Why Republicans Should NEVER Be Taken Seriously

Filed in National by on September 22, 2009

Because it’s all a big joke.  Imagine pulling a stunt like this in the private sector.

497Hatch F7
Add transition relief for the excise tax on high cost insurance
plans for any State with a name the begins with the letter “U”

Glad he finds health care funny.  Republicans don’t deserve a seat at any table.  They deserve to be mocked and shunned.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Yeah, a lot of the Republican-offered amendments are meant to kill the bill or waste time.

  2. mike w. says:

    So because they don’t agree with liberal, big government healthcare reform and want to kill such legislation they “should never be taken seriously.”

    This post shows why you, Pandora, should NEVER be taken seriously.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Mike, so you approve of these time wasting foolish childish Amendments? If you oppose the health care plan, representatives should add amendments of substance and see them voted on. This is not an amendment of substance. That you would approve of childish tactics is obvious, since you are nothing but a childish wimp.

  4. anonone says:

    This is the way Hatch truly is paying tribute to Teddy Kennedy.

  5. Roy Munson says:

    man, I hate to agree with Mike W (and those of you who know me will understand why), but he’s right. very childish and bad title. Bauucus’s bill is a joke and should be treated accordingly. Baucus is the time wasting fool right now, DD.

  6. kavips says:

    Actually you are entitled to be outraged; however such a bill by Hatch proffers perfect ammunition against republicans, by illustrating that they themselves, don’t take the health care debate seriously…

    They do it only because they have constituents who will embarrass them at town halls, and belatedly believe there is still such a thing as a liberal… In fact, liberals as a group disappeared immediately after the Congressional elections of 06, when America turned to them in desperation to put the brakes on the Bush/Cheney government that spiraling was out of control…

    Their philosophy should be re categorized as “Americanism”, for that is essentially what their philosophy is…. Keep America from becoming Chinese…

    Republicans had the opposite goal…. They did everything to hurt America, and help China….

  7. Scott P says:

    So because they don’t agree with liberal, big government healthcare reform and want to kill such legislation they “should never be taken seriously.”

    But that’s just the problem — they keep saying that they do agree with the idea of reform. I’ll be honest and say I’m not sure the President didn’t just pull 80% out of his butt, but the fact remains that Repubs never say they’re for the status quo and keep agreeing that we need reform. By their own words they agree with much of what is being proposed.

    Two of their biggest complaints are the public option and the defecit. Well, the Baucus Plan has no public option and actually reduces the defecit over 10 years. I’m still waiting for the rush of GOP support.

  8. pandora says:

    Please tell me what they should be taken seriously on? Health care? The economy? The environment? H1N1? WMDs?

    Republicans whine about “not having a seat at the table”, but they possess no table manners. The only thing they’re serious about is blowing things up.

  9. mike w. says:

    How mature of you Pandora. You don’t agree with em so fuck em’ they don’t deserve a seat at the table in our Representative Democracy.

    You seem to be of the opinion that they should just disappear and let Obama and the Dems do whatever the hell they want.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    With Democrats like Tom Carper around, the Republicans do have a seat at the table.

    And, yes, Mike. They have been offered a seat at the table a dozen times, but they keep throwing food. They can have a seat if they will negotiate in good faith. So far, they have only brought misrepresentations to the debate (ladies and gentlemen, I give you Death Panels…).

  11. mike w. says:

    yeah, and the left (including Obama) have brought nothing but facts and objective truth……

    Give me a break LG. Under your “they can have a seat if they will negotiate in good faith” neither side should have a seat. You also speak as if the Dems need give them a seat at the table. They have that seat whether Dems like it or not, no permission needed.

  12. missundaztood says:

    Hatch rationalizes his amendment by explaining that “the transition relief provided in the Chairman’s mark for the 17 states with the least affordable health care is obviously arbitrary and unfair. What about the 18th state? This amendment would add further transition relief in another, but no less arbitrary way to certain states.”

  13. liberalgeek says:

    We bring solutions and plans, the Republicans throw out accusations of socialism, killing grandma and illegal immigrants being covered. They have had their chances, they have weighed in, they have had their amendments included. Now it is time for the adults to cut through the BS and get this done. If no Republican votes for it, then so be it.

  14. Republicans had 6 years of control of all branches of government, so they had the opportunity to shape a plan to their liking. Why should we continue to be punished for the Republicans’ lack of recognition of the issues facing regular Americans? The Democrats made this their top priority, ran on it and won. Obama bent over backwards, as did Baucus, to give Republicans a seat at the table. The Republican response is to offer silly amendments.

  15. mike w. says:

    So, LG, if those “solutions and plans” are no more than variations on the tried and failed ideas of the past should we take them seriously?

    If you tell me the government is going to do something that it has historically failed to do with regularity why should I expect things to turn out differently this time?

    It’s like proposing gun control policies that have failed everywhere they’ve been implemented thusfar, telling everyone they will work to reduce crime, and expecting people to actually believe you.

    Oh, and I guess it’s only bad when Republicans ram through their agenda with no bipartisan support, but perfectly fine when Democrats do it. Nice double standard.

  16. Tried and failed – relying on the free market, tax cuts for the rich trickle down and deregulation.

  17. mike w. says:

    So UI, your solution to something that didn’t work is to try something else that likewise didn’t work?

    Great, we can keep trying the same old failed policies and getting the same predictably shitty results. Sounds like a great plan!

  18. Scott P says:

    This is why Republicans should not be taken seriously right now, and why they have forfeited their place at the grown-ups’ table:

    As recently as a month ago, Chuck Grassley … announced that the way to get universal coverage is “through an individual mandate.” He told Nightly Business report, “That’s individual responsibility, and even Republicans believe in individual responsibility.” Earlier this year, Grassley told Fox News that there wasn’t “anything wrong” with mandates, even if some may view them “as an infringement upon individual freedom.”


    Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley, the Finance Committee’s senior Republican, said the mandate is among the reasons that he couldn’t support the bill despite months of negotiations with Mr. Baucus. “Individuals should maintain their freedom to chose health-care coverage, or not,” he said.

    They have no fixed position on almost every issue, except “Whatever they say, I’m against it.” You cannot have real bipartisan negotiations while one sie is constantly changing what they stand for and what they say is good policy.

    PS — I appologize for the the long quotes, but they were both necessary. They came via Ezra Klein. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/ezra-klein/2009/09/why_we_cant_have_bipartisanshi.html

  19. RICO says:

    “Medicare works”

    ask your doctor is she/he shares that opinion.