Archive for August, 2009

Tom Carper Tele-Town Hall Tonite

Filed in National by on August 25, 2009 16 Comments

Senator Carper is apparently holding a telephone Town Hall tonite — there was a message waiting for me on my phone last night providing a heads up that they would call. And we had a tip from one of our contributors that he had gotten the same call.

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Senator Kaufman Live Chat at the NJ TODAY

Filed in National by on August 25, 2009 9 Comments

Senator Kaufman will be taking questions via live chat at the NJ at 3:30 TODAY.

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Torture Still Doesn’t Work

Filed in National by on August 25, 2009 17 Comments

What a surprise – the declassified document that Cheney says proves the effectiveness of the “enhanced interrogation techniques” (and the rest of the world calls torture) doesn’t prove Cheney’s point at all. Spencer Ackerman gives some examples: Those documents were obtained today by The Washington Independent and are available here. Strikingly, they provide little evidence […]

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The Summer Of Our Discontent

Filed in National by on August 25, 2009 7 Comments

You’re going to have to color me confused by all the attention given to the Senate Finance Committee and the “Gang of Six” that supposedly hold the future of health insurance reform in their hands. Why is there all this emphasis on this particular committee’s bill? Four of the five committees working on the bills […]

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Is Beck Going Belly Up?

Filed in National by on August 25, 2009 13 Comments
Is Beck Going Belly Up?

While Delaware Liberal was supposedly imploding last week, real news was occurring as Glenn Beck was losing advertisers faster than Republicans lose voters. What’s all the hubbub about? Beck was on one of the Fox News TV chat shows and he called the President a “rasict”. I know, I know, this doesn’t surprise you as […]

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Late Night Video — Inspiration Edition

Filed in National by on August 24, 2009 2 Comments

Weird, but you can’t look away: [youtube][/youtube]

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Michael Jackson’s Death Ruled A Homicide

Filed in National by on August 24, 2009 11 Comments

A new chapter in the unhappy and tragic life of Michael Jackson – the LA County coroner has ruled that Michael Jackson’s death is a homicide. Eight weeks after the King of Pop was found unconscious, a search warrant of his doctor’s office revealed Monday what had long been suspected – that Jackson was given […]

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Breaking: AG to Appoint Special Prosecutor to Investigate Torture

Filed in National by on August 24, 2009 42 Comments

About bleeping time!  From the Washington Post: Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has decided to appoint a prosecutor to examine nearly a dozen cases in which CIA interrogators and contractors may have violated anti-torture laws and other statutes when they allegedly threatened terrorism suspects, according to two sources familiar with the move. Holder is poised to […]

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UPDATE 3: Sports Betting Appeal Hearing

Filed in National by on August 24, 2009 11 Comments

Most of you know that today is the day that the State of Delaware and the NFL, et al show up in the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals to try again to roll back the State’s plan to parley bets only until the court case is settled in December or so.

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Why The News Journal Sucks!

Filed in National by on August 24, 2009 20 Comments

I don’t know if you missed it, but DelawareLiberal has been mentioned in the News Journal twice in the past two weeks. Both times, we were trotted out to smack us around. The most egregious was the mention on Sunday about our recent change in personnel.

The other mention seems trivial, but it is a little more insidious. Smitty saw it and pointed it out to us. The discussion of DL was that we were trading in baseless rumors.

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What Obama’s Reading on His Summer Vacation

Filed in National by on August 24, 2009 5 Comments

ABC’s got the scoop: 1.  The Way Home by George Pelecanos 2.  Hot, Flat and Crowded by Tom Friedman 3.  Lush Life by Richard Price 4.  Plainsong by Kent Haruf 5.  John Adams by David McCullough This means that El Somnambulo and Obama have at least one book in common. The Bibliophile Who Slumbers is […]

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A Witty Saying Proves Nothing

Filed in National by on August 24, 2009 14 Comments
A Witty Saying Proves Nothing

When the Prince of Darkness died, I commented, “Good riddance. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way to Hell.”  It was Chilon of Sparta who once said that one should not speak ill of the dead, but I’m pretty sure that he wasn’t speaking of people like Robert Novak. With […]

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The New Wingnut Lie — Death Books for Vets

Filed in National by on August 24, 2009 9 Comments

Have you heard about this one? An ex-Bush appointee, Jim Towey — one in charge of the White House Office of Faith-Based Initiatives under BushCo (!) — writes an op-ed in the WSJ painting a booklet that provides some guidance on end-of-life planning and claims that it deliberately steers vets towards death.

This would be, of course, wrong. The HuffPo has some great info on this, but the first thing you should know about Mr.Jim Towey and this current jihad of lies is this:

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