Delaware Liberal

Around the Horn Sunday

The News Journal says our blogosphere is small. I dunno, for our state’s size, there are a lot of good writers out there with a variety of opinions, some good, some horribly misguided. I see that every week in compiling this column. And a lot of people in these blogs are doing the work the News Journal refuses to do. Like cover actual news.

The Palmer Lyceum
Scott P explains why we on the left are frustrated in this August of Screaming Deathers. He also examines the reactions of the left and the right when either are out of the power. And you should listen to Scott. He is so smart he may be on Jeopardy! soon.

On Transmigration
The Cajun sees Dead People. Or rather, Deathers at the beach.

Delaware Business Blog
DBB has their weekly roundup of business news in Delaware and affecting Delaware. They also have news that Greenpeace will identify high risk chemical facilities in Delaware. That should be a long list.

Kilroy sharpens his photoshop skills, and Paul Clark is the victim. He also offers thoughts on the Delaware Student Torture Program as the test enters its last year. He also doesn’t like the business model Alan Levin applies to education, and the connections Governor Markel has to Rodel and Vision 2015. All worth the read.

Lt. Governor Matt Denn’s Blog
Lt. Gov. Matt Denn praises Shop Rite and its employees who have stepped up to participate in the mentoring program he started.

Delmarva Dealings
Cato thinks that taxes will play a big part in the 37th RD. A Republican hating taxes? Shocking.

Delaware Liberal
John Kowalko and Pete Schwartkopf make Delaware Today’s People of Influence list.
Jason330, our founder, describes How Delaware Liberal Works, while deciding to take a break from blogging for a while.
I am irked by the constitutional provision that requires party balance on our state courts. It is nothing but a two party preservation racket.
Jason praises Allan Loudell for a good show that exposes Republican lies on health insurance reform, and Tom Carper’s lies about his contributions received from the insurance industry. Earlier, Jason had predicted what Senator Carper would say in his WDEL appearance.
I analyze Richard Korn’s prospects in his race to unseat Tom Wagner as State Auditor.
Donviti on why he knows he is doing something right.
Unstable Isotope reflects on her Netroots Nation experience.
Delaware Liberal was on your Radio earlier this week. Here is the Open Thread on Jason and Geek’s show covering for Al Mascitti.
Geek thinks Crazy Eileen must not be a mother.
‘Bulo on Tom Kovach (R) showing his colleagues, and the rest of us, how it is done. Let no one ever say we don’t praise Republicans when they do something right.

By the Numbers
John points out the obvious: you have to win suburban New Castle County is you want to win statewide. But, Sussex County is increasing its influence due to an influx of residents from the North, a four point swing in power from NCCo to Sussex, although NCCo still produces 55% of the vote and Sussex 22%.

Delaware Politics
Tim Pancoast covers Governor Markell’s Town Hall event. David Anderson thinks Markell chose the safe path in selecting Republican attorney Travis Lester for the Chancery Court. I suppose he wanted someone more firebreathing. He also interviews Ruth Briggs King, the Republican candidate for the 37th. And gives the Governor a mixed review for the first seven months of his term, which is shockingly positive review from a Republican.

Mike Musings
Mike compiles a year’s worth of automotive data for his car. The figures are interesting.

Redwaterlily’s Ramblings

Delaware Libertarian
Steve implores Kavips to return. And then he takes on the Caesar Rodney Institute in his own way and criticizes the quality of their supposed nonpartisan work. Indeed, the clue that the CRI is just a Republican funded prop designed only to spew Republican criticism and talking points is the quality of the work. Meanwhile, Tyler Nixon praises Markell’s choice of Travis Lester as his nominee to fill the Republican seat on the Chancery Court.

Delaware Watch
Dana reports on an anonymous blogger being unmasked by a Court. Thus, for those who think we who blog anonymously think we have no consequences for what we say, think again. If we post something libelous, then we will be unmasked. Dana also reports on Richard Korn announcing his challenge to State Auditor Tom Wagner.


The Mourning Constitution
Libertarians are naturally against government programs and the taxes that fund them. But Brian thinks we are all now slaves to our government. So let’s eliminate all taxes and fees that Brian finds so dictatorial. Now please tell me how we fund our military? Libertarians are still for national defense, aren’t they? What do they think pays for that? However, Brian does make sense when giving advice to the deathers going to town hall events on health insurance reform.

Lower Slower Delaware

Resolute Determination
Homegrownboy is against pensions for government officials now. He wants Ted Kaufman to give his up. His anger is directed at the fact that he will only be Senator for 2 years. Which makes me think that HGB has some sort of time limit in mind for the accrual of pensions. For example, if Mike Castle is elected Senator and only serves 4 years (as expected if he actually runs), then will HGB be outraged at Castle if he takes a pension from the Senate? I highly doubt it. C.R. has some observations on the state of the race between Briggs King and Robinson in the 37th RD Special on September 12th.


Delaware Way
It appears some of Rob Robinson’s campaign signs were vandalized by the oh-so-noble conservative “patriots” downstate. Nancy also has a list of events in the state and area where you can show up and voice support for health insurance reform.

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