Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 1, 2009

Remember – this is your daily open thread. You can talk about whatever interests you or you can talk about the article featured below. The sky’s the limit!

It’s another Sarah Palin version of your open thread. Poor Sarah is having trouble getting booked on the lecture circuit:

Palin’s bookers are said to be asking for $100,000 per speech, but an industry expert tells Page Six: “The big lecture buyers in the US are paralyzed with fear about booking her, basically because they think she is a blithering idiot.”

Many big lecture venues are subscription series, “and they don’t want to tick people off,” said our source. “Palin is polarizing, and some subscribers might cancel if she’s on the lineup.” Other lecture buyers are universities, which have a leftist slant, and corporations, which dislike controversy.

“Palin is so uninteresting to so many groups — unless they are interested in moose hunting,” said our insider. “What does she have to say? She can’t even describe what she reads.”

I’m sure her reputation for not showing up to speak at previously scheduled events doesn’t help either. Before you feel sorry for poor Sarah, she pocketed $7M for her memoir.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. anon1 says:

    I called Carper’s office….again. This time I simiply said I was through with Carper as a Democrat. I will not vote for the man again. He may as well become a Republican as far as I’m concerned because that is how I will treat him from now on.

    His staffer told me I should not believe what I read in the NJ. I explained that I do not rely solely on the NJ, that I am active in Delaware politics and I gleen my information from many sources. Who needs the NJ when all one has to do is look at his voting record?

  2. Progressive Mom says:

    Today’s FlufferNutter Moment is brought to us by that ole favorite, Mrs. Bachmann.

    While discussing school based-health clinics, the less-than-honorable (and less than truthful) representative said that health care reform would bring us this: “Does that mean that someone’s 13 year-old daughter could walk into a sex clinic (at school), have a pregnancy test done, be taken away to the local Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, have their (sic) abortion, be back and go home on the school bus that night? Mom and dad are never the wiser.”

    I’m waiting for someone to tie the farm subsidies to abortion. Let’ see, women eat bread, bread is made from grain, women have abortions…yeah, I see the fit…..

  3. The Secret Service announced today that the “Should Obama be killed poll?” was done by a juvenile as a prank.

    The Secret Service announced today that the person — a juvenile — behind a Facebook poll that asked whether President Obama should be killed is not an actual threat to the President.

    The agency spoke with the child and the child’s parents, and no charges will be filed.

    “Case closed,” said a spokesman. “”I guess you could characterize it as a mistake.”

  4. Scott P says:

    Like (I believe) most people, I was never concerned that it was a real threat in and of itself. What concerns me more is that the political/social environment has deteriorated to the point where someone (even a kid) would think that poll was a good or funny idea.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    I’m still pushing for the Tiger Woods poll.

  6. Fuzzy Z says:

    I’m not too chicken to vote in that one.

  7. Scott P says:

    Here’s something that doesn’t happen often — I believe Ann Coulter said something honest. Of course it doesn’t hurt that it validates something I said last week. In an interview with Joy Behar, after saying Beck has become the face of the GOP and saying she “loved him”, this ensued:

    BEHAR: Do you really? Really?

    COULTER: Yeah.

    BEHAR: Because people hate him more than they used to hate you. Are you jealous?

    COULTER: A little bit jealous. And I think you get that with many conservatives attacking him.

  8. anon2 says:

    Would someone check this out. Wayne Madsen Reports that Milford Delaware has hired Blackwater goon squad to train their police Dept? Why in the world would Milford Delaware need these goons to train their police forces?

  9. Scott P says:

    Here’s another one. Ezra Klein seems to actually sort of like Carper’s proposal for state-level options.

    I know next to nothing about it, but my first reaction is that if it is a state-level, optional program, there are a lot of people who will be left out. Look at the states “exploring their options” under the 10th Amendment even now.