Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 24, 2009

Thread it up!

LOL! Another Republican push poll fail.

So Faux News is the queen of whining victimhood. They are a real news station, they are! Maybe not so much…

Friends and associates have encouraged him [Fox News founder and CEO Roger Ailes] to run, POLITICO reported earlier Friday.

“Ailes knows how to frame an issue better than anybody, and that’s what we need now,” said one friend of the Fox founder, chairman and CEO.

Frank Luntz, the well-known Republican pollster, said Ailes would be a force if he made the run.

“I have known Roger Ailes for 29 years,” says Luntz. “No one knows how to win better than Roger.”

For your edification, this is Roger Ailes:

Way to prove you’re not a legitimate news organization Fox! Hey, also thanks for proving that all other news organizations are in the tank for you. Good job!

Fox News and rightwing radio explained:

A new study suggests a possible reason: People with extreme views seem more willing to share their opinions than others, but only if they believe, even falsely, that their views are popular.


That situation can set up a self-feeding cycle that promotes the voicing of extreme views on one side of an issue and causes moderate and even extremists on the other side to stay relatively quiet.

“When people with extreme views have this false sense that they are in the majority, they are more willing to express themselves,” said Kimberly Rios Morrison, co-author of the study and assistant professor of communication at Ohio State University. Those who take the extreme version of their group’s viewpoint may believe that they actually represent the true views of their group, Morrison figures.

I call it the squeaky wheel gets the most grease phenomenon.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Fox Noise and its defenders got their outrage on the other day when FOX apparently reported that one of their reporters was left out of an interview with Ken Feinberg. They added in some additional heroics from the other reporters on the scene who refused to go on until FOX was included. Given today’s cable cycles and the fct that no such solidarity existed when BushCo was excluding the NYT or NBC at various times, that didn’t sound quite right to me, but hey. Apparently, leaving out FOX Noise was a mistake, and the reporters were speaking up about the mistake — no first amendment heroics involved.

    Love this, tho:

    but the White House adds that if they had left Fox out it would be a case of “Not that there’s anything wrong with that!”

  2. nemski says:

    A really really small horse. Really.

  3. Progressive Mom says:

    The Fluffernutter moment of the weekend is brought to you by….

    Justice Clarence Thomas, who really doesn’t agree with Article II of the U.S Constitution (the “advise and consent” clause on justices). He believes it is “dangerous”.

    “I think the confirmation process is both unnecessary, it’s uninformed with respect to what the court actually does and it’s very dangerous,” he told law students at the University of Alabama.

    Gee — what happened to that conservative mantra about “original intent” (Look up original intent in wikipedia, and Thomas’ name appears first!).

  4. RSmitty says:

    Oh my. ACE tells Delaware and New Jersey to go fuck themseleves and Ed Rendell bellies up to his personal buffet as a result. Nah, people really don’t matter, so long as revenues go up up up. Eff Rendell, doesn’t he have an Eagles game to analyze?

  5. anon says:

    Justice Thomas has a point – the confirmation process certainly got it wrong in his case.

  6. Jason330 says:

    Smitty, Let me be the first to offer a too crazy to consider conspiracy theory. Knowing that Beau could come out looking like a hero, Joe gets with Fast Eddie and says, “If you act like a total d-bag on this I can make it pay off for you.”

    Ooops…A nutbag NJ commenter already beat me to it.

  7. George Will writes a column praising Michele Bachmann. What has happened to the snobby Republican intellectual elite? He also includes this line:

    She is, however, a petite pistol that occasionally goes off half-cocked.

    Steve Benen rounds up some of her greatest hits (and these are just this year):

    But in the bigger picture, that George Will feels compelled to devote a column in praise of Bachmann suggests Will is a truly hopeless case. She’s the type of unhinged right-wing lawmaker Will should be condemning, not encouraging. We are, after all, talking about a lawmaker who thinks FDR passed “Hoot-Smalley” and caused the Depression. She thinks a bipartisan national service bill will lead to “re-education camps.” She doesn’t know what a global reserve currency is, so she keeps rating about “one-world currency.” She thinks the U.S. Census may lead to “internment camps.” She recently labeled school medical clinics as “sex clinics” (twice). She also recently urged her supporters to slit their wrists.

  8. Jason330 says:

    The wingnut intellegensia has bought into the victimology of the right at the same high level that the hayseed rubes in Sussex County have bough into it. Instead of brandishing guns, bibles and teabags – they have columns in Newsweek and the NYT.

  9. lizard says:

    sounds like “Manufactured Outrage” is the new “talking points”

  10. lizard says:

    CBS exposes Obama administration lies about blocking Fox News
    Examiner ^ | 10/24/09 | Kevin Hall

    Feinberg interviews turn networks against Obama administration

    The Obama administration now claims it did not try to exclude Fox News from Thursday’s round of network interviews with pay czar Ken Feinberg. A treasury department spokesperson claimed, “There was no plot to exclude Fox News, and they had the same interview that their competitors did. Much ado about absolutely nothing”.

    Unfortunately for the Obama administration, four other networks are fully aware of the situation and have proof that the treasury department is lying. Fox did have the same interview as their competitors, only because the other networks came to FNC’s defense. They refused to do the interviews with Feinberg unless Fox was given the same opportunity.

    Fox News Channel is not the only network reporting on this story. CBS Evening News with Katie Couric did a full length story on the ongoing feud, with reporter Chip Reid describing the other networks’ decision to standup to the White House bullying. “All the networks said that’s it, you’ve crossed the line,” Reid reported.

    CBS Report:

  11. Progressive Mom says:

    Could someone check upstairs? I think the baby is crying….