Now that we created the monster, when do we attack them too?

Filed in Delaware, International by on October 6, 2009

So, we all know that around the time that Sadam started talking crazy with pegging oil to a basket currency the US all of a sudden need to rid him of his non-existent WMD’s and shove Democracy down his country’s throat with a few thousand megatons of whoop ass.  And we needed Haliburton to secure the Oil Fields…weird how history sorts out small details ain’t it?

What are we supposed to do with China now?  thanks to our “free market” ways and more specifically Walmart and Target we now have made China a communist super power that has WMD’s for real.  The mental hurdles one has to go through to justify war with Iraq never can stack up, because you have behemoths like China.  china sucks on 60% of the world’s oil and they don’t give a flying fuck about where it comes from.  Sudan?  Genocide?  What?  They could care less, heck while they are over there, they just sell them some military shit too.  The Chinese attitude is keep us out of it, just give us the damn oil.  Meanwhile the US gets all up in people’s shit and tries to tell people how  to run their lives.  

Now China and Russia are making moves and we are powerless almost entirely.  While we fiddle b/c of Wall Street and fight 2 pointless wars, they just keep plugging along with their eye on the big picture.  Something our nation is not capable of.  We have politicians that think Global Warming is a farce still and that the world is 5000 years old.  God we are so dumb….Hey look, Mike Castle is running.  Guy has had a stroke, walks with a limp and is hunched over…but he will get re-elected…meanwhile, our run as superpower is coming to an end because we idiots keep electing shit heads like him. 

By Robert Fisk | The Independent

In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.

Read more at:

 I can’t even imagine what will happen to our country if this really happens.  We thought the banking crisis was going to collapse our economy.  The mental midgets in this country have no idea what will happen to us if oil gets pegged to a basket currency. 

All hail Nixon’s move to free the dollar from the gold bouillon

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hiding in the open

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  1. D.C. says:

    “The mental midgets…”

    That is friggin hilarious coming from you!

  2. Liberal Elite says:

    This one really is Bush’s fault.

    The rampant deficit spending by the US has undermined global confidence in the dollar. Sometimes paying a just little bit more in taxes is a good idea.

  3. I’m not sure if this will be a net positive or net negative for the U.S. I think continuing the strong dollar policy continues outsourcing our jobs. A falling dollar may help the U.S. in some ways.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    The Iranians went to a basket of currencies a few years back. Since then, there has been the occasional rehashing of this story that all of OPEC is going to do what the Iranians did. Plus, did you note that none of Fisk’s important sources have no names? The WSJ reports that said replacement isn’t going to happen, but even the Independent says that this change is planned for 2018.

    It i a good argument for ramping up efforts to be much less dependent upon these people, but if the US Dollar is strong (vs other currencies) in 2018, all bets are off.