Delaware Liberal


We saw national and local winguts rend their own flesh when the United States lost the bid to host the Summer Olympics in 2016 and, on Friday morning, we watched again as these same wingnuts spit blood and other bile as the President of the United States was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Somebody in the Obama White House must have seen Zombieland and made the connection between mindless zombies and hysterical wingnuts as the Administration has just implemented Rule Number 2: Double Tap. In the movie, when killing a zombie, one must shoot a zombie twice to make sure that it is dead, hence “double tap”.

This weekend I came across two stories which will surely double tap a wingnut mornonically watching Fox News: a new plan that will not jail illegal immigrants when apprehended and the President’s recent assurances that Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell will end.

Has the Obama Administration realized that the Republican Party and its association with those who live in Wingnutland have lost all credibility with the U.S. population at large? Are we witnessing the beginning of the Obama Administration double tapping the wingnuts on a regular basis?

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