Delaware Liberal

Teabaggers on Parade

The other night Anderson Cooper had Mark Williams on his show.  Mr. Williams is one of the leaders of the tea party protests.  Unfortunately for Williams, Cooper had done some homework before the interview.

Cooper: What you’re saying makes sense to me here when I’m hearing what you say but then I read on your blog, you say, you call the President an Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug and a racist in chief.

Williams: Yeah, that’s the way he’s behaving.


So we should pause here and think a little about how Indonesian Muslims behave.  OK, no we shouldn’t.  I think it is apparent now why these guys are picketing against Barack Obama instead of against George Bush or on Wall St.  There weren’t enough people in either of those places that looked different from them.

What I would really love is to have Protack get asked onto one of these shows and be called out on his BS that has been spewed around the blogosphere.  That would be some must watch TV.

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