Michelle’s Mob

Filed in National by on November 5, 2009

Michelle Bachmann is gathering a mob today to try to intimidate members of Congress in hopes of derailing the health care reform bill. Is it a coincidence that she scheduled this protest on Guy Fawkes Day?

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) appeared on the Glenn Beck radio show today to promote her big protest event tomorrow — in which she will bring “freedom fighters” directly into the halls of Congress to pressure members to vote against the Democrats’ health care bill.

“This is really the 11th hour, when we’re calling people to come to D.C. It’s not inevitable that Speaker Pelosi’s health care government takeover is going to pass,” said Bachmann. “And that’s why the number one thing people can do is actually come, see their member of Congress, look at them in the eyes — especially with other freedom fighters in tow — and let them know that the lessons of August they should not forget, at their peril.”

Wacky Michelle said she would personally lead tea parties to Senator Blanche Lincoln’s office. I’m sure Lincoln will find some other place to be, but her poor, poor staffers. As you expect, the paranoia is rampant:

A few moments ago Fox News host Andrew Napolitano told Bachmann that “a friend in the American intelligence community” suggested to him that Nancy Pelosi might mount some sort of Capitol Hill security clampdown to stop the Tea Party event. (The idea apparently is that Pelosi would instruct Capitol security to become so onerous that, in essence, no one would be able to get into the building. Note to Tea Partiers: The Capitol building is not a 2nd Amendment zone.)

Not surprisingly Bachmann rose to the bait, telling Napolitano that it would be a “big mistake” for Pelosi to use her power to sabotage the Tea Party.

The Republican party is not discouraging the protest and some are even praising the event:

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) took to the House floor last night to promote Rep. Michele Bachmann’s (R-MN) march on Capitol Hill tomorrow (And inside the hallways, as well!) against the Democrats’ health care proposals. And King compared the Americans For Prosperity buses that will be bringing people to the protest to none other than that famous patriot of the American Revolution, Paul Revere.

I love how the teabaggers have such a humble perspective. Anyway, I think this event is likely to backfire. It’s not quite the same thing as an angry citizen trying to talk to their member of Congress at a public meeting. This is an angry group trying to come into their offices. I guess it will depend on how sympathetically the media portrays the protestors. The fun starts at noon today.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. anon says:

    President Obama: “Grab a mop”

    Republicans: “Grab a mob”

  2. pandora says:

    And her language is typical.

    I think that will absolutely scare these members of Congress so much that Pelosi will not get the votes and it will kill the bill. I think it could be dead for 10 years. Why won’t we? Why won’t we go for broke?”

    And a tad threatening.

    “You can turn the anger on her,” Bachmann said. “It is not Michele Bachmann’s fault” if the activists are angry tomorrow – “it is Speaker Pelosi’s.”

  3. You know something’s screwy when conservatives go 3rd person or passive voice.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Because 3rd person and passive voice give you deniability.

  5. I’m reading that some Republican members of Congress plan on attending. That should be interesting. In related news, Michelle Bachmann’s Chief of Staff quit abruptly yesterday.

    A conservative Republican House member, speaking on the condition of anonymity, suggested that Bachmann’s views — and her willingness to state them — make it hard for her to keep staff.

    “When your captain’s crazy, it’s time to find a new ship,” the lawmaker said.

  6. Brooke says:

    She doesn’t use 3rd person for deniability. She uses 3rd person because sometimes the voices in her head want the sound-bite all to themselves.

  7. pandora says:

    So, given her “it’s not my fault” disclaimer… who’s to blame if something happens?

  8. It’s the Democrats’ fault, of course, for trying to pass health care reform.

  9. lizard says:

    Happy Guy Fawkes Day
    Syracuse.com ^ | November 05, 2009 | Josh Shear

    In case you needed an excuse to have a couple of cold ones, burn stuff and light fireworks, look no further. November 5 is Guy Fawkes Day.

    On November 5, 1605, England held a celebration for the opening of Parliament. Guy Fawkes tried to spark a revolution by blowing up the building – and the royal family along with it – in what is known as the Gunpowder Plot (PDF) .

    The plot was foiled when one of Fawkes’s co-conspirators sent a letter to a friend telling the friend to stay away from Parliament that night. The letter was intercepted and Fawkes was found in the basement of Parliament getting ready to light the fuse on several dozen barrels of gunpowder.

    He was tortured for a list of his co-conspirators, and was hanged in January of 1606.

    Fawkes was born a Protestant but converted to Catholicism at a time when Catholics were persecuted in England. He hoped to incite the country to revolution in an attempt to gain equal (or better) recognition for Catholics (read more from the BBC).

    Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated by burning effigies of Fawkes in a communal bonfire, and by setting off Fireworks.

  10. lizard says:

    looks like both sides are out protesting today:

    [LEFTIST] Protestors Arrested at Lieberman’s Office

    ABC News ^ | 11/-5/2009 | Z. Byron Wolf
    It is protest day, for the Left and the Right, on Capitol Hill. First out of the gate – 9 Protesters backing a universal health care system briefly occupied Sen. Joe Lieberman’s office this morning. Protesters were arrested, one by one, and dragged out of his office amid chants of “Everyone in and noone out, universal healthcare now!” and “Represent Connecticut, not AETNA!”