‘Wrong’ Williams Writes Another Column About Nothing

Filed in Delaware by on September 23, 2009

A column featuring two huge ‘rumors’ with not one whit (although written by one nitwit) of substantiation

1. Carper may not be running. Why?

But at least two people have reported they’ve witnessed Carper trying to cover up a tremor in his shoulder.

Note to Wrong Williams: My fingers sometimes feel like ginger ale when I’ve spent lots of time on the computer.  Not giving up blogging.

Carper’s response is priceless (except of course to the fatcats who will pay any price to keep their puppet in office):

“This is all nonsense,” Carper said. “I just ran 10 miles last weekend. My doctor told me I have the highest level of good cholesterol and the lowest level of bad cholesterol he’s ever seen in a man … and that I have a biological age of 42. (He’ll be 63 in January.) It’s (the rumor) just ludicrous.”

He also has one of the lowest levels of good progressivism and one of the highest of bad corporatism in the Senate. And, if he truly has a biological age of 42, he’s likely to do the bidding of the corporate haves for at least another 23 years unless someone with a conscience has the courage to challenge Robo-Candidate.

His other rumor, and gee, I’ve never heard this one before:

2. Biden may not run for the Senate seat, but may run for re-election to his AG post.

Except he goes on to say, w/o attribution, that he will run for the Senate seat, and will announce soon. One of those two scenarios is likely correct.

In fairness, he does say that Carl Schnee will be Richard Gebelein’s replacement as Chief Deputy. Not sure if that’s been reported elsewhere and, as such, is the only item of note in his column.

Williams gets paid good money and is given lots of column inches to spew his stuff. What he wrote today wouldn’t cut it in a failing blog propped up by the beer-and-shot equivalent of the Vicmead Hunt Club.

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  1. Too much for me this morning, ‘Bulo. I just spit up my yogurt on my keyboard! LOL…thanks for this!

  2. Geezer says:

    In fairness, the column is just one of Ron’s duties, and not the most important one. With only three people left on the editorial board, his first priority is writing editorials, and since Rita Truschel was the copy editor in the department before her layoff, I would guess that Ron is doing quite a bit of that as well.

  3. Remember how the NJ wrote an article about how Delaware Liberal is a bunch of rumor-mongers? Good times.

    I have heard that rumor about Carper not running (nothing about a tremor or anything), but I don’t remember where. Remember now, it’s Delaware Liberal that’s irresponsible because we don’t have journalism degrees.

  4. RICO says:

    sounds like he is auditioning for a slot here on the DL.

    giving the collective hatred of Carper on the DL, I would think you would be giddy that the rumor was printed in the paper.

  5. JustTheFacts says:

    You also missed the fact that Williams said Carper’s term ends in 2010… it ends in 2012.

    How many errors can this guy make? EVERY column has a factual error.

  6. RICO says:

    here is a rumor worth discussing:

    Ed Morrissey at Hot Air had the catch of the day yesterday when he revealed, based on Congressional Budget Office internal projections distributed to Congress during the summer, that the Social Security system will spend more cash than it takes in during the government’s next fiscal year ending September 30, 2010.

    The bi-partisan failure to deal with Social Security is about to land in their laps with a thud.

  7. rhubard says:

    “here is a rumor worth discussing:”

    But not here, threadjacker.

  8. RICO says:

    Thank you for pointing that out, milk monitor.

    posting a rumor on a thread about the local paper printing rumor as opinion was a stretch, I just wasn’t patient enough to wait for today’s open thread.

    The collective should feel free to move my coment to the next “open thread” when it opens.

  9. Open thread is scheduled for noon.

  10. Geezer says:

    Thanks for the link, JM. What a brass-plated asshat Carper is. “I believe in treating people the way I would want to be treated.” Yeah, me too, Tom. The difference is that I don’t mistake industry lobbyists for “people,” since they are not serving as independent individuals but corporate spokespersons.

    This jerk must go.

  11. anon2 says:

    Millions for the millionaire! Bankster/Gangsters, Credit Card companies, and greedy insurance companies…support Carper. This guy should be tossed to the curb by all democrats. Call him what he is, a republicrat.