Al Franken, Wingnut Slayer

Filed in National by on September 5, 2009

Senator Al Franken talks down some teabaggers in Minnesota. Republicans really underestimate the effectiveness of Sen. Franken. I think he’s going to be a great senator if this video is any evidence of his effectiveness.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (14)

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  1. nemski says:

    Suck it, haters.

  2. Tom S says:

    good point…same logic as having a tax evader Geithner as Sec’y of Treasury.

  3. Delaware Republican says:

    Effectiveness? On what? A serious question, what is he effective on?

    I will stand by for your random attack on some Republican as you won’t be able to mention one thing.

    Did any of you at DL get the courage to debate health care policy? No, of course not.

    Mike Protack

  4. cassandra_m says:

    Hey Protack — did you ever get your hands on the adequate brain power to debate health care policy? That answers, itself, I’m thinking.

    I saw this video yesterday and Franken is very good here. He is helped by the business of Minnesota Nice, so the Summer of Spittle tactics likely wouldn’t get too far anyway. But it is fantastic that he seemed to be challenged by this crowd and he ended up in a serious and adult conversation with all of them. Can you imagine a conversation with Tom Carper that is this open and free-flowing?

  5. Progressive Mom says:

    Sorry, Mr. Protack: no answers to your “serious” questions until you answer some of the many serious questions that have been posted to you on almost every thread.

    Besides, “random attack” is a trademark of the Republic Party and we wouldn’t want to step on that.

  6. Progressive Mom says:

    UI — I saw this yesterday, too, and was impressed.

    BTW, there’s one Congressman in western NY (Eric Massa) who has had town halls during the recess. He’s also done liberal and conservative local talk radio. He’s a combat veteran and an unapologetic liberal.

    At his last town hall, people screamed, ranted, cursed and yelled. He told them “go right ahead, we’ve got all night.” Five hours later, there were fewer than 100 people left in the audience, and, like the Energizer Bunny, he was still going.

    Lots of conservatives in western NY; lots didn’t like his message; but he got most people’s respect for his patience, honesty and effort.

  7. anon says:

    Wipe the corner of your mouths ladies (that includes you numnutski). There’s some slobber lingering from Al Franken’s taint.

  8. pandora says:

    And here (anon’s response), ladies and gentlemen, is the Republican response.

  9. anon says:

    You know it beeeotch.

  10. Art Downs says:

    Comedians are known for glibness and not brilliance.

    What seems to be a brilliant one-liner often needs several minutes by the opponent for effective refutation. In an era of sound-bites and limited attention spans, the comic often has the advantage.

    Yet the comic may not have truth on his side.

    Shall the glib inherit the earth and truth perish?

  11. Tom S says:

    I guess it could be worse…they could have a lawyer as a senator.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    True — like Norm Coleman.

  13. Art Downs says:

    Perhaps we might have a better government if third-rate shysters were not so over-represented.

    How many of the ‘lawyers’ in government merely played at the law before getting their snouts deep into the public trough? Of the remainder, how many chased ambulances for a living?

  14. Roy Munson says:

    saw this youtube video from the same fair

    I wish it had audio so I could see why he was drawing the map, though.