President Obama To Address A Joint Session Of Congress

Filed in National by on September 2, 2009

It’s about friggin’ time! President Obama will address a joint session of Congress on September 9. The topic of the address will be health care reform.

After plans for the session had been reported, Reid and Pelosi released a letter of invitation to the president: “Our nation is closer than ever to achieving health insurance reform that will lower costs, retain choice, improve quality and expand coverage. We are committed to reaching this goal. We would like to invite you to address a Joint Session of the Congress on Wednesday, September 9 on health insurance reform. Thank you for considering this invitation to speak to the Congress and the nation.”

Obama plans to give lawmakers a more specific prescription for health care legislation than he has in the past, aides said.

It’s about time that Democrats retake control of the debate. I think an address by Obama will go a long way towards dispelling the myths and outright lies told during the Summer of Spittle. One more thing it will allow Obama to do is to change the debate from only the Public Option and to outline how everyone will benefit from health care reform. In the past, we’ve seen that Obama has a knack for giving the right speech at the right time.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Health Care Action: Contact The White House : Delaware Liberal | September 3, 2009
  1. Kilroy says:

    God, I hope he doesn’t play the dead Kennedy Healthcare card! I support a national healthcare plan “option” 100% and I did vote for Obama. However, let’s do it for dead Ted isn’t going to fly with me!

  2. pandora says:

    Kilroy, when you die would you rather we didn’t mention any of your work on education? It isn’t a card if it’s your life’s work.

  3. Kennedy worked his whole career for health care and died just before a big health care reform bill is about to be passed. So we shouldn’t mention his life’s passion because…?

  4. anon says:

    Silly Liberal. The bully pulpit only works if the bully is a Republican. When a Democrat mounts that scaffold, it looks like wild-eyed partisanship and makes journalists run to Pat Buchanan or some conservative Washington Times reporter for hours of counterbalancing bon mots. Just ask Allan Loudell. He knows the ropes pretty well.

  5. Kilroy says:

    Pandora “It isn’t a card if it’s your life’s work.”

    I am talking about Obama’s political plan to use Ted’s death as a tool to pass his healthcare plan for the sake on honoring Ted. As I said, I support the healthcare reform with government option. After 35 years of having heathcare I have none as it went out the door with my job re: laid off.

    Kennedy should be honor for his long “compassionate” public service. In some respects it quite sad that the events of his family overshadows his contributions. But no leislation should be consider on the mere fact to honor the dead unless it is in relationship to those who laid down their life on the battle field or enforcing the laws of this country.

    If Obama can’t sell his plan without playing the dead Ted card then I honestly question his plan.

  6. anoni says:

    dude, don’t bite my fingers off just cause I oppose Obamacare!