Delaware Liberal

Wednesday Open Thread

What up?

I know that’s the name of a blog that you totally wanted to use. Well, it’s too late – Michael Steele has taken it. For real.

The RNC has a new website. It’s communist red and the URL of Michael Steele’s blog is “/chairman_steele”. Steele’s blog is called “What up?”, and it certainly hasn’t been the RNC’s website, which has been mostly down today. Its “future leaders” page is empty. They were apparently too embarrassed to put Sarah Palin on it.

The new site features Jackie Robinson as a “GOP hero”, even though Robinson was a registered independent who had this to say about the Republican Party after attending the 1964 Republican convention:

That convention was one of the most unforgettable and frightening experiences of my life. The hatred I saw was unique to me because it was hatred directed against a white man. It embodied a revulsion for all he stood for, including his enlightened attitude towards black people.

A new breed of Republicans had taken over the GOP. As I watched this steamroller operation in San Francisco, I had a better understanding of how it must have felt to be a Jew in Hitler’s Germany.

And as far as those heroes are concerned, they also include Earl Warren (he of the “activist Warren court”) and José Celso Barbosa, father of the Puerto Rican statehood movement. Glad to see Republicans aboard that bandwagon!

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