Reason #1 To Defeat Mike Castle

Filed in National by on October 7, 2009

1. Delaware needs a Democratic Senator. 

With Tom Carper (who is ‘torn’ by the Castle announcement) and Mike Castle in the Senate, Delaware would essentially have no Democratic representation in that body. Just two corporate apologists/whores. 

The lazy media has somehow allowed the word ‘moderate’ to apply to those who unapologetically defend corporate hegemony against the rights of everyone else.

Granted, Castle and Carper are ‘moderate’ on social issues. But the simple fact that they are not social wingnuts in no way makes them moderates.

They are both bagmen for corporate interests, period. And they both deliver corporate bang for the buck. For all intents and purposes, they are the same person. We cannot afford two people so at odds with the needs of average Delawareans to ‘represent’ us in DC.

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  1. RICO says:

    Great Slogan!

    Vote for Biden!
    He’s not a corporate whore like Biden, Carper and Castle!

  2. mike hunt says:

    Vote for Biden!
    He’s not a corporate whore like Biden, Carper and Castle!

    or like his father….

  3. Cheap shots. Funny, but cheap. AKA my kind of humor.

    Anyone who has read my posts knows that I am not endorsing the Beaudhisattva (although the song gets two giant ‘bulo thumbs-up):

    I hate the idea of legacy candidates, at least until or unless they demonstrate that they are worthy on their own accord.

    But if it’s Castle vs. Biden, and issues like the public option and Supreme Court nominees hang in the balance, I reserve the right to support him.

    However, we’re not there yet.

  4. Geezer says:

    What ES said.

  5. PBaumbach says:

    Let’s not fail to identify the elephant in the room–incumbency and family legacies are the direct result of our election financing system, which requires large war chests that are happily filled by corporate special interests rather than the voters’ common interests. This is only aggravated by our ‘beauty contest’ culture (American Idol, anyone), where name recognition is more important to the majority of voters than the candidate’s platforms and experience.

    While Obama ran a hybrid campaign that enabled (depended upon) grass roots support of money and effort, and you could argue that this tipped the scale in the state primary in Markell’s favor, we haven’t seen a non-corporate-shill (of either party) elected by Delaware to US House or Senate in recent memory.

    Kaufman is a great senator for our state precisely because he didn’t run, won’t run, and has no use for corporate contributions to his campaign warchest.

  6. I don’t know how Castle can be much better. Yes, he’s not promoting a dynasty but he’s a huge benificiary of the Delaware Way. I don’t see this as much different than a family dynasty.

  7. Supreme Court nominees


  8. Delaware Patriot says:

    The winner yesterday was Mike Castle, the loser was the republican party. Castle and his cronies have been the downfall of the party. Now, we will get four more years of total incompetence.

    Castle will now vote for cap and trade and other bad policies.

    The other sad part was the Congressional candidates by Copeland. He mentioned Vance Phillips, Alan Levin and Greg Lavelle. All would lose very badly to Carney.

    For those of new to politics we are saddened the same old people and same old games are being played at our expense. The Delaware Way is bad for Delaware and good for career politicians.

  9. RSmitty says:

    DP – are you, by chance, one of the “purgers/purifiers?” You know, from the eff-you-if-you-are-a-RINO crowd?

  10. Anon says:

    Great post ES. Very to the poiint.

  11. delacrat says:

    PBaumbach on 7 October 2009 at 11:32 am:

    “Kaufman is a great senator for our state….”

    Huh ??? You think that Afghan movie set / war games he helped bankroll in Indiana is “great” ?

  12. Von Cracker says:

    My new favorite phrase is “Corporate Communism”.

    Carper and Castle are comrades in this regard.