It really is a great idea

Filed in National by on October 11, 2009


Don’t even get me started on the amount of money it must take to run the vatican.  Around 1:40 is where the truth really hurts if you ask me.

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hiding in the open

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  1. You will be the biggest hero in the history of…ever.

  2. Donviti says:

    and get tons of pussy

  3. Maby Obama can use his Nobel cash to buy health insurance for some uninsured families. You know, spend his own money on what he says is a priority, rather than mine.

    And maybe then he’ll get tons of pussy, since i doubt he is now, due to his lack of substantive accomplishments.

  4. Donviti says:

    put some gin with that bitter, it will go down easier. Besides, 1mm isn’t going to buy any policy