Comment Rescue: Jason330 On The Radio

Filed in Delaware by on September 12, 2009

I figured I’d better repost this, since Jason330 put this on the “Delete A Comment” thread. He’s such a tease.

Comment by jason330 on 12 September 2009 at 8:47 pm:

McNubins is a no heart chump. and I;m going to be on the radio.

So, listen to the Rick Jensen *gag* (sorry, momentary gag reflex kicked in) to listen to Jason330 and Tyler Nixon discuss the burning issues of the day.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (7)

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  1. anonone says:

    Tune in to listen to Jason fawn a Delaware republican politician.

  2. jason330 says:

    Lord knows I love to fawn me some Republicans.

  3. anonone says:


    Ask him why he supports the Libertarians, a political party that wants to legalize segregation. Ask him why any Libertarian with such views should ever receive a single vote. And ask him how sad he is that it is Joe Biden and not his candidate, Sarah Palin, sitting in the VP’s office. Ask him why his criticism of Bush/Cheney have any credibility when he actively supported McCain, who voted with Bush >90% of the time? Find out if his old boss and GOPAC mentor, Newt Gingrich, is still his hero.

    Tyler wouldn’t have anybody on the air with him that he thinks could beat him in a debate.

    Remember that.

  4. jason330 says:

    Okay. I’ll ask all of that (even though that sounds like less than riveting radio to me.) I think I’m also going to have a contest: “Who is the best Nixon?” Tyler Nixon, Cynthia Nixon, Richard M. Nixon, or Lewis Nixon… Maybe others if I can think of any other famous people named Nixon.

    Call your vote inMonday: 302-478-9335 1:00 to what…4:00?

  5. anonone says:

    Pat Nixon.

    And be sure to familiarize yourself with the racist writings (and excuses for them years later) by Tyler’s favorite republican Rep. Ron Paul. Any other whacky Ron Paul stuff would also be a fun bonus.

    If you can get Tyler to flip-out and start calling you names, that would make for very fun radio!

    Good luck, Jason – bring your “A game” and have fun.

  6. TPN says:

    What of Mojo Nixon??

  7. I knew it! Jason bagged the blog for radio! Whore!!! I say that with all the Jason-admiration in the world. I apologize to any whores that I may have offended.