Now This is How It’s Done

Filed in National by on August 8, 2009

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has an interview with CNN where she is asked about the idiot John Bolton — and she just laughs:


When they bring up their usual go-to pundits who are peddling the usual crazy and bamboozlement — you laugh at them. Treating them seriously just gets them more airtime.

ps. Bolton was on All Things Considered on Wednesday saying the usually atrocious stuff, some of it outright lies. They got alot of letters about that — excoriating them for fake balance. Good for them.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. delacrat says:

    The good shepherd goes in search of the lost lamb.

  2. Delaware Republican says:

    What lies and and what atrocious stuff?

    Mr. Bolton has correctly pointed out N Korea is going to continue to push a viable nuclear program which will include ICBM’s no matter how crude.

    In the past, he has been critical of the Bush Administration and also the Obama crew. Neither have been effective at stoppong the nuclear proliferation by N Korea who have in turn helped other rogue states.

    So what has Hillary Clinton done to stop this wanton spread of nuclear weapons. I will save you the trouble-nothing.

    Mike Protack

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Yes, the North Korean leader is a man that refuses to participate in anything unless he gets enough press for it… Reminds me of someone…

    Oh, and Bolton is a Bush stooge. He should be ignored with all of the effort that we ignore Protack.

  4. Tom S says:

    So who is negotiating with North Korea? Bill, Hillary or Fredo?

  5. Dana says:

    I’d much rather have John Bolton in charge of foreign affairs than Hillary Clinton!

    If we gave up nothing but a photo-op to get out the two ladies in question, then there’s no harm done. My concern is that something else was given up about which we’ve not been told.

    President Reagan came into office saying that we’d never negotiate with terrorists — and he then proceeded to negotiate with terrorists. He got a few hostages released, but Hezbollah promptly seized new ones: our policies had increased the value of taking hostages.

  6. Rebecca says:

    Joanne, if you are out there, did the Big Dog take a serious health risk by making this trip? I’m thinking about the NBC reporter (David ??) who died of a heart attack brought on by the long flight to Iraq. Given President Clinton’s health history I’d think a flight of that duration to N. Korea would be risky for him, even in a private plane. He must have weighed this in his decision. If so, ya gotta give him some courage points.

  7. We are the ones that fund the fucking terrorists until they get into power. Why wouldn’t we negotiate with them. You are a rube if you truly believe that nonsense that we don’t and won’t negotiate with them and that we shouldn’t.

    I really wonder how people tie their own shoes without a person behind them telling them how to do it.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    B1 Bomber Bolton has been wrong on pretty much everything and he is still working the refs to try to get someone — anyone — to just drop a bomb on somebody.

    Not exactly a foreign policy we need.

  9. Perry says:

    This interview of Hillary Clinton, by Fareed Zakaria, was fantastic for at least two reasons, in my view. It showed Hillary to be on top of every important issue across the globe. And it gave some insight into the workings of the Obama team, how they interact with one another to formulate policy.

    The Bolton part was a minor piece, but very telling, in a positive way, of Hillary’s developing confidence in her position and in her admiration of Obama and the team he has put together.

    I came away from it buoyed in my confidence in Obama as an intelligent leader, in spite of my reservations about the reduced expectations indicated by Obama in his domestic policies, especially the current health insurance reform effort as expressed by many commenters in the thread “If we don’t look it isn’t there”.

    Here is the video recording of the interview, well worth the 34 minutes:

  10. Why is Bolton still consulted by the media? Isn’t he one of those people that was wrong about everything?

    Hillary Clinton for president in 2016.

  11. Rich Boucher says:

    Amen to that, Cassandra.
    Frightening to think how close to power
    a DOUCHEBAG like Bolton has been (and remains).