Labor Calls Out Tom Carper on Health Care Reform

Filed in National by on August 13, 2009

In a recent speech, AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer Richard Trumka warns Tom Carper about the consequences of what working people will do when they are stabbed in the back by Tom Carper after working so hard for Tom Carperduring election time:

And then there’s that other group: those fair weather friends who can’t seem to decide which side they’re on (Tom Carper). I’m talking about politicians who love to have our help come election time, but, always seem to forget us after the votes are counted (Tom Carper).


You know who I mean. They’ve been in the news a lot lately. They’re the ones who say that they’re all for health care reform – so long as it doesn’t offend the insurance industry and the drug companies.

Tell me that does not describe TOM CARPER to a tee.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon2 says:

    I can understand the national Labor movement calling out Carper. Shouldnt this question be: Where the hell is the Delaware AFL CIO, where is AFSME, where are any of the Delaware labor movements calling out this corporate fat cat? Because in Delaware the labor movement is supportive of even the most regressive Democrats.

  2. jason330 says:

    So true. From what I’ve seen it stems from very mercenary, very short term thinking (building project to building project) thinking on the part of DE labor. All of which points to poor leadership.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    This Trumka guy is very interesting. He campaigned for Obama like nobody’s business in Union Halls and was remarkably direct about the issue of race and unions. But anon2 is right and I’m hoping Carper’s local labor friends are talking to him about this too.

  4. anon2 says:

    Sam Latham does nothing to help Labor in Delaware. He never stands up and fights back! While Chrysler and GM were going out of Delaware did you ever hear him speak up to Carper, Castle or Biden. Heavily entrenched in the PARTY politic, rather than LABOR politics.

    He holds meetings with retired workers up and down the state, while they are loosing their health care. He views himself a political player between the Biden camp and the Carper camp.

  5. jason330 says:

    Clubby and transactional. Delaware labor has not been well served.

  6. anon2 says:

    By the bye! Carper isnt holding a “town meeting” but is going on WDEL to “talk to us”? As Jenson said, “Why that is a town meeting”!!! Not so fast there Jenson, this ain’t no damn town meeting. This is Carper protecting his carpetbagger ass behind a microphone! Cant take the heat Carper, get out of the kitchen. Go back to Virginia and run for office as the repuke you truly are.

  7. jason330 says:

    West Virginia.

  8. skippertee says:

    I’m a union man and I’ve held my nose and always voted for Carper. No more! He’s nothing but a carpetbagging whore for the banking and insurance cabals.He needs to get off his knees and quit servicing the bastards that ruined the economy and start walking like a man.He doesn’t dare take a town hall meet and greet.I’d be there with a mouthful of snot to spit in his faggot face.They can take me away in handcuffs.I just don’t fucking care.

  9. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Oh my God………could it be really true ? Could people really be finally catching on WHO Tom Carper really is ?
    Like it or not , he knows we have to “lump ” it !!! Thats sad.

  10. Tom S says:

    Do we have a “mob” uprising here?