Playing Politics With Our Nation’s Security

Filed in National by on August 20, 2009

Of course, we already knew this.  Gosh, it’s getting really hard being right all the time.

Among the headlines promoted by publisher Thomas Dunne Books: Ridge was never invited to sit in on National Security Council meetings; was “blindsided” by the FBI in morning Oval Office meetings because the agency withheld critical information from him; found his urgings to block Michael Brown from being named head of the emergency agency blamed for the Hurricane Katrina disaster ignored; and was pushed to raise the security alert on the eve of President Bush’s re-election, something he saw as politically motivated and worth resigning over.

I’m really sick of these guys confessing their sins after the fact – when it’s too late to make a difference.  Looking for a good definition of cowardness and lying?  Look no further.  Worst.  Presidency.  Ever.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. It’s too late for Ridge to change his legacy. He’s stuck with the orange alerts. He should have thought of this at the time, in fact, go public with it. But he didn’t and years after he left the post are too late.

    What is it with the Bush administration officials lately? Both Alberto Gonzales and Dick Cheney have been critical.

  2. Rebecca says:

    It was so tough living through George The Terrible’s reign and I got so frustrated when “historians” kept saying it might not be the worst presidency ever. They maintained that history would need more time to judge. Well, all these former Bushies seem to be confirming it was, in fact, the worst presidency ever. I’m hoping all those historians are taking note.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    I’d bet this book is what Ridge wouldn’t run for Senate in PA.

    I wonder if there isn’t a class action suit somewhere in this? These alerts were taken seriously by law enforcement at all levels and taxpayer funds were spent to ramp up in response. States and cities ought to have a way of getting their money back for this BS.

  4. Good points, Cassandra. I forgot that Ridge’s name was floated by Republicans for PA Senate. Also, a great point about the money wasted by all these false alerts.

  5. anon2 says:

    I have a long history with Ridge. I was living in Pa. caring for my elderly mother. Some women with disabled children showed up at a Spector town hall meeting, screaming about the abuse/neglect of their children. After the meeting I approached the women. Make a long story short there was no books no articles no regulations guiding service providers into federal or state law. After two years of fighting the system to make them comply with the law, we discovered that Ridge was coming to town. Many of the parents organized a huge protest against Ridge, the State of Pa and their agencies. We filed a complaint with the feds. Ridge came in to find hundreds of people with signs against his administration. His front people said, that “Ridge wanted to talk to the organizers to stop the protest before he spoke”. The parents selected me, and Dan Torisky from Pittsburgh to be the speakers. Ridge met with us all of five minutes. He told us to “call off your dogs and I will agree to met with you in Pittsburgh”. We agreed and the protestors put their signs away. Within two days, myself and one of the parents were hit with a slapp suit, were gagged and prevented from even obtaining legal counsel. Ridge did meet with us eventually, and claimed “he had nothing to do with the lawsuit”, even though a Republican Pittsburgh law firm were the ones suing us. This case went all the way to the Supreme Court of Pa. It started in 98 and ended in 2008. Guess what even though we had “evidence of sodomizing, beating, starving the clients in the States group homes, the Supreme Court decided “we had no reason to complain, we had no rights, and the service providers did nothing wrong”. I lost $65,000 and the family farm over it. My friend lost $75,000 trying to get our names cleared. Did Ridge do it…you bet your butt he did. He wanted to run for VP under Bush, and didnt want the world to know how horrific the group homes were/are in Penna.

  6. Agency executives
    Barack Obama, Chairman, President of the United States

    Vice President of the United States,
    Secretary of State,
    Secretary of the Treasury,
    Secretary of Defense,
    National Security Advisor,
    Others as necessary

    It looks like you are wrong, read the as necessary part and as for insider Washington blindsiding is that an offense? It is a way of life.

    You need to move on with Bush because Obama has followed his foreign policy and has implemented a disastrous domestic policy.

    Every day that Obama drops the ball on something you can count on Liberals talking about Bush.

    Mike Protack

  7. Frankly, the threat level should ALWAYS be upped before a national election, regardless of the party of the incumbent. After all, I’m sure our nation’s enemies would love to disrupt our elections in order to give the US a black eye.