Why The US Attorney Scandal Was a Scandal

Filed in National by on August 20, 2009

There was a lot of chatter back when the US Attorney scandal was going on about how these guys served at the pleasure of the President, so there was nothing wrong with firing a bunch of them for potentially partisan reasons.  Across the river, in New Jersey, there is a heated battle for Governor.  The Republican, Chris Christie, was a US Attorney with ties to the scandal.  This included discussion with Karl Rove about a run for Governor.  Understandably, Corzine (the Democrat) has seized upon this as a sign that Christie was doing nefarious things.

I don’t know if Christie did anything untoward, but the fact that he survived the purge of US Attorneys creates the impression that he is a bought and paid-for operative of BushCo.  That is why the politicization of this office is wrong.  It creates an environment of potentially false allegiances.  It casts doubt on the service of people all over the country that probably did nothing wrong, but were either fired or retained for reasons unknown, but oft speculated.

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  1. Art Downs says:

    Perhaps failure to deal with vote fraud equates with failure to help Republicans to win election.

    Only Dems have the resources to engage in wholesale vote theft, so prosecution of vote fraud can be claimed to have a partisan bias.

    Were any U S Attorneys fired for going after well-connected Republicans? There would have been cause for outrage over this.

    Thug-hugger Holder certainly helped out mega-swindler Marc Rich and his ‘Ministry of Justice’ certainly let those “New Black Panther” goons in Philly off without so much as a slap on the wrist.

  2. The problem with this argument is that there was not a “purge” of US attorneys — thee were only a handful of firings. Over 90% of the US attorneys were left in place. Therefore, Christi “surviving” indicates nothing nefarious.

  3. callerRick says:

    Clinton fired every Republican US Attorney. It is the nature of the Executive branch. Big deal.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    It is tradition when a new President come into office that pretty much every political appointee submits his/her resignation. It is also tradition for a new President to accept all of the resignations from the US Attorneys working under the old regime. And Clinton accepted all of the resignations. You’ll note that Obama did not accept all of the resignations offered to him AND he is trying to rehire a US Attorney in NV who was fired by BushCo.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    And the purge of Attorneys was largely over who wasn’t prosecuting Democrats and David Iglesias in NM was one. Documents recently released show not just Karl Rove’s involvement, but that these attorneys were targeted for not helping the Home Team by trumping up charges against Dems. Christie saved his ass by invoking a bullshit probe against Bob Menendez when he was running for Senator. A probe that went nowhere, of course and Menendez won.