Delaware Liberal

Cantor’s Inappropriate Response To Dachau Photo

He says the photos are inappropriate.

Inappropriate?  Like wearing white after Labor Day?  What an insipid little word to describe that disgusting display.  And since he belongs to the party of “death panels” and “HCR will kill grandma” I know he has it in him to do better than inappropriate.  I also know why he didn’t.

Fear.  Woe be it to the Republican who dares to criticize the fringe for there in lies their destruction.

He was also asked about the right’s use of Hitler in attacking Obama.

“Do I condone the mention of Hitler in any discussion about politics?” said Cantor, who is the only Jewish Republican in Congress. “No, I don’t, because obviously that is something that conjures up images that frankly are not, I think, very helpful.”

Not very helpful?  This guy is one gutsy verbal firecracker.  He also just ventured into Limbaugh territory, which should prove interesting – since Rush isn’t the sort to apologize for anything.  He receives the apologizes, thank you very much.  So will Cantor end up going down the path of every other Republican who dared to criticize the party leader by going down on his knees and begging for forgiveness?

I hope not.  The entire Tea Party/Conservative movement has gotten completely out of control.  There simply is no rational discussion to be had with this group.  Seriously, how do you debate Health Care policy (and there’s plenty to debate) with people whose only response is death panels, Socialist, it will destroy America, Commie Lib and Dachau?

The truth is… there’s no policy discussion to be had with the protesters because they don’t know policy.  And there’s no debate to be had with elected Republican officials because they have no policy.   And when you got nothing I guess you play the Hitler card.

But the Dachau photo crossed every line imaginable.  Republicans need to strongly condemn it, and not because they’re about to lose another voting bloc (Jewish Conservatives) but because it was so very, very wrong and hateful.  Also, it is past time for the GOP to rein in their fringe because the rhetoric has escalated to unforseeable levels.  I’m really not sure what they could do or say to top their recent antics, I only know that they will.

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