Delaware Liberal

Republicans Don’t Compromise

How f*cking hard is that to understand?

TomP has a diary up on kos that captures my feelings about Obama’s efforts at bipartisan ship:

Senator “death panels” Grassley says he will vote no even if Obama and the Dems give him everything he wants!

In an interview today on MSNBC’s “Morning Meeting with Dylan Ratigan,” Senate Finance Committee ranking member Chuck Grassley (R) said he’d vote against any health-care reform bill coming out of the committee unless it has wide support from Republicans — even if the legislation contains EVERYTHING Grassley wants.


When NBC’s Chuck Todd, in a follow-up question on the show, asked the Iowa Republican if he’d vote against what Grassley might consider to be a “good deal” — i.e., gets everything he asks for from Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D) — Grassley replied, “It isn’t a good deal if I can’t sell my product to more Republicans.”

Yes, giving up the public option just whets their appetites. The Republicans smell blood in the water.

Rahm has done so well, right? Obama’s unwillingness to fight has been so successful. Yep, Baucus really knows how to negotiate.

Bipartisanship means letting Republicans win. Once again, Democrats get sand kicked in their face and smile. I’m sick and tired of working for politicians who won’t fight for working people.

President Obama is not dealing with rational people involved in a good faith effort to produce sound public policy. He is dealing with zealots.

Thinking back the the election I did think Obama would be able to break through the GOP carapace of stupid and get some bipartisan work done for the good of the country. I was an idiot to think that.

During the election I also let myself get nervous about Obama’s strategy and tactics. I learned to not be nervous, but now I feel that feeling creeping back up on me.

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