Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 22, 2009

I know you’ve all been waiting to see this (or at least I have). I present to you Tom DeLay “Wild Thing.” His dance didn’t score very well, so I’m not sure how much longer he’ll be on the show. This may be our only opportunity!

Updated: now with new video link!


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (13)

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  1. That video was horrible. Choppy. May be my wifi connection or YouTube being YouTube.

    So glad I don’t have to watch that crap anymore.

  2. cassandra m says:

    That video was crap. Like it was missing frames or something. But I think that the rule is you’ve officially entered Has Been territory when you are on this show, right? So the only times we should ever see Tom Delay again is if he is selling ShamWow.

  3. PI says:

    Had to watch last night just to see Delay. Once an ass, always an ass. Choppy video would be a drastic improvement. Typically don’t watch this show, but I do hope the left was out there voting last night for anyone but Delay. Send him home.

  4. anon says:

    Youtube pulled the video.. the link is dead.

  5. RICO says:

    Analysis: Why everyone is saying no to Obama
    The Jerusalem Post ^ | Sep 22, 2009 9:47 | AMIR MIZROCH

    Everybody is saying no to the American president these days. And it’s not just that they’re saying no, it’s also the way they’re saying no.

    The Saudis twice said no to his request for normalization gestures towards Israel (at Barack Obama’s meeting with King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia, and in Washington at meetings with Hillary Clinton). Who says no to the American president twice? What must they think of Obama in the desert kingdom?

    The North Koreans said no to repeated attempts at talks, by test-launching long-range missiles in April; Russia and China keep on saying no to tougher sanctions on Iran; the Iranians keep saying no to offers of talks by saying they’re willing to talk about everything except a halt to uranium enrichment; Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is saying no by refusing to meet with Binyamin Netanyahu until Israel freezes all settlement construction; the Israelis said no by refusing to agree to a settlement freeze, or even a settlement moratorium until and unless the Arabs ante up their normalization gestures. Which brings us back to the original Saudi no.

    The only thing Obama did manage to get Bibi and Abbas to say yes to is a photo-op at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in NY. Mazel tov.

  6. OMG, I finally got to watch the whole video. DeLay was awful. Air guitar? You have to be kidding me!

  7. xusumo says:

    Is it me or is RICO a moron?

  8. You’re not alone xusomo.

  9. Perry says:

    I can’t think of a politician I dislike more than Tom DeLay. That said, I tip my hat to him for putting himself out there to try something different. Sure, he was pretty lousy, but he gave it a shot. Good for him!

  10. I think so too, Perry. If you’re going to do something like that you need to go all out though.

  11. Joanne Christian says:

    Aw c’mon UI-the guy was trying to have fun. My pity is for the Mrs. DeLay if there is one, who will probably have this “re-enactment” live in many scenarios to come :)!

    Loved the waltz.