Crazy Eileen Must Never Have Been a Mother

Filed in National by on August 17, 2009

I have been thinking about what you have to believe to be a birther.  It must be hard to keep your head in it.

You have to believe that Obama’s Mother was crazy.  You have to believe that she was quite pregnant and willingly flew to Kenya.  She had to fly for something like two days on two or three different airlines.  She had to fly like 3 segments on PanAm and 2 or 3 on East African Airways.

She had to willingly go from the beauty and serenity that is the paradise of Hawaii for the heat and humidity, not to mention not knowing a soul there besides her husband.  From a hospital that she knew, to one in a far corner of Africa that she hadn’t heard of.  She had to be completely illogical.

Then, after giving birth, she had to have the foresight to call back to Hawaii and have them lie about the location of birth for the birth announcement in the paper.  She had to lie to get Barack a birth certificate.  She had to do all of this so that Barack would be a citizen?  Nope.  He would have had a very easy time of establishing US citizenship, being born to an American.  She had to be thinking that she wanted her African-American child be a natural-born citizen, the only advantage of which is the ability to be eligible to be President of the United States.  And she would have had to assume that her African-American child would be able to be President, as the Civil Rights Act wouldn’t be passed for several years.

In short, she would have had to believe in the impossible and have done the implausible.  Is this what Crazy Eileen believes?  Is this what the rest of these birthers believe?  That sort of belief can only be borne of hate.  There really is no other explanation.

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  1. I don’t think the birthers have thought this through logically, lg. I think they are pretty much logic-proof right now.

  2. anoni says:

    I love that you guys keep the story going.

    ok, I’ll bite, what is the time line? what evidence are you offering that she was still in Hawaii in her ninth month (“quite pregnant”).

  3. anoni,


    You owe us the evidence, not the other way around.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Well, she was 3 months pregnant when she was married in Maui. Did she leave the next day? I don’t know, it’s not my myth. At what stage in the pregnancy did she take this trip?

    Also there are witnesses that have said they visited to see baby Barack Obama in 1961, from the mainland. So, she would have had to do the reverse trip with a baby. That would have been fun.

  5. farsider says:

    I’m no ‘birther’ but 3 mos pregnant and newly married is pretty much a reasonable time for a honeymoon to the native country, meet the kinfolk there.

  6. Yeah — and all those pregnant ladies on the plane were bad mothers too, right liberal geek? Maybe we need the government to come in and restrict what pregnant women can do with their bodies for the good of their fetuses. After all, that is where your logic leads.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    No, that isn’t at all where my logic leads. My assertion is that Obama’s Mother would have to be crazy to go there to give birth and crazier to think that being born in the US was at all relevant to Barack’s life.

    And keep in mind that in 1961 air conditioning was uncommon anywhere and is still uncommon is the villages in Kenya. Today I spoke to a pilot that used to fly commercial planes in Africa. He said that Mombasa, Kenya was the hottest place he has ever been. Not exactly birthing weather.

  8. Obama’s mama married a Muslim with a second wife back in the motherland. Sounds pretty crazy to me.

  9. nemski says:

    You’re an ass RwR

  10. Miscreant says:

    Gaffney is a total coward for banning Crazy Eileen from calling in. She’s way funnier than all the other assclowns combined.

  11. So a bigamous marriage to a practitioner of a faith that allows wife beating is a sane choice?

  12. MJ says:

    Guess RWR doesn’t care for anyone who isn’t a WASP. Ring, Ring – G-D is on the phone for you, RWR, and she is pissed off!!!!

  13. I’m not a WASP, so you are clearly talking out of your ass, MJ.

    But thanks for clarifying that you believe spousal abuse is acceptable if done for religious reasons. Now go put on your burqa.

  14. MJ says:

    What the fuck are you talking about, asshole? Where did anyone, except maybe you and your ilk, condone spousal abuse on DL? Please, show us where, you schmuck.

  15. Go back to beating your wife, MJ — or your meat (since I cannot imagine any woman having you).

  16. pandora says:

    Can you see me smiling, MJ?

  17. anoni says:

    hey UI, it’s LG’s theory… I just asked him to expand on it. It’s not my fault he is an obsessive anti-birther.

  18. MJ says:

    Pandora, I can see you smiling. Maybe we should post the special gift for all to see.

  19. MJ says:

    RWR – have you freed your slaves, yet or do you still get off on hearing “yes massah R, eyes do anythin’ for you. Yas sir.”

  20. You couldn’t resist the urge to go into the realm of speculative fiction, could you anoni?

  21. Maria Evans says:

    LG seriously, this stuff is far fetched:

    ~~Then, after giving birth, she had to have the foresight to call back to Hawaii and have them lie about the location of birth for the birth announcement in the paper…etc…~~

    The real explanation is: TIME MACHINE.

  22. I’m a Republican, MJ, the descendant of an associate of Abe Lincoln (my family roots are in Illinois) who fought in the Union Army to free slaves. Slaves are something more likely found in YOUR Democrat family tree there in Delaware.

  23. MJ says:

    My DemocraTIC tree was established in MO and CO, not DE, and not until the late 1890’s. Explain to us how you can see anything when you have your head stuck so far up your arse.

    And looking at your “blog” it appears that you’re one of those Christians who want to “Stand with Israel,” only to convert the Jews because without doing so, your Messiah wont come back. What a loser!

  24. king julian says:

    Fancy that….established in “MO” 😉

  25. short stuff says:

    Wow… Pretty funny stuff… I can’t see how wife beating is condoned. Should we say the same thing about Mormons that practice bigamy?

    It’s good to know the religion that your bashing before you start bashing it. Just so you know RWR in case you forgot, there have been far more atrocities committed in the name of a christian God than others.

    Besides, this thread is about how someone would be able to foresee that her son would become president of the United States and set into motion the greatest scam of all… Hmmm, sounds like WMD talk to me…

  26. Yeah, you are certainly a member of the DemocraTICK Party, which seeks to suck the life-blood of the productive to support the unproductive.

    And you make quite an assumption about my reasons for supporting Israel. I love the Jewish people, from whose faith my own religion sprung. As for the end times, i figure god will handle that in his own time — i and others cannot push the process along or hinder it.

    As for my knowledge of Islam, suffice it to say that I have been a student of comparative religion for years, long before 9/11 made it fashionable to dabble in the study of Islam. And it is fair to say that your statement about the number of atrocities committed in the name of one deity or another would be incorrect — and irrelevant.

  27. MJ says:

    Rhymes with Asswipe – what statement about atrocities are you attributing to me? I don’t see where I made any. Actually, the last time we mixed religion and politics, people were burned at the stake.

    You’ve proved the old adage correct – there are only two things in Texas, steers and

  28. Gee, MJ — homo[phobia to go with your support of wife-beating and support for Stalinist purges of teachers who disagree with your politics. What an exemplar of liberalism you are!

  29. nemski says:

    RwR is unintentionally funny.

  30. MJ says:

    I’m gay, RWR. And where did you find any homophobic comments from me? Boy, you conservatives have vivid imaginations. Must go with the brain cancer most of you guys get.

    Your arguments and comments FAIL!!!!

  31. pandora says:

    Now I’m laughing, MJ. It sure was fun watching RWR’s assumptions about you blow up in his face. Homophobia? Wife beater? I’m dying here!

  32. Maria Evans says:

    ~~ “Must go with the brain cancer most of you guys get.” ~~

    MJ, seriously, dude, that’s just not cool, I thought you would have figured that out by now.

  33. anoni says:

    RWR… are you secretly a Kennedy?

  34. Gee, MJ — if I operated like you, I’d suggest you are suffering from AIDS-related dementia. However, I won’t as a matter of common decency — and the fact that my best friend is a gay man who has been successfully battling HIV for over 20 years.

  35. dickviti says:

    that is banable right? The guy that didn’t like someone talking about their wife’s miscarriage says that about someone…


  36. dickviti — Let’s remember what my comment was in response to:

    Boy, you conservatives have vivid imaginations. Must go with the brain cancer most of you guys get.

    I explicitly stated that such comments went beyond the bounds of common decency. Under the circumstances, I’d argue that MJ was the one who crossed the line, not I.

  37. Desitin says:

    Ease up on dickviti….his widdle bottum is a bit sore today!!!

  38. Destin — that isn’t helpful.

  39. MJ says:

    Actually, RWR, you crossed the line by accusing me of being a wife beater and a homophobe, without any proof of either. Again, your arguments FAIL!!!

    And don’t try to pass of the “I have nothing against _________, some of my best friends are __________” BS because it doesn’t work.

  40. Yeah — when a liberal accuses you of bigotry, offering the truth doesn’t constitute a defense. One is convicted by the very accusation.

    And MJ — I pointed out that marrying into a religion in which wife-beating is acceptable is not a rational choice. You objected to that statement. I therefore reasonably inferred that you have no problem with wife-beating (or at least the religiously inspired kind).

    And when you decided to play the “steers and queers” card (with your attempt to change it up), I had no problem pointing out the appeal to homophobia — and I don’t give a rat’s ass if you are gay. Some of the most racist comments I’ve heard directed against blacks have come from other blacks, and some of the most anti-woman comments I’ve heard come from women themselves.

    Oh, and by the way — I have to tell you how interesting I find it that none of your fellow liberals bothered to object to your suggestion that you would engage in the McCarthyite destruction of my career due to my politics if you had the opportunity. As such, I have no problem believing that you have revealed an ugly, cancerous evil in your soul that makes support for domestic violence and sexual-orientation bigotry well-within your character.

  41. MJ says:

    Again, RSR shows the blogosphere how much of an asshole he really is.

    Before you pontificate on what my or any other commentator’s beliefs are on this or any other blog, you should do some research. But then again, you right-wingers don’t bother to do any research – it’s always shoot first and then plant a gun on the body. Or just simply lie about reasons for discriminating or going to war (Maria, you are an exception to this).

    And no litmus test or destruction of your career – I’d just make sure you were offering a “fair and balanced” view of history. Isn’t that something your cable news station claims it offers?

  42. MJ — you are a liar. You pretty clearly indicated that you would end my professional career if you had the chance to evaluate me. Not that you would make sure I was “offering a fair and balanced view of history”. Grow a pair and stand by your original (pathetic) attempt to intimidate me, rather than try to qualify yourself into a position of reasonableness days later.

  43. MJ says:

    Wah, wah, wah. Did someone hurt da poor baby’s feelings? I’ve never heard such a whiner before in my life. Stick to Texas and leave us decent folks in Delaware alone, you pathetic schmuck.

  44. Whining? Try correcting the historical record, you Stalinist bastard. While most of the folks at this site are pretty decent, you do not qualify.

    Now as I suggested — man up and own up to what you said. You might find it a refreshing change of pace.

  45. 12monkeys says:

    Wah, wah, wa, indeed!

    At least he didn’t turn off all comments on his blog….

  46. My explaation for closing comments is here. As you can see, it isn’t about silencing opposition, but rather about an ongoing spam problem.

  47. 12monkeys says:

    I was directing that to MJ, but shame on you too!