The latest R hero

Filed in National by on September 8, 2009


Get ready to see this guy more and more is my guess.  He taps right into the arguement that unpatriotic Americans love to hear.  Every man for himself.  I guess they forgot that part in the pledge of allegiance that says something about “one nation for all”

We are going to punish the 85% for the 15% apparently.  There are some other good ones too in this video.  He use the boot strap analogy of course.  And the founding fathers didn’t intend it this way arguement.  He also goes on to say government doesn’t innovate, but I’m sure forgot about NASA, the CDC, and our Defense department.  All in this guy is pretty slick and convincing.  If you are a sheep that is.


I was digging around for some info on this guy and found a site dedicated to him.  It is a pretty good site that is apparently on the task of calling out this guys lies.

“Here” is where an American Journal of Medicine study found that 62.1% of all bankruptcies in 2007 were caused by medical problems. Three-quarters of those declaring bankruptcy for medical reasons had health insurance. Most were well-educated home owners with middle-class occupations.

Facts always have a pesky way of getting in the way of lies. 

This may come as a surprise:


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hiding in the open

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  1. I heard on NPR this morning that 20% of insured cancer patients have to exhaust their savings for treatment. Even people with insurance are in trouble.

  2. anon says:

    Deep thought: If we reformed bankruptcy and credit regulations to forbid all collections efforts on people with medical debts – the banks would call their in-house Senators and implement universal health care the next day.

  3. banned says:

    “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

    just to refresh your memory.

  4. anon,

    I’m all for making the bill as punitive on insurance companies as possible. I, for one, would like to drop the individual mandate and I’d also like to make the insurance companies have to cover all preventitive care (not against any caps). I really hope we stick the health insurance companies with the older and sicker people that they can’t get rid of. then they’ll be begging for the public option.

  5. Gee, Donviti — “one nation for all” isn’t in the pledge. Neither is the favorite mantra of contemporary liberals — “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Neither is the favorite mantra of contemporary liberals — “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

    We are in no danger of being an echo chamber by getting rid of these kind of — quite false — talking points, you should know.