Live Blog Obama’s Speech – NOW!

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 9, 2009

We’ll be live-blogging President Obama’s speech tonight.

Please join us!


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Oh Goody! The guy giving the GOP response is a birther.

    He’s the third one on the tape.

    More about Boustany:

    Republicans clearly hope that Boustany’s past career as a heart surgeon will boost his credibility, but it’s going to be hard to escape his track record as a loon. Jason Linkins reminds us that Boustany defended birthers, as documented by Mike Stark and FireDogLake in July (according to reports, he subsequently recanted), and Rachel Maddow reported Tuesday night that before entering politics Boustany unsuccessfully tried to purchase the title of British lord from a pair of con artists.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    And isn’t interesting that the Rs actually insisted that they have time to rebut President Obama’s speech tonite? I’m thinking they are ripe to sign on to the Fairness Doctrine…..

  3. cassandra_m says:

    The White House has put up a blog post and some video discussing what is at stake here.

  4. Short stuff says:

    I love how he’s digging in their ass right now. Go get em’ Barack!

  5. pandora says:

    Click on the link in the post, SS, and join us!

  6. Puzzler says:

    Wow. Details will be debated for years. But what Obama needed to do tonight was rekindle, in the electorate, a personal confidence in his motives and his aims. I think he did it.

  7. Geezer says:

    Best speech I’ve heard him give. I’m especially impressed that he will not drop his call for bipartisanship.

  8. Obama needed to do a lot of things in this speech and I think he accomplished it. He fired up the liberal base, he made the case for reform, he positioned himself in the middle (very deftly I might add – I love how he said both the left and the right proposed radical change and I’m mostly improving the current system), he clarified what’s in it for everyone and he called out the liars. Good job!

  9. Tim Pancoast says:

    The call for bipartisanship is an empty one in my opinion. It is only for those who want to improve his version of health care reform. It is not for other versions of health care reform of which there are several that have already been presented in Congress. The bi-partisanship and the open door are limited to those who the President determines are serious about reform.

    I will continue to watch and see what happens but I am doubtfull of real bipartisanship happening on this matter.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    And as long as repubs act like Tim here — arms crossed and steaming in the corner — there won’t be.

    And there are no other versions of reform that could credibly get enough votes to pass. In this, you have the same job as the single payer advocates. You work with trying to influence what is possible, you don’t throw a tantrum over what is not.

    But this was an excellent speech by the President. And I hope he stays in the fray — not just explaining but calling out the lies and misinformation. Perhaps more Dems will be inspired to do exactly the same thing.

  11. pandora says:

    The call for bipartisanship is an empty one in my opinion.

    And who made it empty? You guys want a seat at the table, get one, water down the bill and after all that announce you were never going to vote for it anyway.

  12. anon says:

    With people like Tim Pancoast on the loose, I am also doubtfull of real bipartisanship happening on this matter.

  13. Exactly pandora. Obama said his door is open to people who want to work on health care. What he’s not going to do is play games with people who are just trying to kill health care reform or water it down and still not vote for it. The Republicans played it too cute during the recess.

  14. Tim Pancoast says:

    Get used to it. We are here. The politicians are in Washington. If we see, as I suspect, that the process doesn’t bears little semblance of bipartisanship than we will call the President on it.

    I noticed that in the speech the President said many of the same things and used many of the same keywords that Senator Carper said in his closed-door meeting that I attended. Perhaps there is some coordination going on here.

  15. cassandra_m says:

    No one doubts that you are here.

    We do doubt that you’ll be a constructive part of the process. Especially with your fairly distorted view of bipartisanship.

  16. Tim Pancoast says:

    Then you have your doubts and I have mine. It remains to be seen who will be correct in their doubts. Will President Obama prove me wrong or will I prove you wrong? Time will tell.

  17. cassandra_m says:

    But we already know you are standing in your corner stamping your feet. So if you think that is an adult way to get to some compromise, then enjoy yourself.

  18. Tim Pancoast says:

    Am I really? Apparently you have no doubts then. Thank you for clarifying that point.

    Who would have thought there could be more than one corner to stand in?

  19. cassandra_m says:

    Apparently you — since this is the permanent stance of your Party. Look around in all of those corners — those are your homeboys stamping their feet and demanding to have their way.

  20. Bill Dunn says:

    Rep. Joe Wilson (R) from South Carolina is a disrespectful PIECE OF SHIT!!!! And, has NO business representing any American in Congress. I will send $10 to any Republican that runs against him in the primary and $50 to any Democrat that will in the general.

  21. Tim Pancoast says:

    Plenty of corners down at the left end of the room too. Your attitude does nothing more to foster bi-partisanship than my own, it is only directed at a different target.

    Anyways have a good evening. I’m off to bed.

  22. Rebecca says:

    I’m with you Bill. Except for the $10 to a Republican, can’t bring myself to do that. ;o) What a completely rude, ignorant, etc., etc., thing to do.

  23. pandora says:

    Is it just me, or do Tim Pancoast’s comments read like a fortune cookie?

  24. anonone says:

    Funny, pandora. 🙂

  25. Tim Pancoast says:

    This fortune cookie has a self imposed 1 am curfew especialy durring school semesters.

    I have to admit I have friends that use my comments to update their facebook status. Maybe it comes from watching too much Asian TV.