Delaware Liberal

Thursday Open Thread

It’s open thread time – let’s throw the floor open. Put your comments, links and topics on your mind right here.

Let me do a follow-up to yesterday’s Open Thread discussion. The judge issued a judgment in the birther case from yesterday, and was quite critical of Ms. Taitz. He called her case frivolous and threatened sanctions. Anyone with an IQ higher than a rock or who isn’t suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome is not at all surprised by that. Ms. Taitz proved her entertainment value by giving an unhinged statement to Talking Points Memo.

In an interview with TPM just now, Birther evangelist Orly Taitz fired back at Clay Land, the U.S. district court judge who tore apart Birtherism and threatened Taitz with sanctions in an order today, saying that “somebody should consider trying [the judge] for treason and aiding and abetting this massive fraud known as Barack Hussein Obama.”

“This is so outrageous what this judge did — it goes in the face of law and order,” said Taitz, reached at her office in Mission Viego, CA. “Not every judge is as corrupt as Judge Land. Some judges believe in the Constitution. And some judges believe in the rule of law.”

And if Rhodes is open to continuing the fight, would Taitz go along?

“Oh absolutely, absolutely,” she said. “Listen, Nelson Mandela stayed in prison for years in order to get to the truth and justice.”

And Taitz brushed off the possibility of sanctions. “I’m not afraid of sanctions. Because I know this is not frivolous. I know this is extremely important — the most important issue in this country today.”

“Judge Land is a typical puppet of the regime — just like in the Soviet Union,” she said.

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