What I’ve Learned Today

Filed in National by on September 4, 2009

What I’ve learned today is that Republicans, in general, are a bitter bunch of people.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. I weep for the future of humanity.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Not weeping for Republicans — I just wish they’d do their Lord of the Flies routine away from the rest of us.

  3. nemski says:

    A big thanks to the citizens of Delaware making this a blue state, regardless of the lies and half-truths spouted by our Republican bloggers and commentators.

  4. nemski says:

    If the Democrats in Congress learn one thing from the brouhaha regarding Obama’s speech next week, it should be that they will have to go it alone on Health Care.

    If NIH announced they found a cure for cancer today, Republicans would be up in arms that the pharmaceutical industry would be losing money.

    Bitter, just bitter.

  5. anonone says:

    LOL nemski!

  6. Delaware Republican says:

    Quite the opposite. When liberals can’t handle events they find themselves unable to counter or offer a position. So, if you can’t defend your position of course you try to destroy the other person.

    Liberal 101.

    This cardinal rule applies across the board. When the CEO of Whole Foods argued against Obama Care, he was ridiculed and there were boycott threats. Mind you the lowest wages at these stores is almost double the min wage and all get health benefits.

    Doesn’t matter, liberals are always angry and always resentful.

    Mike Protack

  7. cassandra_m says:

    And here is Mr. Shallow Bench still in search of two brain cells to rub together.

  8. pandora says:

    Actually, he’s in search for legitimacy for his little health care extravaganza! He’s desperate. So sad.

  9. Keep them talkin' points acoming.... says:

    “When the CEO of Whole Foods argued against Obama Care, he was ridiculed and there were boycott threats.”

    Free market system, baby. Boycott away!

  10. Delaware Republican says:

    Why Does Obama Hate Seniors So Much?

    Home Care Patients Could See Aid Cut

    In the piney woods of Southeast Georgia, 70-year-old Claude Cox is home receiving daily intravenous antibiotics over the next 10 weeks to combat a bacterial infection in his left lung.

    The leukemia patient spent only four days instead of many weeks in the hospital thanks to home health care services which send a nurse to his Statenville home to help administer the antibiotics. In a cost-efficient move, Medicare pays for home health care to keep patients out of hospitals – a program combining efficiency with compassion.

    “Considering this versus 10 weeks of hospitalization, there is no comparison,” Cox said. “You get to rest at home and carry on in your own surroundings. It is a far more convenient and healing way of being treated than being in the hospital.”

    But if President Obama and Congress have their way, Cox and many of the other 3.2 million other Medicare patients who utilize home health care benefits could be cut off next year. Congress may not have adopted a health reform bill yet, but the Administration and Congress are already taking steps to ration cost-effective and life-saving programs such as home health care.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    Mr. Shallow Bench fails to note that he stole that text from an editorial penned by the truth-challenged Newt Gingrich in the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Which is how you know it is a lie, right? The AJC wouldn’t put this in the reported part of their paper.

    Because the lies of rationing and cutting of home health care have already been debunked.

    But our lying FlyBoy here still can’t find enough of his brain cells to get the clue.

  12. Tom S says:

    Atlanta Journal Constitution…there’s a non-biased newspaper. It makes our NJ look like the Republican Blog.

  13. callerRick says:

    The press will fawn over BO’s upcoming speech. But, will middle America? This is BO’s last chance to save his ‘reform’ plan. While anything can pass the House, the Senate is a different story; if public reaction remains negative, as it has to this point, this bill is dead.

    My guess is that we’ll end-up with a minor, face-saving irrelevancy. Snowe, Reid and Specter can read polls.

  14. pandora says:

    Last chance? How many “chances” did it take to pass medicare? Nice try at lowering the bar, CR.

  15. Belinsky says:

    Here’s a Republican I’d support:


    GOP candidate for DA wears ankle bracelet to demonstrate viability of alternatives to incarceration. Democratic candidate dismisses it as gimmick.