Clean and Sober day one

Filed in National by on September 28, 2009

DSCN0059If you didn’t know or care, I was recently in Amsterdam for work and for pleasure.  In my mind this was going to be the end of my drinking and what not for at least 6 months.  I planned on getting it out of my system while I resided in Utopia for 6 nights and 7 glorious days.   I can’t think of a better place to end or pause a vice that can wreak havoc on one’s personal life.  I sort of envisioned it to be like that Las Vegas movie with Nick Cage only not quite as dramatic and without the blood.

This is going to be an incredibly difficult task for me as the last time I was sober for an extended period of time was 9 months in 1998/99.   Those were not good times for me at all, and I barely learned my lesson.  Here I am ten years later, in a similar spot as before but I love my wife and my life.  This time, I think, that I have to grow up and not piss away the great things in my life.  My wife and new son, my children, my friends and you my fellow readers and fans as well as my awesome new job are all things worth doing this for.  At some point over the past several weeks something clicked in my head and said I need to take a break and change course hopefully for good.  Perhaps the fact that alcohol is a depressant finally took hold.  I noticed even for me that I was getting a little to angry easily.  My fuse was shorter, my attention span was nill and was craving beer way more than a normal person should or would.  I have slowly been drinking more and more over time and with being out of work for 6 months I think it escalated to an unhealthy level and now with money to buy beer with no remorse I have been.  The stack of empties in my garage is an appalling monument to a less than desirable lifestyle.

I will be the first one to tell you that I like to party.  My friends like to party.  My in laws like to drink beer and when I visit have beer on ice for me.  I also run a wine tasting group on top of it all.  I have surrounded myself with alcohol and I noticed that as a society alcohol has consumed us.  I watch ESPN and the sports shows and I you eventually stop noticing the Beer commercials at 7am during sportscenter.  But that is no excuse and I need to try and distance myself from this lifestyle that I have grown a little to accustomed to.

There will always be some reason to drink.  U of Md homecoming, an Eagles Tailgate, Playoffs, BBQ, Birthday party, share beer with 1 year old son.  On and on and on the list goes.  But for now I’m officially clean and sober for a little over 24 hours and this is not going to be easy at all.  In the open book that is Donviti, I plan on bringing you all into the challenges I will face with not drinking.

thanks for listening


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hiding in the open

Comments (12)

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  1. Wow, good luck DV. Are you just going cold turkey or is there some program you’re using?

  2. Plus, I love that you still have a sense of the absurd:

    There will always be some reason to drink. U of Md homecoming, an Eagles Tailgate, Playoffs, BBQ, Birthday party, share beer with 1 year old son.

  3. Sorry, I seem to be spamming your thread but I think one thing you’ll find (and you did highlight it) is how much our culture revolves around alcohol and food. I’m sure all out dieters out there know exactly what I’m talking about. All of our celebrations involve food and drink. I guess you’ll have to think of a good alternative for those occasions since you’re not planning on cutting yourself off from society.

  4. Donviti says:

    cold turkey. When you know, you know and I just know.

  5. A. price says:

    play the fox news drinking game! Everytime they tell the truth, take a drink. You’ll be firmly on the wagon in a few days. Best of luck, i’ll buy ya a pepsi at the next drinKing liberally

  6. Alberta Crowley says:

    Good luck to you! I haven’t had a drink in 24 years and life has just kept getting better. There is always an excuse to drink and a reason not too.

  7. donviti says:

    thank you and congrats. I like that last line….

  8. h. says:

    Don’t blame the beer !!!!!!!!!

  9. arthur says:

    I feel bad for peoople who don’t drink. when they wake up in the morning that is the best they are going to feel all day.

  10. Did you notice how tall the Dutch are?

    Mike Protack

  11. Donviti says:


    Make sure to give credit to the source of that quote, Sinatra

  12. jason330 says:

    Good luck bro. I have to say that quitting politics has got to be a piece of cake compared to quitting drinking. As you point out, alcohol is everywhere. Whereas you have to go searching for politics. Even in the news journal. Staying away from people talking about politics is as easy as staying away from people talking about 17th Century French poetry.