Teabaggers on Parade

Filed in National by on September 18, 2009

The other night Anderson Cooper had Mark Williams on his show.  Mr. Williams is one of the leaders of the tea party protests.  Unfortunately for Williams, Cooper had done some homework before the interview.

Cooper: What you’re saying makes sense to me here when I’m hearing what you say but then I read on your blog, you say, you call the President an Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug and a racist in chief.

Williams: Yeah, that’s the way he’s behaving.


So we should pause here and think a little about how Indonesian Muslims behave.  OK, no we shouldn’t.  I think it is apparent now why these guys are picketing against Barack Obama instead of against George Bush or on Wall St.  There weren’t enough people in either of those places that looked different from them.

What I would really love is to have Protack get asked onto one of these shows and be called out on his BS that has been spewed around the blogosphere.  That would be some must watch TV.

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  1. lg,

    If Protack announces that he’s running for office, we have a treasure trove of material for running the best of Mike Protack. It would be so awesome.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Won’t that be great?

  3. anon says:

    These teabaggers are compelte idiots, bigots and racists. Again, TARP and the auto bailout was BUSH!

  4. cassandra m says:

    And isn’t it interesting that when these wingnut call President Obama a racist, we are just supposed to accept that as truth. But when President Jimmy Carter points out that some of what has been pointed at President Obama is racially-tinged, they all go completely batshit insane.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Perhaps the question is which trait is dominant; stupidity, bigotry or racism?

  6. cassandra m says:

    ps. I saw Protack at the DelCOG event last night. He went out of his way to avoid me. Awesome!

    So yes — we will definitely have to put up a Best of Protack page for easy reference for his opponents. And possibly run some contests to come up with some ads with this material, I think…

  7. RSmitty says:

    LG/UI: Welcome to the beneficial-side of his commenting. Crazy thing is, he likely sees no issue with most of what he has said. On the other parts, he’ll blame his router for commenting under his name.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Good point Cassandra. They have been going nuts over that.

  9. cassandra m says:

    An ad campaign featuring a Talking Router!

    All we need is a cute name for that router and we are good to go.

  10. RSmitty says:

    In my best Dory (from Finding Nemo): He is a router and we will call him “Stachey” (sta-shee).

    We can put a ‘stache at the bottom (assuming it is a vertical router) and maybe a little pilot Captain’s hat on top.

    P.S.: Did this just get jacked into open-thread status?

  11. It’s lg’s fault because he mentioned Protack.