Archive for August, 2009

Bush: ‘Gog and Magog Made Me Do It’

Filed in International, National by on August 6, 2009 11 Comments

Invade Iraq, that is. And just one more story the MSM didn’t cover: A raging born-again religious fanatic lunatic was President. El Somnambulo cannot make this stuff up. But here’s the sourced inside skinny, starting w/Daily Kos, and continuing with an account from the Council for Secular Humanism: Incredibly, President George W. Bush told French […]

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CRI’s Impact on Real People

Filed in National by on August 6, 2009 45 Comments

I’m not going to assign blame to a particular individual for the posting of payroll information. I don’t know if that decision was made by the Director of CRI, board members or the anonymous money men behind the whole thing. But Dave Burris got all bent out of shape for Kavips’ dissection of one of their employees resumes. Dave’s main complaint seemed to be the poisoning of the well for said director in his next job interview.

If a state employee resume comes across a potential employers desk, CRI’s database of payroll data is likely to assist the employer in negotiating salary.

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Castle to Retire

Filed in National by on August 6, 2009 18 Comments

Mike Castle is passing the torch. He is talking up Copeland, Lavelle and Kovach. He has probably already told the National and state GOP that they have plenty of candidates who could make the run, and now he is telling the public. If he was planning on running himself, he would not offer alternatives to his candidacy. He is already on that beach in Florida in his mind.

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Sotomayor Confirmation Vote Today

Filed in National by on August 6, 2009 10 Comments

The confirmation vote to make Sonia Sotomayor the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court is expected today. The confirmation is all but inevitable, the only remaining question is what the final vote total will be. Thirty Republicans have announced they are voting no, including Orrin Hatch who has never voted no on a SCOTUS […]

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The DNC Gets a Pair

Filed in National by on August 6, 2009 3 Comments

By now everyone has seen the hard hitting, DNC Ad that calls out the Republican party for allowing itself to be taken over by a bunch of birth certificate waving, gun toting idiots. I was happy to see that DNC taking a shot at the ongoing nonsense that passes for political thought on the right, […]

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Has Violence Already Started?

Filed in National by on August 6, 2009 176 Comments

As has been documented before, the Republican party and astroturf lobbying groups have been encouraging people to disrupt townhall meetings of Democratic members of Congress. These tea party activists are part of the paranoid, far right wing base of the party and have been using some questionable tactics. Tactics like shouting down all questions, loudly […]

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Filed in National by on August 6, 2009 11 Comments

Is anyone concerned that the Delaware Democrats could get a Super Majority?

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Is This All There Is?

Filed in National by on August 5, 2009 4 Comments

…and the usual repub thuggery, of course. But Chuck Grassley took to the floor to for a ritual WTF? moment, and Jon Stewart deconstructs the tale Grassley so ineptly tries to tell: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c

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Arlen Specter Thinks He Will Win The Democratic Primary

Filed in Delaware by on August 5, 2009 13 Comments

Arlen Specter defends his vote for McCain/Palin. I’d like to hear him defend quitter Palin. Specter is facing a real Democrat in the primary, Joe Sestak.

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No balls to educate yourselves

Filed in National by on August 5, 2009 9 Comments
No balls to educate yourselves

We know that usually the majority of the thousands of you visiting this site, read what we cut and past and then leave. You don’t read the articles or the books. It’s a real shame because the stuff we link to is pretty damn good stuff. Espcecially mine. DD and Nemski, well…. So my challenge […]

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News-Journal: Court Clears Way for Sports Betting

Filed in Delaware by on August 5, 2009 2 Comments

Looks like it’s gonna happen in September. And, as coincidence would have it, Teh Awesome came up with a brilliant idea. Is the Dead Pool considered a sports betting proposition? ‘Bulo’s got John Daly, Octomom, & Hulk Hogan for his trifecta.

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Afternoon Open Thread

Filed in National by on August 5, 2009 29 Comments
Afternoon Open Thread

What is going on that interests you this afternoon?

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Deep thought

Filed in National by on August 5, 2009 15 Comments

Republicans are hypocrites: Example 2,004,092,584,329: Watch Lindsey “the weasel” Graham double speak on North Korea. Mr. We don’t talk with Nations that support terrorism says in this clip that he wants to categorize them as a nation that supports terrorism and that he also supports talking to them. Meredith Vierra actually sort of catches him […]

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