Republicans Don’t Compromise

Filed in National by on August 17, 2009

How f*cking hard is that to understand?

TomP has a diary up on kos that captures my feelings about Obama’s efforts at bipartisan ship:

Senator “death panels” Grassley says he will vote no even if Obama and the Dems give him everything he wants!

In an interview today on MSNBC’s “Morning Meeting with Dylan Ratigan,” Senate Finance Committee ranking member Chuck Grassley (R) said he’d vote against any health-care reform bill coming out of the committee unless it has wide support from Republicans — even if the legislation contains EVERYTHING Grassley wants.


When NBC’s Chuck Todd, in a follow-up question on the show, asked the Iowa Republican if he’d vote against what Grassley might consider to be a “good deal” — i.e., gets everything he asks for from Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D) — Grassley replied, “It isn’t a good deal if I can’t sell my product to more Republicans.”

Yes, giving up the public option just whets their appetites. The Republicans smell blood in the water.

Rahm has done so well, right? Obama’s unwillingness to fight has been so successful. Yep, Baucus really knows how to negotiate.

Bipartisanship means letting Republicans win. Once again, Democrats get sand kicked in their face and smile. I’m sick and tired of working for politicians who won’t fight for working people.

President Obama is not dealing with rational people involved in a good faith effort to produce sound public policy. He is dealing with zealots.

Thinking back the the election I did think Obama would be able to break through the GOP carapace of stupid and get some bipartisan work done for the good of the country. I was an idiot to think that.

During the election I also let myself get nervous about Obama’s strategy and tactics. I learned to not be nervous, but now I feel that feeling creeping back up on me.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (38)

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  1. kinicky says:

    Now you’ve got it!!!

    How long did that take?

  2. John Young says:

    should’ve voted Nader, for sure he would not cave.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, and I’m certain that Nader would have been able to count on Tom Carper’s vote.

  4. Boy am I sick of all the whiny quitters I’ve been reading lately. They just want to throw up their hands and give up because they don’t get 100% of what they want right this minute. I thought we were supposed to be the reality-based side.

  5. anon says:

    Yeah, I know. But he was right:

    “Do you believe that compromise, triangulation will bring about big change? I don’t. I think the people who are powerful in Washington — big insurance companies, big drug companies, big oil companies — they are not going to negotiate. They are not going to give away their power! The only way that they are going to give away their power is if we take it away from them!”

  6. He’s asking us for our help. President Clinton spelled it out quite explicitly in his Netroots Nation address. He said that he had needed help with DADT and we abandoned him. I’m not sure if that’s true, but that was the message.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    And the only way that we are going to take it from them is if we can convince people like Tom Carper that it is in their best interest to do so. And as long as Tom is cashing checks from the big players in health insurance, it is not.

    I don’t do things to harm the people that pay my bills either.

  8. farsider says:

    People shouldn’t compromise on priciples. Adherance to priciples is what lends credibility and substance to a position. It would just seem that conservatives tend to be able to stick to theirs better than liberals. Perhaps they have more confidence in their underlying priciples.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Well if there were any principles on display, you might actually have a point. But since the only thing that repubs are interested in right now is the failure of a Democratic President, your principles argument is pretty much dead in the water.

  10. farsider says:

    As this Democratic president seems hell bent on having the government enact legislation that violates their priciples they have every right to look for and act toward the failure to pass those policies. It is their right and duty. There are more parties than republicans that against the Democratic plans. Obama has no plan, though he is now gonna have to deal with whatever pile of crap the congress paperclips together that pretends to fix healthcare, but definitely will build a outhouse in a public park somewhere to get a vote. In the end it will contain few ideas and 10,000 compromises.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    Again, there are still no principles on display other than obstruction. Any legislation may have plenty of compromises, but that is the nature of the beast. And since the Congress writes legislation it doesn’t really matter so much as to “his plan”. Besides which, you don’t have any better ideas on the matter other than your unprincipled NO.

  12. farsider says:

    Stopping the further expansion of the government into healthcare, legislation designed to insure a government run single payer system. Saving the capitalist society that built this county from creeping socialism seems worth the effort.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    Which isn’t what they are doing, since single-payer is no where near on the table and this capitalist society is getting ready to subsidize a bunch of insurance companies to provide coverage to some. There are no principles on display when you don’t even know what the legislation looks like. But reading the bills is apparently a bit much to ask of the unprincipled.

  14. Yeah, we in the GOP are not big on compromise. If we were, Delaware would still be a proud slave state like Biden brags about it having been back in the good old days of his childhood.

    And neither the Civil Rights act of 1964 or the Voting Rights act of 1965 would have become law.

    On the other hand, Democrats have always loved compromise. that is why FDR put a Kluxer on the Supreme Court and there was never a federal law against lynching. Compromise with evil is the heart and soul of your party.

  15. farsider says:

    I do know what it looks like as I have read the bill. It ensures a single payer system.

  16. Progressive Mom says:

    “Compromise with evil is the heart and soul of your party.”

    At least we agree that the Republican Party is evil…….

  17. cassandra_m says:

    You got that right, Progressive Mom.

    And farsider has now shown himself to also have the perpetual lying gene that apparently you must have to be a repub these days — there is more than one bill and you’ve read none of them, since single payer isn’t in a single one of them.

    And we’re done with interacting with the lying liars. There are a billion wingnut blogs who will take your lies as gospel. Enjoy your wank.

  18. Von Cracker says:

    Da Thugs won’t comprise because they don’t matter. It’s all political posturing for the primary voters back home.

    I mentioned this process in a comment a while back but Dr. Dean explains it much better than I ever could…

  19. farsider says:

    I have read hr3200 and as I said it ensures a single payer system. It creates an environment whereby it will become inevitable that the public option will be the only option. Your lib pals such as Barney Frank have stated the public option is the path to single payer and Obama has stated he wants a public option – though admittedly not since he took office. Now he just wants a bill, he’ll sign whatever he gets at this point, and quickly jump on the climate change train to distract any attention from the shortcomings of whatever pos the congress passes.

  20. farsider says:

    Sure for a start in Section 161 there are limits – to be determined bu a panel later – based on “medical loss ratio” that basically means if an insurance companies payments for a year are too low they are to refund a percentage of premiums. So no saving from good years to pay off bad ones. Eventually every plan will have a bad year and that will break them. Noone will start new plans in this environment.

    My understanding is also that once you are on the public option you cannot leave, this will inevitably draw people from the otherwise employer pool simply because of temporary unenployment or onetime employment in a company with no plan.

    No profits, no members, no choices.

  21. farsider says:

    From the bill

    2 ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Each health insurance issuer
    3 that offers health insurance coverage in the small or large
    4 group market shall provide that for any plan year in which
    5 the coverage has a medical loss ratio below a level specified
    6 by the Secretary, the issuer shall provide in a manner
    7 specified by the Secretary for rebates to enrollees of pay8
    ment sufficient to meet such loss ratio.

  22. cassandra_m says:

    Which doesn’t say single payer — David Anderson was in here with the exact same bullshit not too long ago and the only thing that you are demonstrating here is that you have no idea how to comprehend what you are reading (if you are reading at all) or you are a Liar.

    I’m voting for the Liar option, since that is about all you’ve got.

  23. farsider says:

    I am no liar and I don’t see what you are pointing out that is incorrect. I simply found this while reading it, if you did the same you may see some of the other ridiculous provisions. It doesn’t say single payer, I just presume that after all the other companies drop out the last one left – presuably the public option – would be a single payer.

  24. Still no link. The link must be to the exact bill, exact section, so that we can all read it ourselves. I’m not interested in reading what going around in some wingnut email.

  25. farsider says:

    It is section 2714 In HR 3200 download your own damn self.

  26. I’m not the one making claims that the bill is forcing people into a single payer system.

  27. farsider says:

    there you go. thx Von Cracker all I have is the pdf. Thing is there is plenty of other ridiculous stuff in this bill. It really is horrible. Nothing remotely like this can or should pass.

  28. Von Cracker says:

    I do not agree with your assessment, farsider. Just wanted to provide the bill and some analysis.


  29. farsider says:

    Just thx for the links then. Wouldn’t want to taint your image.

  30. Von Cracker says:

    heh – you said taint.

  31. Delaware Republican says:

    Unfortunately, liberals (21% of the Nation) want appeasement disguised as negotiation or compromise.

    Obama’s plan was rejected by his own party not the GOP. Not one single GOP vote is needed to pass his eventual bill.

    Face it, he lost and common sense won.

    Mike Protack

  32. short stuff says:

    “Face it, he lost and common sense won.”

    Really? I didn’t know that a bill was submitted already and that it was defeated… Don’t bet your house on it yet…

    It’s funny how you label this as “HE LOST”… As someone who wants to serve the greater good or someone that has political aspirations himself, don’t you know that it’s your constituents that lose?

    I know I’ve asked you this question before but I’ll ask again, how does a proposal to have universal coverage A. infringe on our constitutional rights, B. is the end of the way this country was built, C. will push costs even higher, D. Is evil.

    How does doing what’s best for the greater good deny any, ANY AMERICAN anything? Each and every person will still have a choice as to whether or not they want to participate. I’ve already heard of the Companies will slash their own health insurance programs in favor of the public option. GREAT! Mine sucks! I’ll take a better plan, thank you.

    I think Obama just needs to say it that God told him so one night during a deep night of prayer and everyone will be happy… I mean we did it the last time, we called God into it and we killed several thousands of my brothers and sisters in Iraq so what the hell, let’s just call it in the name of God again and everyone should be ok with it since as long as it’s based on something factual, everyone is ok with it.

  33. Truth Teller says:

    Where is the Change and Leadership????

  34. Truth Teller says:

    Check this out and see who gets between the young girl and her doctor

  35. mike w. says:

    There are certain things one should not compromise on.

  36. jason330 says:

    Obviously. SO it stands to reason that there are there are times for compromise. One of those times being a member of a deliberative body charged with governing a country.