The lyrics on this 80s track sure seem to apply to Washington DC as it struggles to afford us a basic human right: universal healthcare: 


One must-see cartoon song: 


For those that stand in the way of Health Care..a stern warning for not supporting the common good from the Man in Black: 


John Young


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  1. For the record, El Somnambulo LOVES JMY’s choices. Seriously, if advocates for healthcare reform were looking for the perfect mix tape, this is where they should start. Plus, BIG Ups for featuring Jill Sobule.

    Truly inspired!

  2. John says:

    Why thank you, and a quick note:

    Please watch in IE, the firefox has two screens for each video.

    I am honored to be a “contributor”


  3. John Young says:

    I saw Jill Sobule open for Warren Zevon at Park West in Chicago 1997, amazing memory.

  4. John Young says:

    only me and you so far…..