Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 2, 2009

The weekend starts in only 5 hours!

Have you been feeling anything different these days? Rachel Maddow uncovered the reason – it’s the Liberty Council’s (affiliated with Falwell’s Liberty University) “Adopt a Liberal” program.

Since the landmark 2008 general election, there can be no doubt that a very large percentage of our Nation’s leaders have a liberal mindset. The undeniable fact is that the 111th Pelosi-Reid Congress and the Obama Administration demonstrate a far left political philosophy. And since the President nominates federal judges and Justices of the United States Supreme Court, the judicial branch of government could take on a decidedly more liberal bent as the Obama Administration wears on.

Liberty Counsel has therefore named this special new prayer-in-action program Adopt a Liberal. And that’s exactly what we invite you to do — adopt a liberal who is in authority for regular, intense prayer in accord with St. Paul’s admonition to his disciple, Timothy. In fact, we expect that many of our friends and supporters will choose to adopt many liberals as subjects of regular prayer!

I think it may be working – I feel like yelling at a Congressperson at a townhall meeting.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (49)

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  1. RSmitty says:

    Yay, Open Thread time! I think I know what I will do the next time I go to Florida…conquer the U of FL!!!!

    Bwaa-ha-ha-haaaa! How dare they let their guard down!!! 😈

  2. liberalgeek says:

    The undead know to take out the intranet servers first anyway.

  3. RSmitty says:

    I think they permeate routers first and assume unsuspecting wannabe public servants identities on blogs and emails. After that, then they take down intranet servers.

    Most importantly, do they like bacon blogging topics? They can take all of the living all they want, but they better not eff with my bacon blogging topics!!!

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Yes, bacon is good for me.

  5. RICO says:

    the racist IOC rejects Chicago

  6. a. price says:


  7. D.C. says:

    “the racist IOC rejects Chicago”

    I’ll bite. You’re being sarcastic right?

  8. a. price says:

    oh man, i want crazy jesus-freaks to pray for me!
    I’m a GREAT candidate
    Not only am I an avowed socialist, but i am a reform Jew. I usually date Christian girls… so I’m corrupting the jesus-freak gene pool. I’m pro-choice, pro taxes, Im just great for this program. Please if any of you know anyone looking for a liberal to pray for….

  9. RSmitty says:

    Open shout to Cass…sent you a baconeriffic lunch item to your DL email address.

  10. Progressive Mom says:

    Today’s FlufferNutter moment is brought to you by:

    Rep. Broun, Republican of Georgia, to a constituent who could not get insurancedto cover his clinical depression: “people who have depression, who have chronic diseases in this country…can always get care in this country by going to the emergency room.”

    This legislator, in spite of his stunning stupidity on the basics of our health system, has a vote on reform.

    Perhaps it’s time for some intelligence testing for Congress. We can call it: No Congressman left Behind.

  11. RICO says:


    Chicago’s Swift Elimination as 2016 Olympics Host is Political Blow to Obama
    Los Angeles Times ^ | 10/03/09 | Christi Parsons and Mark Silva

    Olympic Snub For Obama As Chicago Eliminated From 2016 Bid [“Public Humiliation”]
    London Times ^ | October 01st 2009

    Obama’s Olympic failure will only add to doubts about his presidency
    TimesOnlineUK ^

    Disappointed White House Struggles to Explain Chicago’s Defeat
    Washington Post ^ | October 2, 2009 | Anne Kornblut

    all overblown, looks like the left leaning outlets are the most disapointed and willing to blame BHO

  12. I think the idea that the Olympics aren’t coming to Chicago is some kind of humiliation for Obama is way overblown.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    And those who claim humiliation for Obama were exactly the sames ones denigrating the effort in the first place. Hypocrites and idiots all.

    This AM I was listening to NPR report on the Chicago presentation and they noted a question asked by an IOC Board Member asking specifically about how hostile the US is to foreigners, how difficult it is for folks outside of the country to visit. Obama had a response that really sidestepped the man’s question and I thought right then that they had blown it. Travel into the US by non-citizens is not a trivial thing anymore and potential visitors are well aware of that. The London Times reported on this too:

    Responding to a question by Syed Shahid Ali, the IOC member for Pakistan, about the “pretty harrowing experience” of many foreign visitors to the US, he said: “One of the legacies I want to see coming out of 2016 is a reminder that America, at its best, is open to the world. We are putting the full force of the White house and the State Department into making sure that not only is this a successful Games but that visitors from all around the world feel welcome and will come away with a sense of the incredible diversity of the American people.”

    The force at his disposal will be channelled through a special Olympic, Paralympic and youth sport office to be set up within the White House and run by Valerie Jarrett, one of Mr Obama’s closest advisors.

    I’d bet that a straightforward answer about rethinking how foreign visitors gain entry to the US would have been a better one.

  14. Someone who worked on the Chicago bid confirmed that the big problem was travel restrictions.

    A few months ago, (getting back to the Olympic selection) it was made clear to us that Chicago was going to have some difficulty in gaining the selection for a number of reasons including that we have had a large percentage of games hosted here, but most importantly, that we do not have the best international reputation at this time, and it well known that it is a frustrating and difficult process compared to the other host countries for travelers to gain admittance into the US. There was not a lot that could be done with our planning about this, but it was still brought up as an unofficial “official” concern of the IOC. I think Obama’s visit was prob in some effort to help remove this concern from the selection committee. I would say from knowledge of work on this bid, as well as having produced work to assist with London’s planning effort for Foreign Office Architects in London (before starting my own practice in Chicago) that there was little chance that the decision would be able to be changed this late in the game, and that at this point (the last week), most of the IOC already knows their rankings, and are just discussing the top two. So, again, regardless of Obama’s influence (or lack of), at best, all he would have been able to do was help push over the top, or slightly hurt, but not much more. The decision was most likely already made that Chicago would not host it a few weeks ago by the IOC.

  15. Scott P says:

    So the biggest problems were our international reputation, and travel restrictions? So does this mean we can blame it on Bush? As any right wing commenter worth his saltpeter will tell you, we do so love to do that.

  16. RICO says:

    too late,

    Chicago Out For 2016 Olympics — Senator Rowland Burris Blames Bush

    but if you hurry you can be the first to blame Glen Beck…

  17. Progressive Mom says:

    UI — Thanks.

    Cassandra — I hadn’t even thought about travel restrictions. I thought that “the first Olmpics in South America” was a rather big obstacle for Chicago.

    Also, as for that first ballot: sports boards are saying that Committee voters who wanted Rio didn’t want the final ballot to come down to the U.S. vs. Rio, and knew that the other cities had much less of a chance of winning against Rio. So there was some impetus to push Chicago out on the first ballot by polling it as #4.

  18. RICO says:

    Blame it on Axelrod!

    Because his (former) PR firm did all the work and was paid millions for the project of presenting Chicago’s bid.

    It’s his fault the Dear Leader was embarassed.

  19. rhubard says:

    Do those of us who didn’t want the Olympics in the U.S. get to credit Axelrod?

  20. Von Cracker says:

    can you smell the desperation in the comments above?

    must be lonely when your beliefs have been consistently refuted over the past 4 years, conservatives.

  21. Progressive Mom says:

    Why do conservatives hate America so much? Perhaps they can all move to Rio, and join Bill Bennett on the beach, watching “girls” in bikinis.

    And what does North Korea have to do with this?

  22. Scott P says:

    Personally, I think the only people who should be embarrassed are the ones who have been rooting against America.

    As for the “Blame Bush” thing, of course I meant it (mostly) as a joke. But then again, so is Rowland Burris. I think about 99% of the blame goes to, as P. Mom (sorry, that sounded better in my head) said “the first Olympics in South America” thing.

    Interesting, but I never knew that apparently the 1904 Olympics were originally suppossed to be in Chicago, but were moved to St. Louis to coincide with the World’s Fair.

  23. I find the whole joy of Chicago losing the Olympic bid very bizarre. I hadn’t been following this at all because, frankly, I don’t care. I don’t think it means anything to Obama’s presidency if the Olympics goes to Rio instead. All I can say is that Obama derangement syndrome is making conservatives act like rude children.

    So, they can all do their little wingnut dances and high fives and we’ll just shrug.

  24. rhubard says:

    “I think the only people who should be embarrassed are the ones who have been rooting against America.”

    Why is it “rooting against America” to hope the Olympics won’t be held here? It’s a track meet staged by extortion artists. Good riddance.

  25. Hoping the Olympics don’t come to America is not necessarily anti-American. However there were people who were rooting against it simply because Obama was for it.

  26. Von Cracker says:

    according to rhubard’s logic anything that contains an element of fraud shouldn’t be allowed in this country.

    oh well, there goes capitalism!

    china profited over 100 million on last year’s games and LA made over 200 million in ’84.

  27. Scott P says:

    Let me start off by saying I started in this vein very tongue-in-cheek. I have no great love for Chicago. My biggest requirement for Olympic sites is closeness to my time zone so the good stuff isn’t happening at odd hours.

    But, you have to admit, the way Obama gets hammered everytime he goes abroad and says anything less than “The US is awesome, you all suck”, it’s hard to reconcile that with hoping America loses an international competition.

    And I never said it was “anti-American” to hope Chicago didn’t win. Rhubarb, for instance, seems to have a valid, non-Obama, reason for being glad. (And he may not be wrong.)

  28. RSmitty says:

    Honestly, I was pulling for Rio exactly because of the first-time-in-South-America angle. That was the same reason I was rooting for Sydney way back. For all of the global representation that participates, much of the southern hemisphere nations get hosed for hosting opportunities. Plus, that will be one mutha of a party, I am certain.

    Oh, not that any of this matters, because we will all die on 12/21/12, anyway. Some of us by natural causes (technically, every death is natural, it’s just the method that got us to that natural death), others by the family pet suddenly going wild, and even others by their Christmas (or Winter Solstace) Tree suddenly walking over and beating them to death with a tacky ornament. I know this, because I saw it on a documentary some 10+ years ago.

  29. Dominique says:

    I, for one, was rooting against it the minute I realized that smug asshole Oprah Winfrey was involved. I’ve been over that sanctimonious cow since she dressed down James Frey. I am over the moon about this. The fact that Obama traipsed over there thinking that yet another one of his beautiful, heartwarming speeches would put another one in the ‘win’ column for it is just icing on the cake. Oh, dear, could the rest of the world be…over him? Gasp!

    PS – The gold dress Michelle Obama wore just made the stunning defeat that much more magical. Doesn’t she remember what happened when Nancy Kerrigan got a bit too cocky and wore that gold outfit in the Olympics (post-Harding scandal)? Mmmm mmm…delicious irony.

  30. Delaware Dem says:

    You are an unAmerican cow, Bitterique. Find a country that you love and move there, since you obviously hate this country.

  31. Delaware Dem says:

    And how wonderful is it that Bitterique takes Tonya Harding’s side in that infamous incident at the 94 games. White trash stick together, I suppose.

  32. Dominique says:

    blah, blah, blah. you sound a bit like the GOP during the bush years. again with the irony.

  33. Delaware Dem says:

    RSmitty, once Chicago was eliminated, I wanted Rio to get the games too for precisely your reason.

  34. Delaware Dem says:

    The ironic thing is your racism has turned a once liberal Democrat into a rabid right wing conservative.

  35. Dominique says:

    wow. elitist much? i love how you extrapolate that i take tonya harding’s side, you pathetic ape. the point was, kerrigan was a bit too sure she was going to win the gold. it’s ok. it’s so cute when simple concepts need to be explained to you.

  36. Dominique says:

    3, 2, 1…racist!

    nothing if not predictable.

  37. Dominique says:

    rabid republican. adorable. i should be shot, right?

  38. Delaware Dem says:

    Are you admitting that you are a Republican, Bitterique? For I infamously said only Republicans should be round up and shot. (And no, you should not be shot. I would be content if you grew up and acted like the adult you supposedly are, instead of the petulant child you have become following Hillary’s loss in the primaries).

  39. Dominique says:

    yes, asshat. i am a registered republican. this is not news. what would be news to you, of course, is that not all republicans are evil, crazy, bible-thumping zealots. some of us are actually pro-choice, pro-gay rights, common-sense people who just don’t want the government in our bedrooms, doctor’s offices or wallets. yet another simple concept that escapes you.

  40. Dominique says:

    the fact that you call me ‘bitterique’ and ‘petulant child’ in the same comment is delicious.

  41. Dominique says:

    i’d love to stick around and play, but i’m going to have to step out of my trailer in a bit. better grab my kevlar.

  42. Delaware Dem says:

    And how is it then that you supported Hillary Clinton in the primaries? You do realize that her healthcare plan that she campaigned on has been incorporated into various bills in Congress that you are now against simply because Obama is president?

    I have never met a more astounding example of hypocrisy.

  43. Progressive Mom says:

    Good thing the world has the Olympics to promote sportsmanship, harmony and national pride.

  44. Von Cracker says:

    “yes, asshat. i am a registered republican. this is not news. what would be news to you, of course, is that not all republicans are evil, crazy, bible-thumping zealots. some of us are actually pro-choice, pro-gay rights, common-sense people who just don’t want the government in our bedrooms, doctor’s offices or wallets. yet another simple concept that escapes you.”

    lol – i sense plenty of self-loathing in this statement, especially the last part, Ms Schiavo.

    do you despise the choices you made in your life, Dom? how about a self-righteous suicide? that’ll show us all, won’t it?

  45. I’d love to meet a pro-choice teabagger.

    I’m continually surprised that people are proud at how petty they are.

  46. rhubard says:

    How can anyone who claims to want government out of her uterus consider herself Republican?