Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 6, 2009

Babble away.

Remember last week when we discussed the growing Becklash? Well, Media Matters is documenting and there’s been a lot more piling on since last week.

* Former Bush and McCain adviser Mark McKinnon denouncing Levin's "jaw-dropping hate language about the president." * MSNBC commentator and former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough blasting Limbaugh's cheers after Chicago lost its Olympic bid: "Republicans have gone off the deep end" These are just a few examples of a serious trend. Right-wing media figures are now routinely attacking each other's tactics and relevancy. On Friday, Brooks (nonsensically) dedicated an entire column to explaining why conservative media leaders like Beck and Limbaugh are not worthy of attention. He argued that we are once again witnessing "the story of media mavens who claim to represent a hidden majority but who in fact represent a mere niche -- even of the Republican Party." It's a point he made several weeks earlier, when he said that "[i]f the Republican Party is sane, they will say no to these people." Beck, in turn, responded by reading Brooks' editorial on the air and mocking the idea that he was the overlord of thoughtless, right-wing radio audiences who will "kill people will kill people because we tell you to." Feeling defensive, Glenn?


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. RICO says:

    US funds dry up for Iran rights watchdog
    Boston Globe ^ | October 6, 2009 | Farah Stockman

    WASHINGTON – For the past five years, researchers in a modest office overlooking the New Haven green have carefully documented cases of assassination and torture of democracy activists in Iran. With more than $3 million in grants from the US State Department, they have pored over thousands of documents and Persian-language press reports and interviewed scores of witnesses and survivors to build dossiers on those they say are Iran’s most infamous human-rights abusers.

    But just as the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center was ramping up to investigate abuses of protesters after this summer’s disputed presidential election, the group received word that – for the first time since it was formed – its federal funding request had been denied.

    more hope&change

  2. RICO says:

    Cindy Sheehan Moving to Washington (D.C.)

    ABC News ^ | Tuesday, October 6, 2009 | Yunji de Nies and Sunlen Miller
    ABC News’ Yunji de Nies and Sunlen Miller report: She’s back and this time, she’s here to stay. Cindy Sheehan says she is moving to Washington. The anti-war activist was outside the White House for the second day in a row, with a bullhorn and a handful of protestors, shouting against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Guantanamo and calling for “health care not warfare.” Sheehan became a prominent voice against the Iraq war after her son Special Casey Sheehan was killed in Iraq 2004, and spent years hounding George W. Bush. Now, she’s turned her attention to President Barack…

    I guess she didn’t get the memo.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Hooray for Cindy Sheehan. I have no problem with her out there to remind the President that there are people dying in foreign countries for these two blasted wars.

    I have hated the Iraq war since the outset, and I had some doubts about Afghanistan. If Cindy wants to use a bullhorn to fight the powers that be, I say thank you, Cindy.

  4. Liberal Elite says:

    Here’s a really interesting piece by the conservative columnist, David Brooks, about where the real debate on health care and global warming, etc. should lie. It should probably be up-posted by a contributor.

    “Bentham vs. Hume”

    And he’s exactly right.

    If the conservatives really want to fight against big government and big government programs, they need to embrace the carbon tax and health insurance exchanges…

  5. cassandra_m says:

    UK supermarket chain pulls its ads from UK Murdoch network.

    And a complainer got an apology from the supermarket, too:

    An angry Waitrose shopper who emailed the chain to express his distaste over its decision “to be associated with this particular form of rightwing cant” received an apology last week.

  6. RSmitty says:

    My father-and-mother-in-law are living in the house “temporarily.”

    They sold their house and had a time-gap before the next one. Sounds reasonable to open up, right? They have barely looked for the next one.

    He’s an alcoholic, chain smoker, and a diabetic that barely takes his medicine. I have had the unfortunate experience of bringing him out of shock just enough to bridge the gap for an ambulance to arrive a few years back (the 911 operator guided me as I had no clue). How crazy was it? I was shoving strawberry ice cream down his throat, in lieu of him not having maple syrup or real sugar in his house…you know, because he’s an alcoholic diabetic.

    I just got the kids to bed about 30 minutes ago…the Mrs is off with her mother at theater practice (you better be going to the show!). I went upstairs and took about 20 minutes to get all three to sleep. I come down and he managed to slam S-I-X cans of piss Busch in that time. Oh, he’s also on some prescription med for severe pain that he has. Guess what much of his body pain is from? Read earlier, it has something to do with his other problem. So, prescription meds and six cans of piss water in twenty minutes. Go find a fucking house, you tool.

    Ah, the smoking. He slips into the first floor bathroom where the “vent” fan is a filter, NOT a vent to the outside. Dumbdrunkass thinks he can use that fan to hide his smoking in the house. Busted. Calls me a “mother fucker.” I slap the cigarette out of his skin-peeling wrinkled mouth and right into the toilet. He looks at me like I am supposed to be scared, but now being the father-bear, sorta-speak, I stare him right out the back door…for his next cig. Go find a fucking house, you tool.

    He doesn’t do this shit when his internet-addicted wife is here, nor not as bad when the Mrs Smitty is here. I can’t wait until their show is over, but I don’t blame them, it’s not their fault. All I can say is, go find a fucking house, you tool.

    Oh, the 17-year-old Italian Greyhound that has outlived his lifespan by eons. Blind, deaf, arthritic, can barely walk. Drunk, chain-smoking, diabetic alcoholic refuses to take him to the vet, because we all know what the vet will recommend. He seriously won’t do it. The poor animal is in pain, he still won’t do it. Selfish, drunk, chain-smoking, diabetic alcoholic. Oh yeah, the dog can’t really control his bladder, either. By miracle, he picks the dog up and gets him out of the house in time, save once or twice. Those once or twice moments, very concentrated ammonia smell. Go to the vet and then find a fucking house, you tool.

    Man, open threads can be therapeutic!

    How’s everyone else’s day?

  7. DV uses the blog for therapy, why not Smitty as well?

  8. RSmitty says:

    As if DV really needed any further reason to try to be C&S, he can read my comment.

    Taking DV out of the context, because I don’t see him this way, I just don’t get the mind of an addicted alcoholic. The destruction is beyond self, it has tremendous collateral damage to it. I guess most addictions are similar, and I don’t intend to diminish one for the other, but I see the alcoholism right now. Given that it’s in my house for the first time, I want to purge it like a teen ager does a zit. *POP* Go to the vet and then find a fucking house, you tool.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Why Not?

    I think that if I had relatives like this they would be living in a tent in the backyard.

    But it does sound like you are going to be really ready for the next Drinking Liberally, tho.

    As for my day — I’m still fighting allergies and this is just No Fun.

  10. RSmitty says:

    It’s drinking liberally in my house every day now…or is that liberally drinking? None of which has any political undertones, of course.

  11. RSmitty says:

    If anyone around here is remotely a baseball fan beyond the Phillies and you don’t have TBS on right now, you are missing one hell of a one-game-playoff between the Tigers and Twins. Bot of 11th, still tied.

  12. That was a helluva game. Of course, the Skanks get to pick over the Twins’ tired carcass tom’w. Couldn’t they have switched games on Sunday when it became clear that there was a tie to have Boston/Angels open on Wednesday? After all, it was neither the Twins/Tigers’ fault that the Metrodome was unavailable on Monday due to the NFL game.

  13. RSmitty says:

    Yeah, Som, I was saying the same thing about the Twins enjoying their moment now to the drunk, chain-smoking, diabetic alcoholic infesting my home. The Yanks will pick their sleeping arses apart. Effing Yankees.

    Oh, don’t ask about logic when it comes to MLB scheduling. They don’t know a damn thing about logic. Both home PHI games at 2:27. 🙄

    Back to the Skankees, is it me or has Posada become a whiny bitch this year? He’s now apparently miffed that Molina will be catching Burnett in the playoffs. I guess he missed watching the video of him being a jackass on pitch calling everytime he caught Burnett, but the absolute chemistry between Burnett and Molina. Yuck. I just complimented someone…no, TWO people on the Yankees. Cripe, I need a shower!