Serious QoTD

Filed in National by on October 15, 2009

What is the Dems Ideology?


Bonus: How have the dems supported those ideological beliefs as a party?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Belief in an activist government that provides a social safety net for the people is the most basic principle for a Democrat. The ideology can be liberal, progressive, moderate or fiscal conservative.

  2. Dana says:

    1 – Get elected and re-elected.
    2 – See number 1.

  3. wikwox says:

    Hatred of Supply Side Economics and the Social Conservative agenda along with the Social Safety Net fo an activist government.

  4. Rebecca says:


    We don’t hate Supply Side Economics but we are realistic about it –it is total fail.

    We don’t hate Social Conservatives but find their goal of turning our country into a theocracy Unconstitutional.

    I don’t understand the rest of that but please don’t bother to explain.

  5. Duffy says:

    1. All good flows from the government.
    2. Government has the right to deprive you of as much of your wealth or income as they see fit. Be happy we let you keep something
    3. Punish achievement and reward those who rely on government
    4. Ignore individuals. People are only to be seen according to what group they belong to.
    5. Religion is banned from the public square.
    6. America must be liked by the world. If this requires a meek foreign policy, all the better
    7. America is not exceptional or even all that great. We must forever focus on our sins rather than our greatness
    8. Anyone who disagrees with us is not just wrong but evil.