Kaufman Was Willing To Do Town Halls, But Didn’t Want To Make Castle & Carper Look Bad

Filed in National by on August 15, 2009

We live in Chick Shit City and Mike Castle is the Mayor. Instead of hiding from these Republican operatives, they need to be confronted and smacked down with facts.

My source tells me that Kaufman feels so strongly about health care reform that he wanted to do town hall meetings, but decided not to because it would have made Tom Carper and Mike Castle look bad. That is some pretty “Delaware Way” thinking from a Senator who I thought was a little above that, but what are you gonna do?

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Are Delaware’s Congressmen Hiding? | Delmarva Dealings | August 15, 2009
  1. Bill Dunn says:

    Jason, I agree, I thought he was above that as well.

    Kaufman has clearly stated that he’s not interested in running, why wouldn’t he have the meeting?
    If he’s really interested in covering Carper’s back (since to some extent, Castle has already had a meeting), why not have the meeting, take the heat (if there is any) and help prep Carper for any meeting he may be forced into? He’s got everything to gain and nothing to loose.

  2. M.Opaliski says:

    At a Health Care Forum that was held in Lewes the other night, and granted it wasn’t a ‘Town Hall’ as they have come to be known, when given the opportunity to answer questions the representatives from both Castle’s and Kaufman’s Offices that were in attendance declined to do so …

  3. anon2 says:

    Here we go again! No change in Delaware…the three blind mice cant operate as individuals? Carper is not going to hold any meetings! They all have to get their stories straight before they can comment.

  4. Party affiliation aside it is appalling these elected officials will not attend.

    As I said before, my suggestion would bee to host three a day for 30 days and let democracy work. Otherwise, my case for term limits is made for me.

    Mike Protack

  5. Party affiliation aside it is appalling these elected officials will not attend.

    As I said before, my suggestion would be to host three a day for 30 days and let democracy work. Otherwise, my case for term limits is made for me.

    Mike Protack

  6. jason330 says:

    Mike, You had me and you lost me. Yes Castle and Carper live inside a bubble and think that insurance company executives are their real constituents. Yes, they are living it up in Versailles thinking that the status quo is super. But term limits simple installs an untouchable group of operatives in an even less penetrable bubble.

  7. Miscreant says:

    Exactly what does Kaufman have to prove? In his role as seat warmer… absolutely nothing. He wouldn’t want to work “above his paygrade”. If you need to know his position on anything, just ask Biden Sr. Regarding Castle and Carper’s role… they can continue sit back and blow off their constituency too, because they know every bleating asshat in New Castle County will continue to elect them to whatever office they choose to run.

  8. Tom S says:

    Obviously, none of Delaware’s federal delegation want to hear from the people in the state.