Health Care Reform News

Filed in National by on November 6, 2009

Yesterday while Michelle Bachmann’s mob gathered at the capital to once again compare health care reform to nazism, the White House announced some key endorsements of the House health care reform bill: the AARP, the American Cancer Society and the AMA. So, will the Blue Dogs listen to these groups that represent millions of Americans or are their weak knees still knocking together because some Republicans won in an election this week? We’ll find out soon because the House could vote on the bill as soon as tomorrow.

In other health care reform news, the CBO released their analysis of the uni-partisan Republican health care bill. As you probably expected, it’s not pretty:

The Congressional Budget Office has concluded that under the $61 billion Republican amendment to the House health care bill, the number of uninsured Americans would increase to 52 million by 2019, but deficits would decrease by $68 billion over the 2010–2019 period. The bill could slightly reduce premiums for Americans who purchase coverage independently.

See, it is possible to get a plan that is worse than the status-quo.

Meanwhile, some tea partiers paid a visit to our senator:

About 50 protesters visited Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE), his office said. In other offices, some dropped off literature, some staged sit-ins.

I doubt we need to worry about the tea partiers influencing Senator Carper unless they came with buckets of cash.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Mike Castle is leaning towards voting “no” on hcr. Color me shocked.

    If I were Christine O’Donnell right now, I’d be really angry:

    Warning against defections, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele told ABC on Thursday that GOP 2010 candidates who live in moderate to slightly liberal districts “have got to walk a little bit carefully” and not cross the line on conservative principles “because we’ll come after you.”

    But political experts say such threats won’t apply to Castle, who is running for Senate in 2010 to fill the remainder of Vice President Joe Biden’s term. He is considered his party’s best hope against Biden’s son, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, who is expected to run.

    “Castle is in the unusual — and enviable — position of being able to decide for himself what to do,” said Stuart Rothenberg, editor and publisher of the Rothenberg Political Report. “Conservatives can huff and puff, but Mike Castle is the only game in Delaware for them, and they would dearly love to win Biden’s old seat and beat the vice president’s [son] in the process.”

    Castle is not even on the radar for the purgers.

  2. Bill Dunn says:

    “Yesterday while Michelle Bachmann’s mob gathered at the capital to once again compare health care reform to nazism,”

    I read that and almost busted my gut.

    Someone has to tell the Radical Right, “That dog just won’t hunt!”


  3. Bill,

    I’m pretty sure that would qualify as a pre-existing condition. 😈 😀

  4. anon says:

    FYI if you don’t follow the links, Grayson looked at the numbers of how many people die because they have no health insurance, then he calculated how many would die in each Republican district and read out the names of the Congressman and the number of dead. Delaware’s share was 90 dead.

    Of course, if Castle splits that with Carper each will be accountable for only 45 dead.