
Filed in National by on October 11, 2009

We saw national and local winguts rend their own flesh when the United States lost the bid to host the Summer Olympics in 2016 and, on Friday morning, we watched again as these same wingnuts spit blood and other bile as the President of the United States was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Somebody in the Obama White House must have seen Zombieland and made the connection between mindless zombies and hysterical wingnuts as the Administration has just implemented Rule Number 2: Double Tap. In the movie, when killing a zombie, one must shoot a zombie twice to make sure that it is dead, hence “double tap”.

This weekend I came across two stories which will surely double tap a wingnut mornonically watching Fox News: a new plan that will not jail illegal immigrants when apprehended and the President’s recent assurances that Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell will end.

Has the Obama Administration realized that the Republican Party and its association with those who live in Wingnutland have lost all credibility with the U.S. population at large? Are we witnessing the beginning of the Obama Administration double tapping the wingnuts on a regular basis?

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Rebecca says:

    Most non-engaged American voters have forgotten how the Rethugs went after Bill Clinton. Those who do remember thought is was petty, vindictive, wasted tax-payer money, and we elected him to a second term anyway. Once again they are singing from the same hymnal, except this time it looks petty, vindictive, wasteful and RACIST. Given the demographic shift in this country in the past ten years the Rethugs are making an awful lot of people angry with their attack-attack-24-7 program. And, as usual, the left wing can be counted on to stroke our chins and allow as how they just might have a point. Reality folks — Obama just received a great honor. Yes, it was because of what he believes and not what he has accomplished in eight months. That doesn’t make it less honorable but recognizes that his core values are right. Sheesh!

  2. Rebecca,

    You are so right! Most people seem to have forgotten how awful Bush was as a president. They’ve also forgotten all these bank bailouts happened under Bush. Do the wingnuts think Obama gave the Peace Prize to himself? They didn’t even bother to read the Nobel committee’s reasoning or listen to Obama’s extremely humble and appropriate speech. They have no excuse I posted it right here at DL. No everything with them is just full-on crazy.

    I do think the wingnut overreacting to everything will hurt them. We do see that Republicans’ popularity is still terrible and only 1/3 of voters think Republicans have any kind of plan for healthcare.

  3. And to think that Obama was supposed to be a uniter, not a divider.

  4. nemski says:

    Bwah ha ha ha ha, RWR. The Republican Party has been the Party of No since prior to Jan 20th. You have no business even making that comment.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Since Obama is doing pretty OK among everybody but the wingnuts, it seems that RWR is here with one more clueless attempt at a jibe. But then again, he is one more of our own personal examples of the mindless zombies and hysterical wingnuts busily working at scaring the bejesus out of everybody but just looking like clowns to the rest of us.

    But hey! Keep hope alive! You might get there one day….

  6. Yeah, these numbers sure make it look like Obama is doing great with the American public as a whole.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    And it’s Rasmussen. Oh goody.

    And today you need to go figure out what a cross tab is and why this particular comeback of yours is as clueless as the rest.

  8. Actually, cassie dear, I probably understand what a crosstab is better than you do, having been involved in polling work at an earlier stage of my life.

    And i know that you hate Rasmussen. Still, you can’t argue with the numbers.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    You can argue with the numbers. Especially since you haven’t provided the complete picture of those numbers. A thing you would know if you knew what a cross tab was.

    But I see you are working harder at your mindless zombie and hysterical wingnut merit badge — you don’t have to keep working this hard for us to know that you are a stone idiot. We’ve known that for a long time. No need to keep working at it.

  10. Here are numbers.

    9.8 % unemployment
    $1.4 trillion budget shortfall
    tripling of money supply
    20-60k troop increase in Afghanistan
    0% increase in NATO help in Afghanistan
    record tax increase in January

    Mike Protack

  11. Geezer says:

    “And i know that you hate Rasmussen. Still, you can’t argue with the numbers.”

    Actually, you can. As you can learn by checking their methodology, and as Rasmussen himself acknowldges, Rasmussen overpolls REpublicans because they’re more likely to vote. That works for election polls, but it overweighs REpublican opinion in polls that supposedly measure “public” opinion.

    “Here are numbers.”

    Yes, Protack, you should ignore the polling numbers, because your own record of lying about where you stood in polls is staggering. I remember when you thought polls showed you winning a race you lost 75-25.

  12. Geezer says:

    Here’s a number:

    Clueless wannabe Republican candidates for statewide office who waste their time trolling here: 1

  13. Progressive Mom says:

    The FlufferNutter short version:

    It’s been 9 months!!! Why isn’t the economy fixed, the Taliban banished, and that immigration “problem” solved???? Because he’s a socialist.

    It’s only been 9 months!!! Why a Nobel Peace Prize???? Because he’s a socialist.