How Crazy….

Filed in National by on September 7, 2009

How crazy is the current Republican Party? So crazy that they have now made Newt Freaking Gingrich look sane!

Gingrich put up this Twitter post this afternoon, after the White House released the text of the speech:

Just read President Obamas speech to students.white House posted it. it is a good speech and will be good for students to hear

And he followed it up with this:

Remember that Presidents Reagan and Bush also talked to students nationwide. As long as it is non political and pro education it is good

All Republicans who have made an issue of a speech by the President of the United States to America’s children should be ashamed of themselves.

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  1. pandora says:

    They really look foolish. Boy, were they played. All this uproar over nothing.

  2. I have some problems with the speech, but (except for the problems with the lesson plan) I never was particularly concerned with the politics of the thing.

  3. anonone says:

    Waiting for the Cialis to kick-in, eh, RwR?

  4. I’m fully functional without medical or pharmaceutical intervention — can you say the same, A1?

  5. Geezer says:

    “I’m fully functional without medical or pharmaceutical intervention”

    If I thought like you, I wouldn’t brag about that. 😉

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    Geezer, I thought A1 and RWR are talking about their … uh… other brain.

  7. That’s all TMI for me.

    Yes, the crazy, screaming Republicans look foolish AGAIN. That doesn’t seem to stop them and it doesn’t seem to stop the media from letting them speak uninterrupted.

    Really, we need to start putting our foot down about hissy fit politics or all our political disputes are going to end up as stupid as the last few.

  8. I just want to reiterate that the current flavor of crazy makes Newt Gingrich, the man who tweeted that Sotomayor is racist while he was visiting Auschwitz, look sane. How’s that for the soft bigotry of low expectations. Next we’ll say a pundit who isn’t screaming is a reasonable person.

  9. Maria Evans says:

    You can accuse the GOP of a “hissy fit” all you want, but the bottom line is that the White House backed off that original lesson plan with lightening speed when they got called on it.

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    If that is the case, Maria, then why did the outrage not end with lightning speed last Wednesday when that draft lesson plan was scrapped? BECAUSE it was never about the lesson plan, it was never about the speech, it was all about attacking the President with lies.

    You are a liar, just like the rest of the right wing.

  11. Maria Evans says:

    DD I think people were waiting to see what the speech looked like, I know I was, and are you calling me a “liar”? Why don’t you back that up.

    I’ll be waiting for your examples of me “lying”.

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    Then where is your praise of the President today? Where is your apology for the outrage, since his speech was praised even by the likes of Newt Gingrich. You are engaging in revisionist history here, and that is a lie.

  13. Maria Evans says:

    I have nothing to apologize for, I said I was against the original lesson plan, and I was waiting to see the speech. I read the speech and I have no problem with it. Now again, give me an example of my “lying” or apologize to me.

  14. Delaware Dem says:

    I will apologize to you if you link to the posts and comments on Delaware Politics and elsewhere where you say exactly that. Where you praise the Administration for removing the disputed lesson plan, and where you counsel your like minded readers to wait and see what the speech says on Monday.

    If you have been doing that over the last five days, then I will apologize. If you have been silent, or if you have been engaging in false outrage over the speech, then you are owed nothing.

  15. The White House could have handled the whole thing by releasing the text of the Speech at the same time as the lesson plan was revised. By not doing so, it left a lot of folks concerned that the speech itself would be problematic — especially since those original plans were already in the hands of a lot of teachers.

  16. Delaware Dem says:

    I will give you that one, RWR. The DOE fucked up the release of the lesson plan. (Of course, the lesson plan said exactly the same thing as President George H.W. Bush’s). And they should have released the speech earlier. I can only think that the speech was not finished, and because they thought a rather boring speech and a Republican lesson plan would not rile the right wing.

    What the White House forgot is that Republicans are not honest or sane, and that they hate him and will do anything to attack him.

  17. Careful with the generalization there — the same could have been said about Democrats for the full length of the Bush Administration.

    And Republicans are doing nothing more than that which you folks defined as the highest form of patriotism up until 11:59 AM on January 20, 2009.

  18. anone says:

    Apparently, a bunch of tea baggers are planning a march on DC this weekend to protest higher taxation by the federal government. I guess they aren’t a very educated bunch. The last time the federal government raised income taxes was 1993. That tax increase fell mostly on the top 2% of wage earners and went to pay deficit reduction run up by the immortal Ronald Reagan, who btw, also signed legislation raising taxes four times between 1982 and 1984 alone. In 1985, he signed the largest corporate tax hike in history. In his eight years, Reagan ran up the deficit, increased the size of the federal government and left a whooping federal deficit that Clinton cleaned up, but who wants to talk about facts.

    Feigning outrage over anything and everything is all the GOP has left. Their ideas and leadership failed. Might as well argue against everything the other side proposes and hope people confuse it for actual ideas and leadership.

    The fact is Obama LOWERED taxes for everyone making less than $250,000, roughly 95% of the population.

    This latest shenanigan would be like holding a rally to “stop the U.S. intervention in Belize.”

  19. Maria Evans says:

    The majority of my comments on this subject are here, on DL. If you’re going to accuse me of “lying” prove it, you said it, prove it.

    And speaking of “being owed nothing” the Administration isn’t owed “praise” for removing that lesson plan, they did it under pressure.

  20. anonone says:

    The lie, Maria, is in your motivation. This was an utterly trivial non-issue from the start, even with the idea of “helping the President” in the lesson plan, which you and your ilk couldn’t stand.

    Americans are dying in wars, job growth has been zero in 10 years, and people are dying of poverty and lack of healthcare. And this – THIS – is what you and your ilk think is a more important issue. Far better that you be concerned with the quality of life and environment that these kids will inherit, but perhaps you’d prefer them to be more cannon-fodder for your next illegitimate war.

    It is all about tearing down President Obama – that is all – but you’re too dishonest to admit that.

    You’re just another lying republican harpy.

  21. Maria Evans says:

    This is getting pathetic, my not liking the lesson plan does not equal “lying”. My comments on this subject are all over this site, if you’re going to accuse me of “lying” prove it.

    And a-I’ve fought for the wind farm, I’ve fought against the pollution at the IRPP, and dredging the Delaware River, I will hold up my environmentalism against any of the bloggers on this site. And I was never a supporter of the Iraq War. So a-who’s “lying” now?

  22. cassandra_m says:

    Frankly, I still think that this is much ado about nothing — even the damned lesson plan. Even though the speech was constantly advertised as one talking to kids about responsibility and staying in school, wingnuts decided that one piece of a sentence — write the President, yada yada — was the leading edge of indoctrination and socialism. It was all so much stupid theater — since we are still talking about a population that does not spend nearly this much time worrying about what their kids get from the TV sets.

    So the theater itself was the lie, actually. Just one more bit of the fraidy cat theater fed to conservatives by their radios and corporate handlers — and now they find there was nothing to object to in the first place.

  23. anonone says:

    The lie is in your motivation, and the motivations of anybody who made this an issue. You can deny it, but you know it, I know it, and everybody here knows it.

    You’re just another lying republican harpy.

  24. anon2 says:

    Miss Evans used the right word, pathetic. That is what the republican party has become with their trivial pursuit of things that are relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things. So, of course, their motives are rightfully questioned. They remain in denial, capable only of misplaced anger.

  25. Maria Evans says:

    So being against the lesson plan is equal to “lying”? Good grief.

  26. Delaware Dem says:

    And I have reviewed your comments here, Maria. You continued to attack the lesson plan and the President for that lesson plan even after you admitted that they were smart enough to withdraw it. You continued with the outrage. If it was all about the lesson plan, and that lesson plan was withdrawn, then why continue? Where was the praise for the President for doing what you wanted the day before?

    You even attacked the withdrawn lesson plan yesterday.

    You even started to attack the mere giving of the speech:

    Yes, there have been no comments from you thanking the President for withdrawing the lesson. Instead, your comments seek to ratchet up the outrage over a withdrawn lesson plan. And then you criticize the President even giving the speech in school in the first place. There was no “wait and see what the speech says.”

    Like I said, revisionist history on your part. If it was all about the lesson plan, then you would have made none of these comments above.

  27. anonone says:

    Everything else being equal, if it were Bush with the “help the president” lesson plan on September 2, 2001, you wouldn’t have peeped. You know it, I know it, and everybody here knows it.

    Your lie is in your willful and deliberate intellectual dishonesty.

    You’re just another lying republican harpy.

  28. Delaware Dem says:

    Really, RWR. I never lied about Bush’s place of birth. I never lied about his policies, in fact, he did the lying in that fact pattern.

  29. Maria Evans says:

    Every comment of mine that you cite is about the original lesson plan. You’ve got nothing, but keep trying to make it something. Pretty soon when you use words like “lie” or “racism” it’s going to be absolutely meaningless.

  30. cassandra_m says:

    And Republicans are doing nothing more than that which you folks defined as the highest form of patriotism up until 11:59 AM on January 20, 2009.

    This is quite wrong — we accused Bush of lying about Iraq (we were right), we complained about tax cuts that never paid for themselves or delivered the economic benefits promised (we were right), we complained about the wholesale turning over of taxpayer funds to BushCo friends (and none of that turned out well), and a whole litany of failed policies. It is one thing to complain and critique in good faith and using real info — it is quite another thing to tell people that the President is a Kenyan or that he wants to kill your grandmother or that he will round people up in FEMA camps.

  31. Delaware Dem says:

    Just like a true Rethuglican. Your lies are proven and you deny it. Dick Cheney would be proud.
    And your latest comment is a lie in and of itself. You criticized the giving of the speech in one of those comments up there, and now you say all of your comments I like to were about the lesson plan.

    I give up. You are a liar, Maria. I proved it. Now go the fuck back to Delaware Politics where your shit is welcome.

  32. Maria Evans says:

    All you proved was that I was against the original lesson plan. Good job. And thanks for the kind comments.

  33. Delaware Dem says:

    You are such a fucking liar. Maria, for the last time, explain this comment where you indicate you are against the President giving the speech in school at ALL!!!

    pandora it will be happening in the schools, not our homes, so we really can’t say that “differing viewpoints” will be discussed at all.

    If a president wanted to address students in the evening, when they could watch with their families, I wouldn’t object.

  34. anonone says:

    Poor little Maria was against a lesson plan because it asked children to help the President. This was just such an important issue, and we’re all so proud that she thought of it by herself.

    You see, repubs and Bush would never have asked children to help the President Bush except to die in their wars.

    But asking children to help the President is much much more egregious than killing them, maiming them, and piling them up with debt.

  35. Maria Evans says:

    DD should I also explain the many times I say that I would be against Bush doing it, too? Sheesh.

  36. Delaware Dem says:

    So you admit you just lied when you said all of your comments were about the lesson plan. You now admit that you are against the President giving the speech. Thank you for your belated honesty. Go home now.

  37. Maria Evans says:

    DD maybe you should read them, they’re about the original lesson plan, too.

  38. X Stryker says:

    Bush: Sticks with a mistake for his entire presidency, insists history will prove him right.
    Obama: Corrects simple oversight immediately, gets excoriated for it for PURELY POLITICAL REASONS.

    That includes you, Maria – you obsessed about this all weekend for PURELY POLITICAL REASONS, you partisan hack.

  39. Maria Evans says:

    When Bush gave a speech about staying in school, working hard, and keeping away from drugs to students in 1991, Congressional Democrats investigated it and held hearings.