Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 28, 2009

OK admit it – how many people’s brains are still working in weekend mode?

Chat away. Here’s something that caught my attention:

A new 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair Poll was released late yesterday, with a variety of quirky questions. CBS News described the poll as intended to be “topical, fun, amusing, illuminating and most importantly, interesting.” Some of the queries were more compelling than others.

One result, however, stood out as politically relevant.

If the Obama administration proposed a tax of 50 percent or higher on the incomes of the very wealthiest millionaires, would you support it, or not?

A 51% majority endorsed the significantly higher rate, 45% did not.

But the teabaggers told me that raising the highest rate to 39.6% was fascism!


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    We missed the Lebowski Festival and one of you guys was supposed to tell us about stuff like this!

  2. I’m speechless about this one. There is a facebook poll: Should Obama be killed? The answers are yes, no, if he cuts my health care and maybe. Are people really going insane now?

  3. cassandra_m says:

    It looks like the poll has been disabled and the Secret Service is taking a good look. Apparently certain types of conservatives (the Beckerhead and Limbaugh types) have decided that advocating for the assassination of a President is rational behavior. Perhaps we should have a new government program that will deport those guys to some third world country where that kind of talk passes as a real political strategy.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    In other news — Say It Ain’t So, Joe! — Joe Biden gets his own opera (And I know Jason330 won’t mind my telling you how pleased he is about this turn of events.)

    Which got a pretty good review, too.

  5. The facebook poll was pulled at the request of the Secret Service. I think the Secret Service is investigating who was behind the poll.

  6. Scott P says:

    How long until Sarah Palin Facebooks (is that a verb yet?) about how someone’s First Amendment rights are being taken away by the fascist socialists in the Secret Service? “Now they won’t even let you put up a simple poll. Don’tcha know who else never allowed a single internet poll? The Nazis.”

  7. liberalgeek says:

    How ’bout them Eagles?

  8. Scott P says:

    Yeah. So long as they keep playing semi-pro teams, they’ll be OK. Luckily, for the next month they do. The crazy thing is that they could easily end up being 5-1, and still not be a particularly good team. The upside, though, is that playing the KC’s, Oakland’s, and Washington’s (Detroit? Really?) of the world help the young guys like Jackson and McCoy get more experience. Plus, you win the early easy games and it keeps you in the hunt later on. Who knows, maybe Eli will shoot himself in the leg or something. It could happen.

  9. John Manifold says:

    Bob Reich says Tuesday is the day to call Carper’s office:

    “Carper, Menendez, Baucus, and other Dems on the Committee should vote for it, or be forced to pay a price if they don’t.”

  10. Geezer says:

    My wife called Carper’s office on this yesterday. Spent 18 minutes on hold before reaching a human.

  11. Betcha your wife doesn’t call the same number that the corporate lobbyists do.

  12. RSmitty says:

    Anyone ever stopped by Carper’s Wilmington office? While it’s strictly coincidence, it’s still funny if you think about it. In the same foyer his office shares with the real estate office located there (or so claims the sign on the other door there), there is an ATM machine. Just the symbolism alone of an ATM at the very door of a US Senator’s office is hilarious (well, at least to me it is). Anyway, like I said, I sincerely believe it’s coincidence, but humorous.

  13. John Manifold says:

    Some will be calling him today from the other side.

    He’s been good on choice. Let’s work to make it stay that way.