The New Wingnut Lie — Death Books for Vets

Filed in National by on August 24, 2009

Have you heard about this one? An ex-Bush appointee, Jim Towey — one in charge of the White House Office of Faith-Based Initiatives under BushCo (!) — writes an op-ed in the WSJ painting a booklet that provides some guidance on end-of-life planning and claims that it deliberately steers vets towards death.

This would be, of course, wrong. The HuffPo has some great info on this, but the first thing you should know about Mr.Jim Towey and this current jihad of lies is this:

In addition, Towey seems to have his own axe to grind. He has repeatedly tried to get the government to spend millions to purchase his “Five Wishes” book, which is published by Aging With Dignity, a non-profit group he founded, to distribute to veterans across the country, according to sources within the VA. Towey used his influence with the White House to get a meeting with VA officials, including then-Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson. At one meeting, Towey was informed that the VA could not act on such an unsolicited proposal without violating federal procurement regulations, according to VA sources.

Got that? Towey has his own book to peddle and is likely not real happy to not have a steady buyer of his product. On top of that, he’s working the refs:

In his op-ed, Towey stated that this panel did not include any representatives of faith groups or disability rights advocates. In fact, according to the VA, the panel included a priest, a rabbi, a renowned disability rights advocate, and the president of the organization that produces “Five Wishes,” the alternative advance care planning document that Towey is promoting and selling.

The panel supported the use of the “Your Life, Your Choices” booklet but included some suggestions for revising its content. The plans to update and release the booklet were developed under the Bush administration and it is due for release in 2010.

And the last nail in the coffin is that this lie was picked up by the Quitta from Wasilla — which means that every wingnut on the planet is peddling this BS by now. Even though the only thing that they are working towards is to have the government buy Towey’s book.

Adding — Kevin Drum took a look at this today, and he did a Nexis search to find any mention of this pamphlet developed by the VA from 2006 through last month. He can’t find any. Why is that, you ask? Because there was no controversy over this until the wingnuts decided that they needed another fearmongering arrow in their already overflowing quiver.

Bonus Question — how is it that these people with all of this showy faith business can be such liars? I thought that was one of the 10 Commandments that they so badly want to hang in courthouses. Seems that the more useful place for the 10 Commandments is right by their keyboards.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (9)

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  1. anoni says:

    Here is the book:

    but don’t read it, just wait for your talking points memo.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    I’ve seen this book anoni. And I just attended a farewell party for a Guard guy deploying to Afghanistan in a few weeks. He re-did this process (using this book, his doctor and other resources) and certainly found nothing in it that required him to die.

    The person waiting for the talking points on this thing is you. Apparently you find it difficult to be in this world without being a liar.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Votevets covers this new bit of wingnut propoganda too and adds this delightful bit:

    Astonishing. Jim Towey is one sick mother fucker to argue that veterans should be presented with LESS information, not MORE, when it comes to making a living will, all so he can make a profit from peddling his end-of-life pamphlet that is shorter than the books my two-and-a-half-year-old reads.

    After reading this, its apparent that Jim Towey is nothing more than a Sarah Palin wannabe. Except not as smart.

    Here is my suggestion to Mr. Towey: When Veterans want advice on their care from someone who has never served in the military, nor received care from the Veterans’ Health Administration, we’ll call you.

  4. anoni says:

    cassy, it’s so cute the way you yell liar whenever somone disagree’s with your talking points email (or simply posts facts).

  5. liberalgeek says:

    And it appears that the linked pdf is the 2000 edition. I thought we were talking about a new edition of the same book.

    It is a bummer that they didn’t actually title it, “The Death Book” They would have sold more copies. 🙂

  6. cassandra_m says:

    When you start posting facts, anoni, we stop calling you a liar. But since you won’t be joining the reality based community any time soon, you can just enjoy being liar anoni around here.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    OMG! I’m reading this thing and I can’t believe that there is a question about having a pastor or rabbi help to make decisions! Oh snap! The next one is about whether you want prayer as a treatment! This is a terrible book!

    See, this really is easy.

    I guess the hard part is actually discussing adult issues of life and death with children. Apparently, that is what we are dealing with in some parts of the right.

  8. Denial does not change reality. What radical proposal won’t you defend?

  9. cassandra_m says:

    The only denial on hand here is by those of you who accept the bullshit fed to you without really looking at it. If you are spreading the lies fed to you, don’t be surprised when you get called out on that.